Speedup Test::Unit + RSpec + Cucumber by running parallel on multiple CPUs (or cores).
ParallelTests splits tests into even groups(by number of tests or runtime) and runs each group in a single process with its own database.
[upgrading from 0.6 ?](https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/wiki/Upgrading-0.6.x-to-0.7.x)
Setup for Rails
[RailsCasts episode #413 Fast Tests](http://railscasts.com/episodes/413-fast-tests)
[still using Rails 2?](https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/blob/master/ReadmeRails2.md)
### Install
If you use RSpec: ensure you have >= 2.4
As gem
# add to Gemfile
gem "parallel_tests", :group => :development
### Add to `config/database.yml`
ParallelTests uses 1 database per test-process.
Process number | 1 | 2 | 3 |
`ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']` | '' | '2' | '3' |
database: yourproject_test<%= ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] %>
### Create additional database(s)
rake parallel:create
### Copy development schema (repeat after migrations)
rake parallel:prepare
### Run!
rake parallel:test # Test::Unit
rake parallel:spec # RSpec
rake parallel:features # Cucumber
rake parallel:features-spinach # Spinach
rake parallel:test[1] --> force 1 CPU --> 86 seconds
rake parallel:test --> got 2 CPUs? --> 47 seconds
rake parallel:test --> got 4 CPUs? --> 26 seconds
Test by pattern (e.g. use one integration server per subfolder / see if you broke any 'user'-related tests)
rake parallel:test[^test/unit] # every test file in test/unit folder
rake parallel:test[user] # run users_controller + user_helper + user tests
rake parallel:test['user|product'] # run user and product related tests
### Example output
2 processes for 210 specs, ~ 105 specs per process
... test output ...
843 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending
Took 29.925333 seconds
### Run an arbitrary task in parallel
RAILS_ENV=test parallel_test -e "rake my:custom:task"
# or
rake parallel:rake[my:custom:task]
Running things once
# effected by race-condition: first process may boot slower the second
# either sleep a bit or use a lock for example File.lock
ParallelTests.first_process? ? do_something : sleep(1)
at_exit do
if ParallelTests.first_process?
Even process runtimes
Log test runtime to give each process the same runtime.
Rspec: Add to your `.rspec_parallel` (or `.rspec`) :
If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallel_tests/lib
--format progress
--format ParallelTests::RSpec::RuntimeLogger --out tmp/parallel_runtime_rspec.log
Test::Unit: Add to your `test_helper.rb`:
require 'parallel_tests/test/runtime_logger'
RSpec: SummaryLogger
This logger logs the test output without the different processes overwriting each other.
Add the following to your `.rspec_parallel` (or `.rspec`) :
If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallel_tests/lib
--format progress
--format ParallelTests::RSpec::SummaryLogger --out tmp/spec_summary.log
RSpec: FailuresLogger
This logger produces pasteable command-line snippets for each failed example.
rspec /path/to/my_spec.rb:123 # should do something
Add the following to your `.rspec_parallel` (or `.rspec`) :
If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallel_tests/lib
--format progress
--format ParallelTests::RSpec::FailuresLogger --out tmp/failing_specs.log
Cucumber: FailuresLogger
This logger logs failed cucumber scenarios to the specified file. The filename can be passed to cucumber, prefixed with '@' to rerun failures.
cucumber --format ParallelTests::Cucumber::FailuresLogger --out tmp/cucumber_failures.log
Or add the formatter to the `parallel:` profile of your `cucumber.yml`:
parallel: --format progress --format ParallelTests::Cucumber::FailuresLogger --out tmp/cucumber_failures.log
Note if your `cucumber.yml` default profile uses `<%= std_opts %>` you may need to insert this as follows `parallel: <%= std_opts %> --format progress...`
To rerun failures:
cucumber @tmp/cucumber_failures.log
Setup for non-rails
gem install parallel_tests
# go to your project dir
parallel_test test/
parallel_rspec spec/
parallel_cucumber features/
parallel_spinach features/
- use ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] inside your tests to select separate db/memcache/etc.
- Only run selected files & folders:
parallel_test test/bar test/baz/foo_text.rb
Options are:
-n [PROCESSES] How many processes to use, default: available CPUs
-p, --pattern [PATTERN] run tests matching this pattern
--group-by [TYPE] group tests by:
found - order of finding files
steps - number of cucumber steps
default - runtime or filesize
-m, --multiply-processes [FLOAT] use given number as a multiplier of processes to run
-s, --single [PATTERN] Run all matching files in the same process
-i, --isolate Do not run any other tests in the group used by --single(-s)
-e, --exec [COMMAND] execute this code parallel and with ENV['TEST_ENV_NUM']
-o, --test-options '[OPTIONS]' execute test commands with those options
-t, --type [TYPE] test(default) / rspec / cucumber / spinach
--serialize-stdout Serialize stdout output, nothing will be written until everything is done
--non-parallel execute same commands but do not in parallel, needs --exec
--no-symlinks Do not traverse symbolic links to find test files
--ignore-tags [PATTERN] When counting steps ignore scenarios with tags that match this pattern
--nice execute test commands with low priority.
-v, --version Show Version
-h, --help Show this.
