require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper') class SectionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup super @site = Site.first @section = @site.sections.first @new_section = => @site, :title => 'a test section', :parent_id => @unpublished_section = Section.find_by_title('an unpublished section') end test "acts as a role context for the moderator role" do Section.should act_as_role_context(:roles => :moderator) end test "serializes its actual permissions" do Section.serialized_attributes.keys.should include('permissions') end test "has an option :contents_per_page" do lambda{ @section.contents_per_page }.should_not raise_error end test "serialize the option :contents_per_page to the database" do @section.instance_variable_set(:@options, nil); @section.reload @section.contents_per_page.should == Section.option_definitions[:contents_per_page][:default] @section.contents_per_page = 20; @section.reload @section.contents_per_page.should == 20 end test "has a permalink generated from the title" do Category.should have_permalink(:title) @section.title = 'new section title' @section.permalink = nil @section.send(:ensure_unique_url) @section.permalink.should == 'new-section-title' end test "acts as a nested set" do Section.should act_as_nested_set end test "has many comments" do Section.should have_many_comments end test "instantiates with single table inheritance" do Section.should instantiate_with_sti end test "has a comments counter" do Section.should have_counter(:comments) end test "belongs to a site" do @section.should belong_to(:site) end test "has many articles" do @section.should have_many(:articles) end test "has many categories" do @section.should have_many(:categories) end # categories association test "categories#roots returns all categories that do not have a parent category" do mock(@section.categories).find(:all, hash_including(:conditions => { :parent_id => nil })) @section.categories.roots end # callbacks test "sets the comment age before validation" do Section.before_validation.should include(:set_comment_age) end test "updates the path before save" do Section.before_save.should include(:update_path) end # validations # FIXME ... seems to break with install_controller#index # test "validates the presence of a site" do # @section.should validate_presence_of(:site) # end test "validates the presence of a title" do @section.should validate_presence_of(:title) end test "validates the uniqueness of the permalink per site" do @section.should validate_uniqueness_of(:permalink, :scope => :site_id) end # CLASS METHODS test "Section.types returns a collection of registered Section types" do Section.types.should include('Page') end test "Section.register_type adds a Section type to the type collection" do Section.register_type('Galerie') Section.types.should include('Galerie') end test "Section.register_type should not shift 'Page' from the top position" do Section.register_type('123-foo-bar') Section.types.first.should == 'Page' end # PUBLIC INSTANCE METHODS test "#type returns 'Page' for a Page" do s = Page.create!(:title => 'title', :site => @site) s.type.should == 'Page' end test "#owner returns the site" do @section.owner.should == @site end test "#tag_counts returns the tag_counts for this site's content's tags" do mock(Content).tag_counts(:conditions => "section_id = #{}") @section.tag_counts end # FIXME # test "#render_options should be specified but looks pretty uncomprehensible right now" test "#root_section? returns true if this section is the site's root section" do @site.sections.root.should be_root_section => @site).should_not be_root_section end test "#accept_comments? is true when comments are not 'not-allowed' (-1) (see comment_expiration_options)" do @section.comment_age = 0 @section.should accept_comments end test "#accept_comments? is false when comments are 'not-allowed' (-1) (see comment_expiration_options)" do @section.comment_age = -1 @section.should_not accept_comments end test "#state returns :pending if section isn't published" do page = => @site, :single_article_mode => false) page.update_attribute(:published_at, nil) page.move_to_child_of(@section) page.state.should == :pending page.published_at = 2.days.from_now page.state.should == :pending end test "#state returns :published if section is published" do page = => @site, :single_article_mode => false) page.move_to_child_of(@section) page.published_at = 2.days.ago page.state.should == :published end test "#published? is always true for root section" do @section.published_at = nil @section.should be_published end test "#published? is true when published_at is set to a date in the past" do page = => @site, :single_article_mode => false) page.move_to_child_of(@section) page.published_at = 2.days.ago page.should be_published end test "#published? is false when published_at is not set or set to a date in the future" do page = => @site, :single_article_mode => false) page.move_to_child_of(@section) page.published_at = nil page.should_not be_published page.published_at = 2.days.from_now page.should_not be_published end # TODO - check if necessary - could (or should) be implemented on controller level test "#published? is true if all ancestors are published too" do # TODO: nested set bug? # section = => @site, :parent => parent_section, :published_at => 2.days.ago, :single_article_mode => false) section = => 'test section', :site => @site, :published_at => 2.days.ago, :single_article_mode => false) section.move_to_child_of(@section) section.published?(true).should be_true end test "#published? is false if any ancestor is not published" do # TODO: nested set bug? # section = => @site, :parent => parent_section, :published_at => 2.days.ago, :single_article_mode => false) section = => @site, :published_at => 2.days.ago, :single_article_mode => false) section.move_to_child_of(@unpublished_section) section.published?(true).should be_false end test "#published= sets published_at to current time if set to 1 and published_at is blank" do stub(Time).now { Time.local(2009, 5, 20, 12, 0, 0) } section = => false) section.published_at = nil section.published = '1' section.published_at.should == Time.local(2009, 5, 20, 12, 0, 0) end test "#published= sets published_at to nil if set to 0" do section = => false) section.published_at = 2.days.ago section.published = '0' section.published_at.should be_nil end # PROTECTED INSTANCE METHODS test "#set_comment_age sets the comment_age to -1 if it's not already set" do @section.comment_age = nil @section.send(:set_comment_age) @section.comment_age.should_not be_nil end test "#set_comment_age does not change an already set comment_age" do @section.comment_age = 99 @section.send(:set_comment_age) @section.comment_age.should == 99 end test "#update_path rebuilds the section's path when the permalink has changed" do # grrr ... can't stub dynamic methods with RR # stub(@section).permalink_changed?.returns(true) stub(@section).attribute_changed?('permalink').returns(true) mock(@section).build_path.returns('the-new-path') @section.send(:update_path) @section.path.should == 'the-new-path' end test "#build_path builds a path by joining self and anchestor permalinks with '/'" do section = bunch_of_nested_sections! section.send(:build_path).should == "home/about/location" end test "#update_paths moves a new section to a child of its parent and updates the section paths" do assert_equal @section, @new_section.parent end test "publish sections by default" do assert_equal true, @new_section.published end test "publish sections by default, but respect user set published_at time" do time = Time.local(2009, 5, 20, 12, 0, 0) @new_section.published_at = time assert_equal time, @new_section.published_at end test "#update_paths should not lose the title of the section while moving the section - a bug fix" do unnested_section = => @site, :title => 'unnested section') assert_equal 'unnested section', unnested_section.title assert assert_equal 'unnested section', unnested_section.title assert_equal 'a test section', @new_section.title assert assert_equal 'a test section', @new_section.title end # NESTED SET test "initializes the lft and rgt attributes" do home, about, location = *bunch_of_sections! expected = [about.lft - 2, about.rgt - 2, location.lft - 2, location.rgt - 2] [home.lft, home.rgt, about.lft, about.rgt].should == expected end def bunch_of_sections! home = @site.sections.create!(:title => 'homepage', :permalink => 'home') about = @site.sections.create!(:title => 'about us', :permalink => 'about') location = @site.sections.create!(:title => 'how to find us', :permalink => 'location') [home, about, location] end def bunch_of_nested_sections! home, about, location = *bunch_of_sections! about.move_to_child_of(home) location.move_to_child_of(about) location end end