== 0.1.4 2009-12-10 * konversation moved to git == 0.1.3 2009-11-28 * Add some links to the homepage with documentation * kdevelop/kdevplatform moved to extragear for the kde recipe == 0.1.2 2009-11-28 * Add support for Shared-desktop-ontologies. * Switch the qt tracking branch to master. * Build phonon from kdesupport for now. It is currently needed because of some recent pulseaudio related changes which makes it a requirement event for those of us which do not need pulseaudio. * Add attica because it is needed for knewstuff3. == 0.1.1 2009-11-19 * No changes == 0.1.0 2009-11-19 * Major rewrite * Substitute the yaml format for a tailormade file format with handmade lexer and parser * This release is a major backstep in case of functionality but it is usable for everyday use. == 0.0.3 2009-07-07 * New commands: * ctags - Create tags file for module(s) * compile - Just compile the module(s) * configure - Just configure the module(s) * install - install the module(s) * fetch - Only fetch remote changes. Do not update only if vcs supports it. * rebase - Rebase the checkout against already fetched remote changes. This command will not fetch. * info - Print out some usefule information about a module. * Example Config File * Set PKG_CONFIG_PATH * Fix lensfun receipt * Fix some packages and orders * General Bugfixing * Fix subversion repository initialization. * Improve the documentation strings == 0.0.2 2009-06-14 * Improved example configuration file * Checkout the 4.5 version by default. Not trunk. * Some bugfixes * Make sure the build directory exists, THEN call bootstrap. * Show the options for subcommands in the help texts * Improvement * Add option "remote-branch" for git-svn. Default to master * Break out of the program on SIGBREAK. Not only out of the currently * build module. == 0.0.1 2009-06-04 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release (test) * The only currently supported command is build. It's possible to compile a complete kde session using it with nearly no manual intervention. If your system has the deveopment requirements met for kde.