# frozen_string_literal: true module StandupMD class Cli ## # Module responsible for reading and writing standup files. module Helpers ## # Print an entry to the command line. # # @param [StandupMD::Entry] entry # # @return [nil] def print(entry) if entry.nil? puts "No record found for #{StandupMD.config.cli.date}" return end puts '#' * StandupMD.config.file.header_depth + ' ' + entry.date.strftime(StandupMD.config.file.header_date_format) StandupMD.config.file.sub_header_order.each do |attr| tasks = entry.send(attr) next if !tasks || tasks.empty? puts '#' * StandupMD.config.file.sub_header_depth + ' ' + StandupMD.config.file.send("#{attr}_header").capitalize tasks.each { |task| puts StandupMD.config.file.bullet_character + ' ' + task } end puts end private ## # Parses options passed at runtime and concatenates them with the options # in the user's preferences file. Reveal source to see options. # # @return [Hash] def set_preferences(options) OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'The Standup Doctor' opts.version = "[StandupMD] #{::StandupMD::VERSION}" opts.on( '--current ARRAY', Array, "List of current entry's tasks" ) { |v| StandupMD.config.entry.current = v } opts.on( '--previous ARRAY', Array, "List of precious entry's tasks" ) { |v| StandupMD.config.entry.previous = v } opts.on( '--impediments ARRAY', Array, 'List of impediments for current entry' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.entry.impediments = v } opts.on( '--notes ARRAY', Array, 'List of notes for current entry' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.entry.notes = v } opts.on( '--sub-header-order ARRAY', Array, 'The order of the sub-headers when writing the file' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.file.sub_header_order = v } opts.on( '-f', '--file-name-format STRING', 'Date-formattable string to use for standup file name' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.file.name_format = v } opts.on( '-E', '--editor EDITOR', 'Editor to use for opening standup files' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.cli.editor = v } opts.on( '-d', '--directory DIRECTORY', 'The directories where standup files are located' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.file.directory = v } opts.on( '-w', '--[no-]write', "Write current entry if it doesn't exist. Default is true" ) { |v| StandupMD.config.cli.write = v } opts.on( '-a', '--[no-]auto-fill-previous', "Auto-generate 'previous' tasks for new entries. Default is true" ) { |v| StandupMD.config.cli.auto_fill_previous = v } opts.on( '-e', '--[no-]edit', 'Open the file in the editor. Default is true' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.cli.edit = v } opts.on( '-v', '--[no-]verbose', 'Verbose output. Default is false.' ) { |v| StandupMD.config.cli.verbose = v } opts.on( '-p', '--print [DATE]', 'Print current entry.', 'If DATE is passed, will print entry for DATE, if it exists.', 'DATE must be in the same format as file-name-format', ) do |v| StandupMD.config.cli.print = true StandupMD.config.cli.date = v.nil? ? Date.today : Date.strptime(v, StandupMD.config.file.header_date_format) end end.parse!(options) end ## # The entry for today. # # @return [StandupMD::Entry] def set_entry(file) entry = file.entries.find(StandupMD.config.cli.date) if entry.nil? && StandupMD.config.cli.date == Date.today previous_entry = set_previous_entry(file) entry = StandupMD::Entry.new( StandupMD.config.cli.date, StandupMD.config.entry.current, previous_entry, StandupMD.config.entry.impediments, StandupMD.config.entry.notes ) file.entries << entry end entry end ## # The "previous" entries. # # @return [Array] def set_previous_entry(file) unless StandupMD.config.cli.auto_fill_previous return Standup.config.entry.previous_entry end return prev_entry(prev_file.load.entries) if file.new? && prev_file prev_entry(file.entries) end ## # The previous entry. # # @param [StandupMD::EntryList] entries # # @return [StandupMD::Entry] def prev_entry(entries) return [] if entries.empty? entries.last.current end ## # The previous month's file. # # @return [StandupMD::File] def prev_file StandupMD::File.find_by_date(Date.today.prev_month) end end end end