module SpreadBase # :nodoc: # Currently generic helper class # module Helpers # Safe alternative to "[ instance ] * repeats", which returns an array filled with the same instance, which is a recipe for a disaster # # The instance is duplicated Object#clone, when necessary - note that this method is not meant to do a deep copy. # def make_array_from_repetitions(instance, repetitions) (1..repetitions).inject([]) do | cumulative_result, i | case instance when Integer, Float, BigDecimal, Date, Time, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass #, DateTime is a Date cumulative_result << instance when String, Array cumulative_result << instance.clone else raise "Unsupported class: #{ }" end end end # Prints the 2d-array in a nice, fixed-space table # # _params_: # # +rows+:: 2d-array of values. # Empty arrays generate empty strings. # Entries can be of different sizes; nils are used as filling values to normalize the rows to the same length. # # _options_: # # +row_prefix+:: Prefix this string to each row. # +with_header+:: First row will be separated from the remaining ones. # def pretty_print_rows(rows, options={}) row_prefix = options[:row_prefix] || '' with_headers = options[:with_headers] output = "" if rows.size > 0 max_column_sizes = [0] * # Compute maximum widths rows.each do | values | values.each_with_index do | value, i | formatted_value = pretty_print_value(value) formatted_value_width = formatted_value.chars.to_a.size max_column_sizes[i] = formatted_value_width if formatted_value_width > max_column_sizes[i] end end # Print! output << row_prefix << '+-' + { | size | '-' * size }.join('-+-') + '-+' << "\n" print_pattern = '| ' + { | size | "%-#{ size }s" }.join(' | ') + ' |' rows.each_with_index do | row, row_index | # Ensure that we always have a number of values equal to the max width # formatted_row_values = (0...max_column_sizes.size).map do | column_index | value = row[column_index] pretty_print_value(value) end output << row_prefix << print_pattern % formatted_row_values << "\n" if with_headers && row_index == 0 output << row_prefix << '+-' + { | size | '-' * size }.join('-+-') + '-+' << "\n" end end output << row_prefix << '+-' + { | size | '-' * size }.join('-+-') + '-+' << "\n" end output end private def pretty_print_value(value) case value when BigDecimal value.to_s('F') when Time, DateTime value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') when String, Date, Numeric, TrueClass, FalseClass value.to_s when nil "NIL" else value.inspect end end end end