--- title: J1 Starter tagline: Create your Windows environment in 15 minutes description: Create your Windows environment in 15 minutes tags: [ Starter, Windows, Template ] index: [] categories: [ pages ] permalink: /pages/public/start/downloads/windows_starter/ regenerate: false resources: [ lightbox, carousel ] resource_options: - masthead: slides: # Broadway Underground - still image - url: /assets/videos/headers/still/underground-broadway.png alt: Broadway Underground alignY: top animateFirst: false # Broadway Underground - FAYETTE ST, moved file to Github/LFS - url: https://github.com/jekyll-one/jekyll-one-lfs/raw/master/videos/underground-broadway.mp4 alignY: 0 isVideo: true loop: true duration: 12000 # Broadway Underground - still image - url: /assets/videos/headers/still/underground-broadway.png alt: Broadway Underground alignY: top transitionDuration: 750 transition: "push_left|push_right|cover_up|cover_down|fade|fadeInOut" --- // NOTE: General Asciidoc page attributes settings // :page-liquid: {% comment %} Liquid procedures --------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% capture set_env_entry_document %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/set_env_entry_document.proc{%endcapture%} // NOTE: Initialize entry document paths // {% include {{set_env_entry_document}} init_folders=all %} // Load tags and urls // include::{includedir}/attributes.asciidoc[tag=tags] include::{includedir}/attributes.asciidoc[tag=urls] // Additional Asciidoc page attributes goes here // == Step in the fastest way Creating a fully equipped Jekyll developing enviroment may take a while - especially if you are on _Windows_ or _MacOS_. If you work on _Linux_, most of the needed tools are already installed or quite easy to install. That's because _Linux_ support developer at it's best. On _Linux_, all languages and tools are fully supported, mostly installed already or can be installed in minutes from prepared packages in their latest versions. Unfortuneatly, this is *not* the case on _Windows_. _MacOS_ users will find some of the developing tools installed but mostly in unusable, quite old versions. Bad luck? Not at all. Go for J1 Quickstart. Read for your platform the details. === Windows platform The J1 team prepared a full development suite for Jekyll on _Windows_ that can be setup in 15 minutes. All packages needed are bundled together and can be installed by an Windows installer as usual. If you're using Jekyll on _Windows_ already, the Quickstart package might be helpful as well. If you don't want to mixup already installed applications or install additional Rubies in your existing environment, you can go for the Quickstart package. All tools and their environments are localized to the application folder of J1 Quickstart and should *not* interfere with any of the already installed programs and their ressources. === MacOS platform The availability of Open Source tools and applications are not the strenght of Apple products. Maybe because they can be used for free? Yes, Perl, Ruby, Python etc. are available out of the box but they are pre-installed in unusable old versions. Upgrading these packages - no choice. You can go for _HomeBrew_ to *brew* what you need - what many people does. The same to us - if we're on _MacOS_. But as always: installing an bunch of software will take a while. No fun. Installing the Quickstarter in done in a couple of minutes by unpacking an archive followed by an initialization step for the first start. That's it. No digging for the right versions. If you're using Jekyll on Mac already, the Quickstart package might be a good choice if you don't want to mixup already installed applications or install e.g. additional Rubies in your existing environment. You can go for the Quickstart package. All tools and their environments are localized to the application path of J1 Quickstart and should *not* interfere with already installed programs and their ressources. By setting some environment variables, all the systems you've prepared for your projects will be left untouched. And you're done in about 15 minutes. Sounds good? === Linux platform _Linux_ is the preferred platform for Open Source developers. No wonder, all ressources you need for a Jekyll developing system are well prepared or already available with the distribution you're using. But ... If you don't want to mixup already installed applications like Python, Ruby or NodeJS on your existing OS, you can go for the Quickstart package. All the tools and their environments are localized and isolated to the application folder of J1 Quickstart and should *not* interfere with already installed programs and their ressources. Simply by setting some environment variables, the system you've prepared already for Jekyll will be left untouched. And you're done in about 15 minutes. An option? == Quickstarter packages All Quickstarter packages contain the following packages: * Ruby language, version 2.5 * NodeJS language, version 8.9.4 * NPM, version 6.1.0 * YARN, version 1.7.0 * Nginx Web Server, version 1.13.3 * OpenSSL, version 1.0.2 (LTS 2019) Additionally, some selected addons are packed for faster setup repectively improved productivity. * bash helper scripts * control scripts to start and stop services * Text-based file manager (Windows platform only) * Simple text editor (Windows platform only) Quickstarters for all platforms have very the same *layout* and most of the applications packed are the same (in terms of their versions). If you work on _Windows_, the working environment *feels* the same as if you are on _MacOS_ or _Linux_. As a plus, if you go for a Quickstarter (first), the beginner's documentation and tutorials will be easier to read and you can immediately follow what is presented and catch faster the workflows used. In short: for the very first steps exploring the wonderful world of creating web sites using Jekyll and J1, the Quickstarter will be helpfull. It's on you. == Download a Quickstarter Find your platform and version for the J1 Quickstarter package you need with the following table: include::{includedir}/tables/100_quickstart_installation_packages.asciidoc[] Note, for Windows only a *32bit* version (x86_32) is available that can be used for 32 *and* 64bit versions of Windows. For _MacOS_ and _Linux_, only *64bit* versions (x86_64) are supported. TIP: To check your OS (kernel) version on _MacOS_ run run *sw_vers* at the commandline. On _Linux_ run *uname -r* at the shell. On Windows, type *ver* at the command shell (cmd). It's *6 something* for Windows 7 and 8, and *10 something* on Windows 10. === System requirements For all platforms, an __Intel__-based system is required. The minimum hardware you'll need: * Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster CPU, dual-core * RAM: 2 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit (Windows only) or 4 GB for 64-bit systems * Hard disk space: 1 GB NOTE: For many tasks (NPM scripts), parallel processing is used to speed up the build processes. This cause a higher memory usage. Make sure the system hardware (or the virtual machine) used meets the minimal system requirements. == Install a Quickstarter Installing a Quickstarter on all platforms is quite easy. Typically, a Quickstarter is used under *non-priviliged* accounts. Therefor, the installation is done using an non-priviliged user, *no root* access is needed for *Unix*-like system as _MacOS_ or _Linux_. For _Windows_ you *must* install the package unter *Administrator* priviliges for some (technical) reasons. === Install on Windows To install (and *use*) the Quickstarter on _Windows_, you need *Administrator* priviliges - via **U**ser **A**ccount **C**ontrol (UAC) at least. The installer process will fail, if the installation is started as an *non-priviliged* user. .Missing Administrator priviliges imageblock::pages/downloads/quickstarter/100_installation/100_non_admin_install.png[] [NOTE] ==== You need *Administrator* priviliges to install and run the Quickstarter development system because some tasks: * installation: adding a system-wide environment variable _J1_HOME_ * run-time: installing, starting and stopping _services_ can be done on _Windows_ as an member of the *Administrator Group* only. It is *not* recommended to run the Quickstarter under the Administrator account but you need to have the priviliges to *run as* an administrator. For private desktop installation this should *always possible* via *UAC*. On business (company) PC it depends. You can use J1 Quickstarter if you are granted to work with *admin rights*. ==== Locate the installer file you've downloaded previously (j1_quickstart_setup_x86_32.exe) using an Windows Explorer (File Manager) and *right* click on that file. From the context menu, use *Run as administrator*. The installer will start correctly: .Installer for J1 Quickstart imageblock::pages/downloads/quickstarter/100_installation/110_admin_install_success.png[] The installation steps a quite straight forward. Follow the steps of the installer wizard and you're done in a couple of minutes. Expected run-time is about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your systems hardware performance. WARNING: You can install J1 Quickstart in any folder of your choice but *do not use* a folder that contains *spaces*. Because of the *unified* folder layout Windows is using, for some languages a folder *seems* to have *no spaces* like *Programme* for the German localized version. The (unified) folder to install programs on Windows is *Program Files* containing a space and is mapped to *Programme* for the German version. Under the hood, the folder *Program Files* has spaces and will cause trouble if you install using this directory. For many cross-platform products developed on *Unix*-like systems as _Linux_, folders using spaces will cause unforeseeable failures accessing files and folders. On Windows it is recommended to use the root folder of a drive like *C:\J1_QuickStart* or *D:\J1_QuickStart* to make sure that the folder has *no spaces*. What needs to be done next? Go for <> ==== Setup the environment On _Windows_ platform run *J1 Consoles*, your best friend next times. Simply click on the icon named *J1 Consoles* placed on your *desktop*. Additionally a program group *J1 Quickstart* has been created for you that contains a link as well. J1 Consoles (or Consoles for short) is based on _ConEmu_, a flexible configurable console and terminal manager for _Windows_. If Consoles is started, a single tab is opened: the *file manager*. It's look-and-feel is quite like the (good old) _Norton Commander_ - or _Midnight Commander_ on *Unix* platforms. .Consoles on Windows imageblock::pages/downloads/quickstarter/100_installation/120_j1_consoles.png[] For your better orientation, the most important parts for the next steps explained in more detail: * The *file manager* has a split screen (*A* and *B*) for different *folders* to