# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'uri_template' require 'ostruct' # # it's a struct, we don't have to set these, up, but have a list of what we define particular logic for # :href, # "https://api-sandbox.pmp.io/docs/af676335-21df-4486-ab43-e88c1b48f026" # :href_template, # "https://api-sandbox.pmp.io/users{?limit,offset,tag,collection,text,searchsort,has}" # :href_vars, # { "collection": "https://github.com/publicmediaplatform/pmpdocs/wiki/Content-Retrieval" } # :hreflang, # Language of the linked document # :hints, # Hints about interacting with the link, such as HTTP methods, e.g. "hints": { "allow": ["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"] } # :rels, # [ "urn:pmp:query:users" ] # :method, # http method - get, post, put, etc. # :type, # 'image/png' - mime type of linked resource # :title, # name/title of thing linked in # :operation, # used by permissions link - read, write # :blacklist, # used by permissions link module PMP class Link < OpenStruct include Parser attr_accessor :parent attr_accessor :params def initialize(parent=PMP::CollectionDocument.new, link={}) super() self.parent = parent self.params = link.delete('params') || {} # puts "params: #{params.inspect}" parse_attributes(link) end def href self[:href] end def href_template self[:href_template] end def method self[:method] end def attributes HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(marshal_dump) end def where(params={}) self.class.new(parent, attributes.merge({'params'=>params})) end def as_json extract_attributes end def url # puts "url href_template: #{href_template}" # puts "url href: #{href}" URITemplate.new(href_template || href).expand(params) end def retrieve # puts "retrieve method: #{method}" # puts "retrieve url: #{url}" parent.request((method || 'get').to_sym, url) end def method_missing(method, *args) # puts "mm: #{method}" # this is a method the link supports, call the link # if this is an assignment, assign to the link # if you want to assign to a linked doc(s), need to retrieve first if self.respond_to?(method) self.send(method, *args) elsif method.to_s.last == '=' super else # puts "mm retrieve and send: #{method}" self.retrieve.send(method, *args) end end end end