/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include #include #include #include /* * A structure that wraps the public/private data needed to sign an authenticated AWS request */ struct aws_credentials { struct aws_allocator *allocator; struct aws_atomic_var ref_count; struct aws_string *access_key_id; struct aws_string *secret_access_key; struct aws_string *session_token; /* * A timepoint, in seconds since epoch, at which the credentials should no longer be used because they * will have expired. * * * The primary purpose of this value is to allow providers to communicate to the caching provider any * additional constraints on how the sourced credentials should be used (STS). After refreshing the cached * credentials, the caching provider uses the following calculation to determine the next requery time: * * next_requery_time = now + cached_expiration_config; * if (cached_creds->expiration_timepoint_seconds < next_requery_time) { * next_requery_time = cached_creds->expiration_timepoint_seconds; * * The cached provider may, at its discretion, use a smaller requery time to avoid edge-case scenarios where * credential expiration becomes a race condition. * * The following leaf providers always set this value to UINT64_MAX (indefinite): * static * environment * imds * profile_config* * * * - profile_config may invoke sts which will use a non-max value * * The following leaf providers set this value to a sensible timepoint: * sts - value is based on current time + options->duration_seconds * */ uint64_t expiration_timepoint_seconds; struct aws_ecc_key_pair *ecc_key; }; /* * Credentials API implementations */ struct aws_credentials *aws_credentials_new( struct aws_allocator *allocator, struct aws_byte_cursor access_key_id_cursor, struct aws_byte_cursor secret_access_key_cursor, struct aws_byte_cursor session_token_cursor, uint64_t expiration_timepoint_seconds) { if (access_key_id_cursor.ptr == NULL || access_key_id_cursor.len == 0) { aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return NULL; } if (secret_access_key_cursor.ptr == NULL || secret_access_key_cursor.len == 0) { aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return NULL; } struct aws_credentials *credentials = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, sizeof(struct aws_credentials)); if (credentials == NULL) { return NULL; } AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*credentials); credentials->allocator = allocator; aws_atomic_init_int(&credentials->ref_count, 1); credentials->access_key_id = aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, access_key_id_cursor.ptr, access_key_id_cursor.len); if (credentials->access_key_id == NULL) { goto error; } credentials->secret_access_key = aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, secret_access_key_cursor.ptr, secret_access_key_cursor.len); if (credentials->secret_access_key == NULL) { goto error; } if (session_token_cursor.ptr != NULL && session_token_cursor.len > 0) { credentials->session_token = aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, session_token_cursor.ptr, session_token_cursor.len); if (credentials->session_token == NULL) { goto error; } } credentials->expiration_timepoint_seconds = expiration_timepoint_seconds; return credentials; error: aws_credentials_release(credentials); return NULL; } static void s_aws_credentials_destroy(struct aws_credentials *credentials) { if (credentials == NULL) { return; } if (credentials->access_key_id != NULL) { aws_string_destroy(credentials->access_key_id); } if (credentials->secret_access_key != NULL) { aws_string_destroy_secure(credentials->secret_access_key); } if (credentials->session_token != NULL) { aws_string_destroy_secure(credentials->session_token); } aws_ecc_key_pair_release(credentials->ecc_key); aws_mem_release(credentials->allocator, credentials); } void aws_credentials_acquire(const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { if (credentials == NULL) { return; } aws_atomic_fetch_add((struct aws_atomic_var *)&credentials->ref_count, 1); } void aws_credentials_release(const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { if (credentials == NULL) { return; } size_t old_value = aws_atomic_fetch_sub((struct aws_atomic_var *)&credentials->ref_count, 1); if (old_value == 1) { s_aws_credentials_destroy((struct aws_credentials *)credentials); } } struct aws_byte_cursor