manage * Drops *1* and *2* are pointing to the *start folders* - *1* is the base (installation) directory of J1 Quickstart, *2* the web root folder where the web site will reside. * The console manager can have *multiple tabs* (consoles) for different tasks to do. Drop *3* points to the file manager tab. Additional tabs|consoles can be opened at the (very) small caret drop *4* is pointing to. First, open 2 additional tabs (at the very little *caret*) marked by drop *4* for the next things to do: * J1 Shell (to run Quickstart specific tasks) * Jekyll shell (to run Jekyll specific tasks) Click on that little caret and open the 2 additional consoles and go for tab *J1 Shell* (the tab is numbered as <**2**>): .J1 Consoles using multiple tabs, tab <**2**> the J1 Shell imageblock::pages/downloads/quickstarter/100_installation/130_j1_console_j1_shell.png[] Type in *j1init* to start the update and installation process for the local installation of Ruby. Upgrading and installing Rubies will take a while - relax, have a break 8) ... TIP: Make use of *command expansion*. Type in 3 characters of a command like *j1i* for *j1init* and expand (the command) using the *TAB* key. Fast and easy, isn't it?. NOTE: All commands of the Quickstarter using a *prefix* of *j1* to not *interfere* with programs the *same* name. For example *j1nginx* is a helper to manage and control the Web Server _Nginx_. Because the name of the executeable of the Web Server is *nginx*, the correspondend helper *j1nginx* is prepended by *j1* to not name conflict with it's binary. If *j1init* is started all Rubies needed for the Quickstarter environment are being installed for you. First, the Ruby package management *RubyGems* (and the CLI *gem*) is being upgraded to its latest versions. You'll see something like this with the console: [source, sh] ---- Update RubyGems ... Successfully installed rubygems-update-2.6.7 1 gem installed Install Gem Bundler ... Successfully installed bundler-1.15.3 1 gem installed Install J1 Ruby Gems ... J1 Rubies installed successfully J1 Quickstart is ready to use Happy Jekylling! ---- From now, you're prepared to step in the world of Jekyll. A fresh RubyGem environment and current Rubies are in place with your Quickstarter. That's for the boring part. Now the thrilling part: go for <> to create your (very?) first Jekyll Web! === Install on MacOS and Linux Installing the Quickstarter on *Unix*-like platforms is simple. The package is a *tar ball* that can be extracted elswhere into any arbitrary folder of your choice. BUT: the package should *never* be installed as *root* - use an *non-priviliged* user, your *personal account* for example. TIP: For _/path/to/parent_directory_ e.g. you can use your user *home directory* like: *-C $HOME* to install the Quickstarter in *$HOME/j1_quickstart*. You can install J1 Quickstart in any folder of your choice but you should *not use* a folder that contains *spaces*. This *may* cause unforeseeable failures accessing files and folder by some of the components, tools or 3rd party libraries of ruby or python. On other hand, typing or reading folder names having spaces like */this/is/my \ folder \ having \ spaces/* is not fun. The tar ball is packed *relatively* to the folder *j1_quickstart*. In other words: the tar ball *contains* a folder *j1_quickstart* already (to prevent mesh up files in folders). [source, sh] ---- $ mkdir -p /path/to/parent_directory $ tar -xzf j1_quickstart_setup_XXX_x86_64.tgz -C /path/to/parent_directory ---- Your J1 Quickstart package is in place. What needs to be done next? Go for <>, the chapter below. [[setup_on_unix]] ==== Setup the environment Only two steps are needed for *Unix*-like platforms to setup your environment completely. Open a simple terminal (console) and change (cd) to the Quickstarters installation folder. .Unix shell in a xterm window imageblock::pages/downloads/quickstarter/100_installation/110_unix_shell_xterm.png[] The two steps for the *very first* start are: . set the quickstarter environment . initialize J1 Quickstart for the *first* start First, run the helper script *set_env* out of the *etc* folder (run the script *dotted*, so-called *sourced*) to set some environment variables needed with your current shell. You'll need some more shells - open at 2 additional console (shell) sessions the same way (dont't forget to source your shell by running the set_env script!). Go for one of them and run: [source, sh] ---- $ . ./etc/set_env ---- The helper *j1init* supports you to do some very basic tasks with the the Quickstarter. Run the helper j1init with the option *help* or *he* to see more details what j1init can do: .Options of the helper script *j1init* [source, sh] ---- $ j1init he Usage: j1init {all|check|status|print-env} Usage: j1init {bundle-install|bundle-test|bundle-clean|bundle-remove} Usage: j1init {gems-remove} Usage: j1init {clean-log|clean-force} Usage: j1init {help} all|al: (Re-)Initilize the Quickstarter. Compiles and installs Ruby and all Rubies needed. Useful only for setup. Be carefull using this option! check|ck: Run sanity checks for all J1 Quickstart components status|st: Display state of all Quickstarter deamons (RUNNING|STOPPED) print-env|ev: Display current environment bundle-install|bi: Install a bundle from current path bundle-test|bt: Integrity tests of a bundle from current path bundle-clean|bc: Delete all unused (older) gem referenced by a bundle from current path. Be carefull using this