require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper') describe "RulesEngine::Process::Runner" do describe "setting the auditor" do it "should set the auditor as a instance of a class" do mock_auditor = mock('mock_auditor') RulesEngine::Process.auditor = mock_auditor RulesEngine::Process.auditor.should == mock_auditor end it "should set the auditor to the database plan auditor" do RulesEngine::Process.auditor = :db_auditor RulesEngine::Process.auditor.should be_instance_of(RulesEngine::Process::DbAuditor) end end describe "getting the auditor" do it "should get the default auditor when not set" do RulesEngine::Process.auditor = nil RulesEngine::Process.auditor.should be_instance_of(RulesEngine::Process::Auditor) end end describe "auditing a message" do before(:each) do @auditor = end describe "rails logger defined" do before(:each) do # Rails = mock("Rails") @mock_logger = mock('Logger') @mock_logger.stub!(:error) @mock_logger.stub!(:info) Rails.stub(:logger).and_return(@mock_logger) end it "should not audit if perform_audit? false" do @mock_logger.should_not_receive(:error) @auditor.stub!(:perform_audit?).and_return(false) @auditor.audit(1001, "failure", RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_FAILURE) end it "should wite to the error log for error audit messaged" do @mock_logger.should_receive(:error) @auditor.audit(1001, "failure", RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_FAILURE) end it "should wite to the info log for success audit messaged" do @mock_logger.should_receive(:info) @auditor.audit(1001, "failure", RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_SUCCESS) end it "should wite to the info log for info audit messaged" do @mock_logger.should_receive(:info) @auditor.audit(1001, "failure", RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_INFO) end end describe "rails logger not defined" do before(:each) do Rails.stub(:logger).and_return(nil) end it "should wite to the $stderr" do $stderr.should_receive(:puts) @auditor.audit(1001, "failure") end end end describe "getting the audit history" do it "should return a hash " do auditor = auditor.history(1001, {}).should be_instance_of(Hash) end it "should return an array of audits" do auditor = auditor.history(1001, {})["audits"].should be_instance_of(Array) end end describe "perform_audit" do before(:each) do @auditor = end it "should be true if audit_level is not set " do @auditor.audit_level = nil @auditor.perform_audit?(RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_INFO).should == true end it "should be false if audit_level is AUDIT_NONE " do @auditor.audit_level = RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_NONE @auditor.perform_audit?(RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_INFO).should == false end it "should be true if audit_level is AUDIT_INFO " do @auditor.audit_level = RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_INFO @auditor.perform_audit?(RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_INFO).should == true end it "should be false if audit_level is AUDIT_SUCCESS " do @auditor.audit_level = RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_SUCCESS @auditor.perform_audit?(RulesEngine::Process::AUDIT_INFO).should == false end end end