# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) module Stripe class ApiResourceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase should "creating a new APIResource should not fetch over the network" do @mock.expects(:get).never Stripe::Customer.new("someid") end should "creating a new APIResource from a hash should not fetch over the network" do @mock.expects(:get).never Stripe::Customer.construct_from({ :id => "somecustomer", :card => {:id => "somecard", :object => "card"}, :object => "customer" }) end should "setting an attribute should not cause a network request" do @mock.expects(:get).never @mock.expects(:post).never c = Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer"); c.card = {:id => "somecard", :object => "card"} end should "accessing id should not issue a fetch" do @mock.expects(:get).never c = Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer") c.id end should "not specifying api credentials should raise an exception" do Stripe.api_key = nil assert_raises Stripe::AuthenticationError do Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer").refresh end end should "using a nil api key should raise an exception" do assert_raises TypeError do Stripe::Customer.list({}, nil) end assert_raises TypeError do Stripe::Customer.list({}, { :api_key => nil }) end end should "specifying api credentials containing whitespace should raise an exception" do Stripe.api_key = "key " assert_raises Stripe::AuthenticationError do Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer").refresh end end should "specifying invalid api credentials should raise an exception" do Stripe.api_key = "invalid" response = make_response(make_invalid_api_key_error, 401) assert_raises Stripe::AuthenticationError do @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 401)) Stripe::Customer.retrieve("failing_customer") end end should "AuthenticationErrors should have an http status, http body, and JSON body" do Stripe.api_key = "invalid" response = make_response(make_invalid_api_key_error, 401) begin @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 401)) Stripe::Customer.retrieve("failing_customer") rescue Stripe::AuthenticationError => e assert_equal(401, e.http_status) assert_equal(true, !!e.http_body) assert_equal(true, !!e.json_body[:error][:message]) assert_equal(make_invalid_api_key_error[:error][:message], e.json_body[:error][:message]) end end should "send expand on fetch properly" do @mock.expects(:get).once. with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/ch_test_charge?expand[]=customer", nil, nil). returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.retrieve({:id => 'ch_test_charge', :expand => [:customer]}) end should "preserve expand across refreshes" do @mock.expects(:get).twice. with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/ch_test_charge?expand[]=customer", nil, nil). returns(make_response(make_charge)) ch = Stripe::Charge.retrieve({:id => 'ch_test_charge', :expand => [:customer]}) ch.refresh end should "send expand when fetching through ListObject" do @mock.expects(:get).once. with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/c_test_customer", nil, nil). returns(make_response(make_customer)) @mock.expects(:get).once. with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/c_test_customer/sources/cc_test_card?expand[]=customer", nil, nil). returns(make_response(make_card)) customer = Stripe::Customer.retrieve('c_test_customer') customer.sources.retrieve({:id => 'cc_test_card', :expand => [:customer]}) end should "send stripe account as header when set" do stripe_account = "acct_0000" Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:stripe_account] == stripe_account end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.create({:card => {:number => '4242424242424242'}}, {:stripe_account => stripe_account, :api_key => 'sk_test_local'}) end should "not send stripe account as header when not set" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:stripe_account].nil? end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.create({:card => {:number => '4242424242424242'}}, 'sk_test_local') end should "handle error response with empty body" do response = make_response('', 500) @mock.expects(:post).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 500)) e = assert_raises Stripe::APIError do Stripe::Charge.create end assert_equal 'Invalid response object from API: "" (HTTP response code was 500)', e.message end should "handle error response with non-object error value" do response = make_response('{"error": "foo"}', 500) @mock.expects(:post).