aws_credentials_get_access_key_id(const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { return aws_byte_cursor_from_string(credentials->access_key_id); } struct aws_byte_cursor aws_credentials_get_secret_access_key(const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { return aws_byte_cursor_from_string(credentials->secret_access_key); } static struct aws_byte_cursor s_empty_session_token_cursor = { .ptr = NULL, .len = 0, }; struct aws_byte_cursor aws_credentials_get_session_token(const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { if (credentials->session_token != NULL) { return aws_byte_cursor_from_string(credentials->session_token); } return s_empty_session_token_cursor; } uint64_t aws_credentials_get_expiration_timepoint_seconds(const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { return credentials->expiration_timepoint_seconds; } struct aws_ecc_key_pair *aws_credentials_get_ecc_key_pair(const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { return credentials->ecc_key; } struct aws_credentials *aws_credentials_new_from_string( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_string *access_key_id, const struct aws_string *secret_access_key, const struct aws_string *session_token, uint64_t expiration_timepoint_seconds) { struct aws_byte_cursor access_key_cursor = aws_byte_cursor_from_string(access_key_id); struct aws_byte_cursor secret_access_key_cursor = aws_byte_cursor_from_string(secret_access_key); struct aws_byte_cursor session_token_cursor; AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(session_token_cursor); if (session_token) { session_token_cursor = aws_byte_cursor_from_string(session_token); } return aws_credentials_new( allocator, access_key_cursor, secret_access_key_cursor, session_token_cursor, expiration_timepoint_seconds); } struct aws_credentials *aws_credentials_new_ecc( struct aws_allocator *allocator, struct aws_byte_cursor access_key_id, struct aws_ecc_key_pair *ecc_key, struct aws_byte_cursor session_token, uint64_t expiration_timepoint_in_seconds) { if (access_key_id.len == 0 || ecc_key == NULL) { return NULL; } struct aws_credentials *credentials = aws_mem_calloc(allocator, 1, sizeof(struct aws_credentials)); if (credentials == NULL) { return NULL; } credentials->allocator = allocator; credentials->expiration_timepoint_seconds = expiration_timepoint_in_seconds; aws_atomic_init_int(&credentials->ref_count, 1); aws_ecc_key_pair_acquire(ecc_key); credentials->ecc_key = ecc_key; credentials->access_key_id = aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, access_key_id.ptr, access_key_id.len); if (credentials->access_key_id == NULL) { goto on_error; } if (session_token.ptr != NULL && session_token.len > 0) { credentials->session_token = aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, session_token.ptr, session_token.len); if (credentials->session_token == NULL) { goto on_error; } } return credentials; on_error: s_aws_credentials_destroy(credentials); return NULL; } struct aws_credentials *aws_credentials_new_ecc_from_aws_credentials( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_credentials *credentials) { struct aws_ecc_key_pair *ecc_key = aws_ecc_key_pair_new_ecdsa_p256_key_from_aws_credentials(allocator, credentials); if (ecc_key == NULL) { return NULL; } struct aws_credentials *ecc_credentials = aws_credentials_new_ecc( allocator, aws_credentials_get_access_key_id(credentials), ecc_key, aws_credentials_get_session_token(credentials), aws_credentials_get_expiration_timepoint_seconds(credentials)); aws_ecc_key_pair_release(ecc_key); return ecc_credentials; } /* * global credentials provider APIs */ void aws_credentials_provider_destroy(struct aws_credentials_provider *provider) { if (provider != NULL) { provider->vtable->destroy(provider); } } void aws_credentials_provider_release(struct aws_credentials_provider *provider) { if (provider == NULL) { return; } size_t old_value = aws_atomic_fetch_sub(&provider->ref_count, 1); if (old_value == 1) { aws_credentials_provider_destroy(provider); } } void aws_credentials_provider_acquire(struct aws_credentials_provider *provider) { aws_atomic_fetch_add(&provider->ref_count, 1); } int aws_credentials_provider_get_credentials( struct aws_credentials_provider *provider, aws_on_get_credentials_callback_fn callback, void *user_data) { AWS_ASSERT(provider->vtable->get_credentials); return provider->vtable->get_credentials(provider, callback, user_data); }