1.32.1 08/12/2015

expose identities in models

1.32.0 07/02/2015

fix/refactor service initializers

1.31.1 06/17/2015

fixes around unknown providers/services

1.31.0 06/17/2015

use relative paths
add digital ocean examples
reinstate baremetal
add softlayer examples
add digital ocean v2 support
setup fog model equality to check identities (if available)
use Fog.interval in wait_for
reduce memory footprint
fix account handling

1.30.0 04/02/2015

bump excon dep
use float times, instead of integers for Fog::Time
don't raise if final wait_for yield true
fix bug around formatador and #map on models
fix around `to_time` to avoid conflicts with Rails monkey patches
update specs
update style
fix `WhitelistKeys` for 1.8.7
remove unreachable code
convert hash helpers to minispec
fix require order for coverage
fix ruby 2.2 warning
bump excon dependency
fix readme link

1.29.0 02/19/2015

minor refactoring
add ability to add additional user agent info to requests

1.28.0 01/30/2015

add Fog::Baremetal

1.27.4 01/26/2015

model fix for new formatador usage
fixes around formatador delegation

1.27.3 12/01/2014

rubocop fixes for fog collection
simpler ruby version checking/skipping
fix requires_one

1.27.2 18/12/2014

fix several requires in service abstraction code

1.27.1 12/12/2014

fix typo in model load paths fix

1.27.0 12/12/2014

return fog/bin stuff to fog/fog
add support for multiple request/model load paths

1.26.0 12/02/2014

remove rackspace logic
use new travis builds
fix error handling around credential fetch
move fog/bin stuff to fog-core
fix circular reference in collection.rb

1.25.0 11/18/2014

add alias options for associations
improve spec message
add feature to overwrite keys on hash of attributes generation
remove method_missing from model
add rubocop
fix rubocop warnings
return collections on association getters
fix require bug in service
put fog and fog-core versions in user agent
don't mutate/destroy encoding in get_body_size
fix error output in from const_get usage
separate to have distinct version from fog

1.24.0 08/26/2014

fixes for defaulting attributes
add method for getting all attributes
add methods for associations
add all_attributes, all_associations and all_associations_and_attributes helper methods
remove no-longer-needed gem update on travis
add all_values
fixes to avoid path conflicts with fog/fog

1.23.0 07/16/2014

attribute whitelisting
abstract out stringify for possible reuse
more specific naming
add path_prefix
fix time conversion to work with XMLRPC
add more specific per-type attribute tests
lock down rest-client for 1.8.7
allow namespace flipflop for dns
fix identity lookup
better default attribute value setting
bump excon

1.22.0 04/17/2014 1c086852e40e4c1ad7ed138834e4a1505ddb1416

attribute whitelisting
abstract out stringify for possible reuse
more specific naming
add path_prefix
fix time conversion to work with XMLRPC
add more specific per-type attribute tests
lock down rest-client for 1.8.7
allow namespace flipflop for dns
fix identity lookup
better default attribute value setting
bump excon

1.22.0 04/17/2014 1c086852e40e4c1ad7ed138834e4a1505ddb1416


1.21.1 03/18/2014 3a803405ba60ded421f4bd14677cd3c76cb7e6ab

remove json/xml modules and code
add travis/coveralls
update from upstream
bump/loosen excon dependency