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 500)) e = assert_raises Stripe::APIError do Stripe::Charge.create end assert_equal 'Invalid response object from API: "{\"error\": \"foo\"}" (HTTP response code was 500)', e.message end should "have default open and read timeouts" do assert_equal Stripe.open_timeout, 30 assert_equal Stripe.read_timeout, 80 end should "allow configurable open and read timeouts" do original_timeouts = Stripe.open_timeout, Stripe.read_timeout begin Stripe.open_timeout = 999 Stripe.read_timeout = 998 Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:open_timeout] == 999 && opts[:timeout] == 998 end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.create({:card => {:number => '4242424242424242'}}, 'sk_test_local') ensure Stripe.open_timeout, Stripe.read_timeout = original_timeouts end end context "when specifying per-object credentials" do context "with no global API key set" do should "use the per-object credential when creating" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:authorization] == 'Bearer sk_test_local' end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.create({:card => {:number => '4242424242424242'}}, 'sk_test_local') end end context "with a global API key set" do setup do Stripe.api_key = "global" end teardown do Stripe.api_key = nil end should "use the per-object credential when creating" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:authorization] == 'Bearer local' end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.create({:card => {:number => '4242424242424242'}}, 'local') end should "use the per-object credential when retrieving and making other calls" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:url] == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/ch_test_charge" && opts[:headers][:authorization] == 'Bearer local' end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:url] == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/ch_test_charge/refunds" && opts[:headers][:authorization] == 'Bearer local' end.returns(make_response(make_refund)) ch = Stripe::Charge.retrieve('ch_test_charge', 'local') ch.refunds.create end end end context "with valid credentials" do should "send along the idempotency-key header" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:idempotency_key] == 'bar' end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.create({:card => {:number => '4242424242424242'}}, { :idempotency_key => 'bar', :api_key => 'local', }) end should "urlencode values in GET params" do response = make_response(make_charge_array) @mock.expects(:get).with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges?customer=test+customer", nil, nil).returns(response) charges = Stripe::Charge.list(:customer => 'test customer').data assert charges.kind_of? Array end should "construct URL properly with base query parameters" do response = make_response(make_invoice_customer_array) @mock.expects(:get).with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/invoices?customer=test_customer", nil, nil).returns(response) invoices = Stripe::Invoice.list(:customer => 'test_customer') @mock.expects(:get).with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/invoices?customer=test_customer&paid=true", nil, nil).returns(response) invoices.list(:paid => true) end should "a 400 should give an InvalidRequestError with http status, body, and JSON body" do response = make_response(make_missing_id_error, 400) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 404)) begin Stripe::Customer.retrieve("foo") rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e assert_equal(400, e.http_status) assert_equal(true, !!e.http_body) assert_equal(true, e.json_body.kind_of?(Hash)) end end should "a 401 should give an AuthenticationError with http status, body, and JSON body" do response = make_response(make_missing_id_error, 401) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 404)) begin Stripe::Customer.retrieve("foo") rescue Stripe::AuthenticationError => e assert_equal(401, e.http_status) assert_equal(true, !!e.http_body) assert_equal(true, e.json_body.kind_of?(Hash)) end end should "a 402 should give a CardError with http status, body, and JSON body" do response = make_response(make_missing_id_error, 402) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 404)) begin Stripe::Customer.retrieve("foo") rescue Stripe::CardError => e assert_equal(402, e.http_status) assert_equal(true, !!e.http_body) assert_equal(true, e.json_body.kind_of?(Hash)) end end should "a 404 should give an InvalidRequestError with http status, body, and JSON body" do response = make_response(make_missing_id_error, 404) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 404)) begin Stripe::Customer.retrieve("foo") rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e assert_equal(404, e.http_status) assert_equal(true, !!e.http_body) assert_equal(true, e.json_body.kind_of?(Hash)) end end should "a 429 should give a RateLimitError with http status, body, and JSON body" do response = make_response(make_rate_limit_error, 429) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 429)) begin Stripe::Customer.retrieve("foo") rescue Stripe::RateLimitError => e assert_equal(429, e.http_status) assert_equal(true, !!e.http_body) assert_equal(true, e.json_body.kind_of?(Hash)) end end should "setting a nil value for a param should exclude that param from the request" do @mock.expects(:get).with do |url, api_key, params| uri = URI(url) query = CGI.parse(uri.query) (url =~ %r{^#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges?} && query.keys.sort == ['offset', 'sad']) end.returns(make_response({ :count => 1, :data => [make_charge] })) Stripe::Charge.list(:count => nil, :offset => 5, :sad => false) @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params| url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == { 'amount' => ['50'], 'currency' => ['usd'] } end.returns(make_response({ :count => 1, :data => [make_charge] })) Stripe::Charge.create(:amount => 50, :currency => 'usd', :card => { :number => nil }) end should "requesting with a unicode ID should result in a request" do response = make_response(make_missing_id_error, 404) @mock.expects(:get).