class Parser options no_result_var rule stmt : query { [val[0], nil, nil] } | query RUBY_SCRIPT { [val[0], :ruby, val[1]] } | query SHELL_SCRIPT { [val[0], :shell, val[1]] } | query GT STRING_VALUE { [val[0], :overwrite, val[2]] } | query GTGT STRING_VALUE { [val[0], :append, val[2]] } | RUBY_SCRIPT { [struct(:NULL), :ruby, val[0]] } | SHELL_SCRIPT { [struct(:NULL), :shell, val[0]] } query : show_stmt | alter_stmt | use_stmt | create_stmt | drop_stmt | describe_stmt | select_stmt | scan_stmt | get_stmt | update_stmt | delete_stmt | insert_stmt | next_stmt show_stmt : SHOW TABLES limit_clause like_clause { struct(:SHOW_TABLES, :limit => val[2], :like => val[3]) } | SHOW TABLE STATUS like_clause { struct(:SHOW_TABLE_STATUS, :like => val[3]) } | SHOW REGIONS { struct(:SHOW_REGIONS) } | SHOW CREATE TABLE IDENTIFIER { struct(:SHOW_CREATE_TABLE, :table => val[3]) } like_clause : | LIKE STRING_VALUE { val[1] } alter_stmt : ALTER TABLE IDENTIFIER capacity_clause { struct(:ALTER_TABLE, :table => val[2], :index_name => nil, :capacity => val[3], :stream => nil) } | ALTER TABLE IDENTIFIER stream_clause { struct(:ALTER_TABLE, :table => val[2], :index_name => nil, :capacity => nil, :stream => val[3]) } | ALTER TABLE IDENTIFIER capacity_clause stream_clause { struct(:ALTER_TABLE, :table => val[2], :index_name => nil, :capacity => val[3], :stream => val[4]) } | ALTER TABLE IDENTIFIER stream_clause capacity_clause { struct(:ALTER_TABLE, :table => val[2], :index_name => nil, :capacity => val[4], :stream => val[3]) } | ALTER TABLE IDENTIFIER CHANGE INDEX IDENTIFIER capacity_clause { struct(:ALTER_TABLE, :table => val[2], :index_name => val[5], :capacity => val[6]) } use_stmt : USE IDENTIFIER { struct(:USE, :endpoint_or_region => val[1]) } | USE STRING { struct(:USE, :endpoint_or_region => val[1]) } create_stmt : CREATE TABLE IDENTIFIER '(' create_definition ')' capacity_stream_clause { struct(:CREATE, val[4].merge(:table => val[2], :capacity => val[6][:capacity], :stream => val[6][:stream])) } | CREATE TABLE IDENTIFIER LIKE IDENTIFIER { struct(:CREATE_LIKE, :table => val[2], :like => val[4], :capacity => nil, :stream => nil) } | CREATE TABLE IDENTIFIER LIKE IDENTIFIER stream_clause { struct(:CREATE_LIKE, :table => val[2], :like => val[4], :capacity => nil, :stream => val[5]) } | CREATE TABLE IDENTIFIER LIKE IDENTIFIER capacity_stream_clause { struct(:CREATE_LIKE, :table => val[2], :like => val[4], :capacity => val[5][:capacity], :stream => val[5][:stream]) } capacity_stream_clause : capacity_clause { {:capacity => val[0], :stream => nil} } | capacity_clause stream_clause { {:capacity => val[0], :stream => val[1]} } | stream_clause capacity_clause { {:capacity => val[1], :stream => val[0]} } stream_clause : STREAM EQ BOOL { val[2] } | STREAM EQ stream_view_type { val[2] } stream_view_type : NEW_IMAGE | OLD_IMAGE | NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES | KEYS_ONLY create_definition : IDENTIFIER attr_type_list HASH { {:hash => {:name => val[0], :type => val[1]}, :range => nil, :indices => nil} } | IDENTIFIER attr_type_list HASH ',' index_definition_list { {:hash => {:name => val[0], :type => val[1]}, :range => nil, :indices => val[4]} } | IDENTIFIER attr_type_list HASH ',' IDENTIFIER attr_type_list RANGE { {:hash => {:name => val[0], :type => val[1]}, :range => {:name => val[4], :type => val[5]}, :indices => nil} } | IDENTIFIER attr_type_list HASH ',' IDENTIFIER attr_type_list RANGE ',' index_definition_list { {:hash => {:name => val[0], :type => val[1]}, :range => {:name => val[4], :type => val[5]}, :indices => val[8]} } attr_type_list : STRING { 'S' } | NUMBER { 'N' } | BINARY { 'B' } capacity_clause : READ EQ NUMBER_VALUE ',' WRITE EQ NUMBER_VALUE { {:read => val[2], :write => val[6]} } | WRITE EQ NUMBER_VALUE ',' READ EQ NUMBER_VALUE { {:read => val[6], :write => val[2]} } | strict_capacity_clause strict_capacity_clause : READ EQ NUMBER_VALUE WRITE EQ NUMBER_VALUE { {:read => val[2], :write => val[5]} } | WRITE EQ NUMBER_VALUE READ EQ NUMBER_VALUE { {:read => val[5], :write => val[2]} } index_definition_list : index_definition { [val[0]] } | index_definition_list ',' index_definition { val[0] + [val[2]] } index_definition : INDEX IDENTIFIER '(' IDENTIFIER attr_type_list ')' index_type_definition { {:name => val[1], :key => val[3], :type => val[4], :projection => val[6]} } | GLOBAL INDEX IDENTIFIER '(' global_index_keys ')' index_type_definition { {:name => val[2], :keys => val[4], :projection => val[6], :global => true} } | GLOBAL INDEX IDENTIFIER '(' global_index_keys ')' index_type_definition strict_capacity_clause { {:name => val[2], :keys => val[4], :projection => val[6], :capacity => val[7], :global => true} } global_index_keys : IDENTIFIER attr_type_list { {:hash => {:key => val[0], :type => val[1]}} } | IDENTIFIER attr_type_list ',' IDENTIFIER attr_type_list { { :hash => {:key => val[0], :type => val[1]}, :range => {:key => val[3], :type => val[4]}, } } index_type_definition : ALL { {:type => 'ALL'} } | KEYS_ONLY { {:type => 'KEYS_ONLY'} } | INCLUDE '(' index_include_attr_list ')' { {:type => 'INCLUDE', :attrs => val[2]} } index_include_attr_list : IDENTIFIER { [val[0]] } | index_include_attr_list ',' IDENTIFIER { val[0] + [val[2]] } drop_stmt : DROP TABLE identifier_list { struct(:DROP, :tables => val[2]) } describe_stmt : DESCRIBE IDENTIFIER { struct(:DESCRIBE, :table => val[1]) } | DESC IDENTIFIER { struct(:DESCRIBE, :table => val[1]) } select_stmt : SELECT attrs_to_get FROM IDENTIFIER use_index_clause select_where_clause having_clause order_clause limit_clause { struct(:SELECT, :attrs => val[1], :table => val[3], :index => val[4], :conds => val[5], :having => val[6], :order_asc => val[7], :limit => val[8], :count => false) } | SELECT COUNT '(' '*' ')' FROM IDENTIFIER use_index_clause select_where_clause having_clause order_clause limit_clause { struct(:SELECT, :attrs => [], :table => val[6], :index => val[7], :conds => val[8], :having => val[9], :order_asc => val[10], :limit => val[11], :count => true) } scan_stmt : SELECT ALL attrs_to_get FROM IDENTIFIER scan_where_clause limit_clause { struct(:SCAN, :attrs => val[2], :table => val[4], :conds => val[5], :limit => val[6], :count => false, :segment => nil, :total_segments => nil) } | SELECT ALL COUNT '(' '*' ')' FROM IDENTIFIER scan_where_clause limit_clause { struct(:SCAN, :attrs => [], :table => val[7], :conds => val[8], :limit => val[9], :count => true, :segment => nil, :total_segments => nil) } | SELECT NUMBER_VALUE '/' NUMBER_VALUE attrs_to_get FROM IDENTIFIER scan_where_clause limit_clause { struct(:SCAN, :attrs => val[4], :table => val[6], :conds => val[7], :limit => val[8], :count => false, :segment => val[1], :total_segments => val[3]) } get_stmt : GET attrs_to_get FROM IDENTIFIER update_where_clause { struct(:GET, :attrs => val[1], :table => val[3], :conds => val[4]) } attrs_to_get: '*' { [] } | attrs_list { val[0] } attrs_list : IDENTIFIER { [val[0]] } | attrs_list ',' IDENTIFIER { val[0] + [val[2]] } use_index_clause : | USE INDEX '(' IDENTIFIER ')' { val[3] } select_where_clause : | WHERE select_expr_list { val[1] } select_expr_list : select_expr { [val[0]] } | select_expr_list AND select_expr { val[0] + [val[2]] } select_expr : IDENTIFIER select_operator value { [val[0], val[1].to_s.upcase.to_sym, [val[2]]] } | IDENTIFIER BETWEEN value AND value { [val[0], val[1].to_s.upcase.to_sym, [val[2], val[4]]] } select_operator : common_operator common_operator : EQ { :EQ } | LE { :LE } | LT { :LT } | GE { :GE } | GT { :GT } | BEGINS_WITH scan_where_clause : | WHERE scan_expr_list { val[1] } scan_expr_list : scan_expr { [val[0]] } | scan_expr_list AND scan_expr { val[0] + [val[2]] } scan_expr : IDENTIFIER scan_operator value { [val[0], val[1].to_s.upcase.to_sym, [val[2]]] } | IDENTIFIER IN value_list { [val[0], val[1].to_s.upcase.to_sym, val[2]] } | IDENTIFIER BETWEEN value AND value { [val[0], val[1].to_s.upcase.to_sym, [val[2], val[4]]] } | IDENTIFIER IS null_operator { [val[0], val[2].to_s.upcase.to_sym, []] } scan_operator : common_operator | contains_operator | NE { :NE } contains_operator : CONTAINS | NOT CONTAINS { :NOT_CONTAINS } null_operator : NULL { :NULL } | NOT NULL { :NOT_NULL } order_clause : | ORDER ASC { true } | ORDER DESC { false } limit_clause : | LIMIT NUMBER_VALUE { val[1] } having_clause : | HAVING scan_expr_list { val[1] } update_stmt : UPDATE IDENTIFIER set_or_add attr_to_update_list update_where_clause { struct(:UPDATE, :table => val[1], :action => val[2], :attrs => val[3], :conds => val[4]) } | UPDATE ALL IDENTIFIER set_or_add attr_to_update_list scan_where_clause limit_clause { struct(:UPDATE_ALL, :table => val[2], :action => val[3], :attrs => val[4], :conds => val[5], :limit => val[6]) } | UPDATE IDENTIFIER delete_or_del identifier_list update_where_clause { attrs = {} val[3].each {|i| attrs[i] = true } struct(:UPDATE, :table => val[1], :action => val[2], :attrs => attrs, :conds => val[4]) } | UPDATE ALL IDENTIFIER delete_or_del identifier_list scan_where_clause limit_clause { attrs = {} val[4].each {|i| attrs[i] = true } struct(:UPDATE_ALL, :table => val[2], :action => val[3], :attrs => attrs, :conds => val[5], :limit => val[6]) } set_or_add : SET { :PUT } | ADD { :ADD } delete_or_del : DELETE { :DELETE } | DEL { :DELETE } attr_to_update_list : attr_to_update { [val[0]] } | attr_to_update_list ',' attr_to_update { val[0] + [val[2]] } attr_to_update : IDENTIFIER EQ value { [val[0], val[2]] } update_where_clause : WHERE update_expr_list { val[1] } update_expr_list : update_expr { [val[0]] } | update_expr_list AND update_expr { val[0] + [val[2]] } update_expr : IDENTIFIER EQ value { [val[0], val[2]] } delete_stmt : DELETE FROM IDENTIFIER update_where_clause { struct(:DELETE, :table => val[2], :conds => val[3]) } | DELETE ALL FROM IDENTIFIER scan_where_clause limit_clause { struct(:DELETE_ALL, :table => val[3], :conds => val[4], :limit => val[5]) } insert_stmt : INSERT INTO IDENTIFIER '(' attr_to_insert_list ')' VALUES insert_value_clause { struct(:INSERT, :table => val[2], :attrs => val[4], :values => val[7]) } | INSERT INTO IDENTIFIER select_stmt { struct(:INSERT_SELECT, :table => val[2], :select => val[3]) } | INSERT INTO IDENTIFIER scan_stmt { struct(:INSERT_SCAN, :table => val[2], :select => val[3]) } attr_to_insert_list : identifier_list insert_value_clause : '(' insert_value_list ')' { [val[1]] } | insert_value_clause ',' '(' insert_value_list ')' { val[0] + [val[3]] } insert_value_list : value { [val[0]] } | insert_value_list ',' value { val[0] + [val[2]] } next_stmt : NEXT { struct(:NEXT) } value : single_value | value_list | list | map | BOOL | NULL list : '[' ']' | '[' list_items ']' { val[1] } list_items : value { [val[0]] } | list_items ',' value { val[0] + [val[2]] } map : '{' '}' { {} } | '{' map_items '}' { val[1] } map_items : map_item | map_items ',' map_item { val[0].merge(val[2]) } map_item : IDENTIFIER ':' value { {val[0] => val[2]} } | STRING_VALUE ':' value { {val[0] => val[2]} } single_value : NUMBER_VALUE | STRING_VALUE | BINARY_VALUE value_list : '(' number_list ')' { val[1] } | '(' string_list ')' { val[1] } | '(' binary_list ')' { val[1] } number_list : NUMBER_VALUE { Set[val[0]] } | number_list ',' NUMBER_VALUE { val[0] + Set[val[2]] } string_list : STRING_VALUE { Set[val[0]] } | string_list ',' STRING_VALUE { val[0] + Set[val[2]] } binary_list : BINARY_VALUE { Set[val[0]] } | binary_list ',' BINARY_VALUE { val[0] + Set[val[2]] } identifier_list : IDENTIFIER { [val[0]] } | identifier_list ',' IDENTIFIER { val[0] + [val[2]] } ---- header require 'strscan' require 'ddbcli/ddb-binary' require 'set' module DynamoDB ---- inner KEYWORDS = %w( ADD ALL ALTER AND ASC BEGINS_WITH BETWEEN BINARY CHANGE CREATE CONTAINS COUNT DELETE DEL DESCRIBE DESC DROP FROM GET GLOBAL HASH HAVING INCLUDE INDEX INSERT INTO IN IS KEYS_ONLY LIKE LIMIT NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES NEW_IMAGE NEXT NOT NUMBER OLD_IMAGE ORDER RANGE READ REGIONS SELECT SET SHOW STATUS STREAM STRING TABLES TABLE UPDATE VALUES WHERE WRITE USE ) KEYWORD_REGEXP = Regexp.compile("(?:#{KEYWORDS.join '|'})\\b", Regexp::IGNORECASE) def initialize(obj) src = obj.is_a?(IO) ? : obj.to_s @ss = end @@structs = {} def struct(name, attrs = {}) unless (clazz = @@structs[name]) clazz = attrs.empty? ? :, *attrs.keys) @@structs[name] = clazz end obj = attrs.each do |key, val| obj.send("#{key}=", val) end return obj end private :struct def scan tok = nil @prev_tokens = [] until @ss.eos? if (tok = @ss.scan /\s+/) # nothing to do elsif (tok = @ss.scan /(?:>>|<>|!=|>=|<=|>|<|=)/) sym = { '>>' => :GTGT, '<>' => :NE, '!=' => :NE, '>=' => :GE, '<=' => :LE, '>' => :GT, '<' => :LT, '=' => :EQ, }.fetch(tok) yield [sym, tok] elsif (tok = @ss.check KEYWORD_REGEXP) and !~ /\A\w/ tok = @ss.scan KEYWORD_REGEXP yield [tok.upcase.to_sym, tok] elsif (tok = @ss.check /NULL/i) and !~ /\A\w/ tok = @ss.scan /NULL/i yield [:NULL, nil] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /`(?:[^`]|``)*`/) yield [:IDENTIFIER, tok.slice(1...-1).gsub(/``/, '`')] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /x'(?:[^']|'')*'/) #' hex = tok.slice(2...-1).gsub(/''/, "'") bin =[hex].pack('H*')) yield [:BINARY_VALUE, bin] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /x"(?:[^"]|"")*"/) #" hex = tok.slice(2...-1).gsub(/""/, '"') bin =[hex].pack('H*')) yield [:BINARY_VALUE, bin] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /'(?:[^']|'')*'/) #' yield [:STRING_VALUE, tok.slice(1...-1).gsub(/''/, "'")] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /"(?:[^"]|"")*"/) #" yield [:STRING_VALUE, tok.slice(1...-1).gsub(/""/, '"')] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /\d+(?:\.\d+)?/) yield [:NUMBER_VALUE, (tok =~ /\./ ? tok.to_f : tok.to_i)] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /[,\(\)\*\/\[\]\{\}:]/) yield [tok, tok] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /\|(?:.*)/) yield [:RUBY_SCRIPT, tok.slice(1..-1)] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /\|(?:.*)/) yield [:RUBY_SCRIPT, tok.slice(1..-1)] elsif (tok = @ss.scan /\!(?:.*)/) yield [:SHELL_SCRIPT, tok.slice(1..-1)] elsif (tok = @ss.scan %r|[-.0-9a-z_]*|i) if ['true', 'false'].include?(tok) yield [:BOOL, 'true' == tok] else yield [:IDENTIFIER, tok] end else raise_error(tok, @prev_tokens, @ss) end @prev_tokens << tok end yield [false, ''] end private :scan def raise_error(error_value, prev_tokens, scanner) errmsg = ["__#{error_value}__"] if prev_tokens and not prev_tokens.empty? toks = prev_tokens.reverse[0, 5].reverse toks.unshift('...') if prev_tokens.length > toks.length errmsg.unshift(toks.join.strip) end if scanner and not (rest = ( || '').strip).empty? str = rest[0, 16] str += '...' if rest.length > str.length errmsg << str end raise Racc::ParseError, ('parse error on value: %s' % errmsg.join(' ')) end private :raise_error def parse yyparse self, :scan end def on_error(error_token_id, error_value, value_stack) raise_error(error_value, @prev_tokens, @ss) end def self.parse(obj) end ---- footer end # DynamoDB