You can run any kind of code in parallel with -e / --execute
parallel_test -n 5 -e 'ruby -e "puts %[hello from process #{ENV[:TEST_ENV_NUMBER.to_s].inspect}]"'
hello from process "2"
hello from process ""
hello from process "3"
hello from process "5"
hello from process "4"
| 1 Process | 2 Processes | 4 Processes |
RSpec spec-suite | 18s | 14s | 10s |
Rails-ActionPack | 88s | 53s | 44s |
- [RSpec] add a `.rspec_parallel` to use different options, e.g. **no --drb**
- [RSpec] delete `script/spec`
- [[Spork](https://github.com/sporkrb/spork)] does not work with parallel_tests
- [RSpec] remove --loadby from you spec/*.opts
- [RSpec] Instantly see failures (instead of just a red F) with [rspec-instafail](https://github.com/grosser/rspec-instafail)
- [Bundler] if you have a `Gemfile` then `bundle exec` will be used to run tests
- [Cucumber] add a `parallel: foo` profile to your `config/cucumber.yml` and it will be used to run parallel tests
- [Cucumber] Pass in cucumber options by not giving the options an identifier ex: parallel:features[x,y,'cucumber_opts']
- [Capybara setup](https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/wiki)
- [Sphinx setup](https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/wiki)
- [Capistrano setup](https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/wiki/Remotely-with-capistrano) let your tests run on a big box instead of your laptop
- [SQL schema format] use :ruby schema format to get faster parallel:prepare`
- `export PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS=X` in your environment and parallel_tests will use this number of processors by default
- [ZSH] use quotes to use rake arguments `rake "parallel:prepare[3]"`
- [email_spec and/or action_mailer_cache_delivery](https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/wiki)
- [Memcached] use different namespaces e.g. `config.cache_store = ..., :namespace => "test_#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}"`
- make tests consistently pass with `--order random` in .rspec
- fix tests vs cucumber >= 1.2 `unknown option --format`
- add integration tests for the rake tasks, maybe generate a rails project ...
- add unit tests for cucumber runtime formatter
- make windows compatible
inspired by [pivotal labs](http://pivotallabs.com/users/miked/blog/articles/849-parallelize-your-rspec-suite)
### [Contributors](http://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/contributors)
- [Charles Finkel](http://charlesfinkel.com/)
- [Indrek Juhkam](http://urgas.eu)
- [Jason Morrison](http://jayunit.net)
- [jinzhu](http://github.com/jinzhu)
- [Joakim Kolsjö](http://www.rubyblocks.se)
- [Kevin Scaldeferri](http://kevin.scaldeferri.com/blog/)
- [Kpumuk](http://kpumuk.info/)
- [Maksim Horbul](http://github.com/mhorbul)
- [Pivotal Labs](http://www.pivotallabs.com)
- [Rohan Deshpande](http://github.com/rdeshpande)
- [Tchandy](http://thiagopradi.net/)
- [Terence Lee](http://hone.heroku.com/)
- [Will Bryant](http://willbryant.net/)
- [Fred Wu](http://fredwu.me)
- [xxx](https://github.com/xxx)
- [Levent Ali](http://purebreeze.com/)
- [Michael Kintzer](https://github.com/rockrep)
- [nathansobo](https://github.com/nathansobo)
- [Joe Yates](http://titusd.co.uk)
- [asmega](http://www.ph-lee.com)
- [Doug Barth](https://github.com/dougbarth)
- [Geoffrey Hichborn](https://github.com/phene)
- [Trae Robrock](https://github.com/trobrock)
- [Lawrence Wang](https://github.com/levity)
- [Sean Walbran](https://github.com/seanwalbran)
- [Lawrence Wang](https://github.com/levity)
- [Potapov Sergey](https://github.com/greyblake)
- [Łukasz Tackowiak](https://github.com/lukasztackowiak)
- [Pedro Carriço](https://github.com/pedrocarrico)
- [Pablo Manrubia Díez](https://github.com/pmanrubia)
- [Slawomir Smiechura](https://github.com/ssmiech)
- [Georg Friedrich](https://github.com/georg)
- [R. Tyler Croy](https://github.com/rtyler)
- [Ulrich Berkmüller](https://github.com/ulrich-berkmueller)
- [Grzegorz Derebecki](https://github.com/madmax)
- [Florian Motlik](https://github.com/flomotlik)
- [Artem Kuzko](https://github.com/akuzko)
- [Zeke Fast](https://github.com/zekefast)
- [Joseph Shraibman](https://github.com/jshraibman-mdsol)
- [David Davis](https://github.com/daviddavis)
- [Ari Pollak](https://github.com/aripollak)
- [Aaron Jensen](https://github.com/aaronjensen)
- [Artur Roszczyk](https://github.com/sevos)
- [Caleb Tomlinson](https://github.com/calebTomlinson)
- [Jawwad Ahmad](https://github.com/jawwad)
- [Iain Beeston](https://github.com/iainbeeston)
- [Alejandro Pulver](https://github.com/alepulver)
- [Felix Clack](https://github.com/felixclack)
- [Izaak Alpert](https://github.com/karlhungus)
- [Micah Geisel](https://github.com/botandrose)
- [Exoth](https://github.com/Exoth)
- [sidfarkus](https://github.com/sidfarkus)
- [Colin Harris](https://github.com/aberant)
[Michael Grosser](http://grosser.it)
License: MIT