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/%E2%98%83", nil, nil).raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 404)) c = Stripe::Customer.new("☃") assert_raises(Stripe::InvalidRequestError) { c.refresh } end should "requesting with no ID should result in an InvalidRequestError with no request" do c = Stripe::Customer.new assert_raises(Stripe::InvalidRequestError) { c.refresh } end should "making a GET request with parameters should have a query string and no body" do params = { :limit => 1 } @mock.expects(:get).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges?limit=1", nil, nil). returns(make_response({ :data => [make_charge] })) Stripe::Charge.list(params) end should "making a POST request with parameters should have a body and no query string" do params = { :amount => 100, :currency => 'usd', :card => 'sc_token' } @mock.expects(:post).once.with do |url, get, post| get.nil? && CGI.parse(post) == {'amount' => ['100'], 'currency' => ['usd'], 'card' => ['sc_token']} end.returns(make_response(make_charge)) Stripe::Charge.create(params) end should "loading an object should issue a GET request" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer") c.refresh end should "using array accessors should be the same as the method interface" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer") c.refresh assert_equal c.created, c[:created] assert_equal c.created, c['created'] c['created'] = 12345 assert_equal c.created, 12345 end should "accessing a property other than id or parent on an unfetched object should fetch it" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer") c.charges end should "updating an object should issue a POST request with only the changed properties" do @mock.expects(:post).with do |url, api_key, params| url == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/c_test_customer" && api_key.nil? && CGI.parse(params) == {'description' => ['another_mn']} end.once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.construct_from(make_customer) c.description = "another_mn" c.save end should "updating should merge in returned properties" do @mock.expects(:post).once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.new("c_test_customer") c.description = "another_mn" c.save assert_equal false, c.livemode end should "updating should send along the idempotency-key header" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:idempotency_key] == 'bar' end.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.new c.save({}, { :idempotency_key => 'bar' }) assert_equal false, c.livemode end should "updating should fail if api_key is overwritten with nil" do c = Stripe::Customer.new assert_raises TypeError do c.save({}, { :api_key => nil }) end end should "updating should use the supplied api_key" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:authorization] == 'Bearer sk_test_local' end.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.new c.save({}, { :api_key => 'sk_test_local' }) assert_equal false, c.livemode end should "deleting should send no props and result in an object that has no props other deleted" do @mock.expects(:get).never @mock.expects(:post).never @mock.expects(:delete).with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/c_test_customer", nil, nil).once.returns(make_response({ "id" => "test_customer", "deleted" => true })) c = Stripe::Customer.construct_from(make_customer) c.delete assert_equal true, c.deleted assert_raises NoMethodError do c.livemode end end should "loading an object with properties that have specific types should instantiate those classes" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge)) c = Stripe::Charge.retrieve("test_charge") assert c.card.kind_of?(Stripe::StripeObject) && c.card.object == 'card' end should "loading all of an APIResource should return an array of recursively instantiated objects" do @mock.expects(:get).once.returns(make_response(make_charge_array)) c = Stripe::Charge.list.data assert c.kind_of? Array assert c[0].kind_of? Stripe::Charge assert c[0].card.kind_of?(Stripe::StripeObject) && c[0].card.object == 'card' end should "passing in a stripe_account header should pass it through on call" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:method] == :get && opts[:url] == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/c_test_customer" && opts[:headers][:stripe_account] == 'acct_abc' end.once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) Stripe::Customer.retrieve("c_test_customer", {:stripe_account => 'acct_abc'}) end should "passing in a stripe_account header should pass it through on save" do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:method] == :get && opts[:url] == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/c_test_customer" && opts[:headers][:stripe_account] == 'acct_abc' end.once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c = Stripe::Customer.retrieve("c_test_customer", {:stripe_account => 'acct_abc'}) Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:method] == :post && opts[:url] == "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/customers/c_test_customer" && opts[:headers][:stripe_account] == 'acct_abc' && opts[:payload] == 'description=FOO' end.once.returns(make_response(make_customer)) c.description = 'FOO' c.save end context "error checking" do should "404s should raise an InvalidRequestError" do response = make_response(make_missing_id_error, 404) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 404)) rescued = false begin Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer").refresh assert false #shouldn't get here either rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e # we don't use assert_raises because we want to examine e rescued = true assert e.kind_of? Stripe::InvalidRequestError assert_equal "id", e.param assert_equal "Missing id", e.message end assert_equal true, rescued end should "5XXs should raise an APIError" do response = make_response(make_api_error, 500) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 500)) rescued = false begin Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer").refresh assert false #shouldn't get here either rescue Stripe::APIError => e # we don't use assert_raises because we want to examine e rescued = true assert e.kind_of? Stripe::APIError end assert_equal true, rescued end should "402s should raise a CardError" do response = make_response(make_invalid_exp_year_error, 402) @mock.expects(:get).once.raises(RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse.new(response, 402)) rescued = false begin Stripe::Customer.new("test_customer").refresh assert false #shouldn't get here either rescue Stripe::CardError => e # we don't use assert_raises because we want to examine e rescued = true assert e.kind_of? Stripe::CardError assert_equal "invalid_expiry_year", e.code assert_equal "exp_year", e.param assert_equal "Your card's expiration year is invalid", e.message end assert_equal true, rescued end end should 'add key to nested objects' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :legal_entity => { :size => 'l', :score => 4, :height => 10 } }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, 'legal_entity[first_name]=Bob').returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.legal_entity.first_name = 'Bob' acct.save end should 'save nothing if nothing changes' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :metadata => { :key => 'value' } }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, '').returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.save end should 'not save nested API resources' do ch = Stripe::Charge.construct_from({ :id => 'charge_id', :customer => { :object => 'customer', :id => 'customer_id' } }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/charges/charge_id", nil, '').returns(make_response({"id" => "charge_id"})) ch.customer.description = 'Bob' ch.save end should 'correctly handle replaced nested objects' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :legal_entity => { :last_name => 'Smith', :address => { :line1 => "test", :city => "San Francisco" } } }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with( "#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, any_of( 'legal_entity[address][line1]=Test2&legal_entity[address][city]=', 'legal_entity[address][city]=&legal_entity[address][line1]=Test2' ) ).returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.legal_entity.address = {:line1 => 'Test2'} acct.save end should 'correctly handle array setting' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :legal_entity => {} }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, 'legal_entity[additional_owners][0][first_name]=Bob').returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.legal_entity.additional_owners = [{:first_name => 'Bob'}] acct.save end should 'correctly handle array insertion' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :legal_entity => { :additional_owners => [] } }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, 'legal_entity[additional_owners][0][first_name]=Bob').returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.legal_entity.additional_owners << {:first_name => 'Bob'} acct.save end should 'correctly handle array updates' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :legal_entity => { :additional_owners => [{:first_name => 'Bob'}, {:first_name => 'Jane'}] } }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, 'legal_entity[additional_owners][1][first_name]=Janet').returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.legal_entity.additional_owners[1].first_name = 'Janet' acct.save end should 'correctly handle array noops' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :legal_entity => { :additional_owners => [{:first_name => 'Bob'}] }, :currencies_supported => ['usd', 'cad'] }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, '').returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.save end should 'correctly handle hash noops' do acct = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => 'myid', :legal_entity => { :address => {:line1 => '1 Two Three'} } }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts/myid", nil, '').returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) acct.save end should 'should create a new resource when an object without an id is saved' do account = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => nil, :display_name => nil, }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts", nil, 'display_name=stripe'). returns(make_response({"id" => "charge_id"})) account.display_name = 'stripe' account.save end should 'set attributes as part of save' do account = Stripe::Account.construct_from({ :id => nil, :display_name => nil, }) @mock.expects(:post).once.with("#{Stripe.api_base}/v1/accounts", nil, 'display_name=stripe&metadata[key]=value'). returns(make_response({"id" => "charge_id"})) account.save(:display_name => 'stripe', :metadata => {:key => 'value' }) end end context "with retries" do setup do Stripe.stubs(:max_network_retries).returns(2) end should 'retry failed network requests if specified and raise if error persists' do Stripe.expects(:sleep_time).at_least_once.returns(0) @mock.expects(:post).times(3).with('https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges', nil, 'amount=50¤cy=usd').raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED.new) err = assert_raises Stripe::APIConnectionError do Stripe::Charge.create(:amount => 50, :currency => 'usd', :card => { :number => nil }) end assert_match(/Request was retried 2 times/, err.message) end should 'retry failed network requests if specified and return successful response' do Stripe.expects(:sleep_time).at_least_once.returns(0) response = make_response({"id" => "myid"}) err = Errno::ECONNREFUSED.new @mock.expects(:post).times(2).with('https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges', nil, 'amount=50¤cy=usd').raises(err).then.returns(response) result = Stripe::Charge.create(:amount => 50, :currency => 'usd', :card => { :number => nil }) assert_equal "myid", result.id end # We retry the request if we receive SSL errors, since these can be caused # by transient network issues, in addition to compatibility issues between # the client and server. should 'retry failed network requests if they fail with OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError' do Stripe.expects(:sleep_time).at_least_once.returns(0) @mock.expects(:post).times(3).with('https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges', nil, 'amount=50¤cy=usd').raises(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new('message')) err = assert_raises Stripe::APIConnectionError do Stripe::Charge.create(:amount => 50, :currency => 'usd', :card => { :number => nil }) end assert_match(/Request was retried 2 times/, err.message) end should 'not retry a SSLCertificateNotVerified error' do @mock.expects(:post).times(1).with('https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges', nil, 'amount=50¤cy=usd').raises(RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified.new('message')) err = assert_raises Stripe::APIConnectionError do Stripe::Charge.create(:amount => 50, :currency => 'usd', :card => { :number => nil }) end assert_no_match(/retried/, err.message) end should 'not add an idempotency key to GET requests' do SecureRandom.expects(:uuid).times(0) Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:idempotency_key].nil? end.returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) Stripe::Charge.list end should 'ensure there is always an idempotency_key on POST requests' do SecureRandom.expects(:uuid).at_least_once.returns("random_key") Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:idempotency_key] == "random_key" end.returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) Stripe::Charge.create(:amount => 50, :currency => 'usd', :card => { :number => nil }) end should 'ensure there is always an idempotency_key on DELETE requests' do SecureRandom.expects(:uuid).at_least_once.returns("random_key") Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:idempotency_key] == "random_key" end.returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) c = Stripe::Customer.construct_from(make_customer) c.delete end should 'not override a provided idempotency_key' do Stripe.expects(:execute_request).with do |opts| opts[:headers][:idempotency_key] == "provided_key" end.returns(make_response({"id" => "myid"})) Stripe::Charge.create({:amount => 50, :currency => 'usd', :card => { :number => nil }}, {:idempotency_key => 'provided_key'}) end end context "sleep_time" do should "should grow exponentially" do Stripe.stubs(:rand).returns(1) Stripe.stubs(:max_network_retry_delay).returns(999) assert_equal(Stripe.initial_network_retry_delay, Stripe.sleep_time(1)) assert_equal(Stripe.initial_network_retry_delay * 2, Stripe.sleep_time(2)) assert_equal(Stripe.initial_network_retry_delay * 4, Stripe.sleep_time(3)) assert_equal(Stripe.initial_network_retry_delay * 8, Stripe.sleep_time(4)) end should "enforce the max_network_retry_delay" do Stripe.stubs(:rand).returns(1) Stripe.stubs(:initial_network_retry_delay).returns(1) Stripe.stubs(:max_network_retry_delay).returns(2) assert_equal(1, Stripe.sleep_time(1)) assert_equal(2, Stripe.sleep_time(2)) assert_equal(2, Stripe.sleep_time(3)) assert_equal(2, Stripe.sleep_time(4)) end should "add some randomness" do random_value = 0.8 Stripe.stubs(:rand).returns(random_value) Stripe.stubs(:initial_network_retry_delay).returns(1) Stripe.stubs(:max_network_retry_delay).returns(8) base_value = Stripe.initial_network_retry_delay * (0.5 * (1 + random_value)) # the initial value cannot be smaller than the base, # so the randomness is ignored assert_equal(Stripe.initial_network_retry_delay, Stripe.sleep_time(1)) # after the first one, the randomness is applied assert_equal(base_value * 2, Stripe.sleep_time(2)) assert_equal(base_value * 4, Stripe.sleep_time(3)) assert_equal(base_value * 8, Stripe.sleep_time(4)) end end end end