option! bundle-remove|br: Delete all gem referenced by a bundle from current path Be carefull using this option! gems-remove|gr: Delete ALL non-default gem from the system. Be carefull using this option! clean-log|cl: Delete all log files from ~/log folder clean-force|cf: Runs gems-remove + clean-log + delete all files from ~/var folder. Useful only for factory resets! help|he: Prints this help ---- To display your current environment, run: [source, sh] ---- $ j1init ev ---- .Environment displayed by *j1init* [source, sh] ---- j1init: found current quickstarter environment [ OK ] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Current quickstarter environment settings: # # GEM_HOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0 # NGINX_BIN /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/nginx/bin # GEM_BIN /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/bin # OPENSSL_HOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/openSSL # NGINX_HOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/nginx # OPENSSL_BIN /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/openSSL/bin # PYTHON_LIB /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/python/lib # PYTHON_BIN /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/python/bin # NODE_BIN /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/nodejs/bin # PYTHONHOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/python # RUBY_HOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/ruby # OPENSSL_CONF /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/openSSL/openssl.cnf # J1_HOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart # RUBY_BIN /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/ruby/bin # NODE_MOD_BIN /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/nodejs/lib/node_modules/.bin # PYTHON_HOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/python # NODE_HOME /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/nodejs # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- The helper j1init support some simple sanity checks to check the integrity of the Quickstarter installed. Run a first check by: [source, sh] ---- $ j1init ck ---- You'll find that some checks are passed, but overall the integrity checks are *FAILED*. For good reasons. The environment ist set and some of the pre-installed applications are checked successful (*PASSED*). .check results displayed by *j1init* [source, sh] ---- Status for quickstart: check environment [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking python executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking node executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking npm executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: no ruby executeable found [ FAILED ] Status for quickstart: no bundler executeable found [ FAILED ] Status for quickstart: no gem executeable found [ FAILED ] Status for quickstart: integrity checks [ FAILED ] ---- But what is missing? All Ruby has test failed! For another good reason. There is (currently) *no* Ruby in place. The most boring step is the initializatopn part: a fresh Ruby will be build and installed for your platform for best performance and stability. But compiling a fresh Ruby will take a while - anyway it is fully automated. Except the coffee you may need meanwhile :) ... Start the initialization by running: [source, sh] ---- $ j1init al ---- and the setup phase starts by an question - you see something like this: [source, sh] ---- This will RESET and (RE-)INSTALL the J1 Quickstart installation ... Are really you sure? (y/n)? ---- To start building you Ruby for the new Quickstarter, answer (**y**es). The setup phase starts immediately. You see something like this: [source, sh] ---- # Found your Quickstarter installed at: /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart # # Platform detected as: linux. # Platform is supported. Continue processing ... # # Compiling and installing Ruby. This will take a while :| # Have a break this time :) # # Unzip Ruby sources to: /home/xxxx/j1_quickstart/_ruby_src_extracted ... # Unzip of Ruby sources finished successful. # # Prepare (configure) Ruby 2.3.4 for compilation ... # Ruby 2.3.4 configuration successful. # # Compile Ruby 2.3.4 ... # Ruby 2.3.4 compilation successful. ... ---- The setup phase will take up to *15* minutes, depending on the performance the hardware you're using. To have a look what's going on under the hood, you can monitor the setup process by tailing the Quickstarters *logfile*: [source, sh] ---- $ tail -f ./log/j1quickstart.log ---- All main steps of the initialization phase are logged to *j1quickstart.log* like: .Logfile *j1quickstart.log* [source, sh] ---- [2017-08-11 13:16:07] [INFO ] [j1init ] [Start initializing J1 QuickStart] [2017-08-11 13:16:07] [INFO ] [j1init ] [unzip ruby sources to: ... [2017-08-11 13:16:08] [INFO ] [j1init ] [configure ruby 2.3.4 for compilation] [2017-08-11 13:18:17] [INFO ] [j1init ] [compile ruby 2.3.4] [2017-08-11 13:25:18] [INFO ] [j1init ] [install ruby 2.3.4 ] [2017-08-11 13:25:51] [INFO ] [j1init ] [Initializing j1init finished] [2017-08-11 13:25:51] [INFO ] [j1init ] [bundle from ... installed succesfully] [2017-08-11 13:25:51] [INFO ] [j1init ] [J1 Quickstarter init finished] ---- If your setup reaches the line *J1 Quickstarter init finished* your done! All has been prepared for you by the setup phase. You should check, if the sytem is now set correctly. Re-run the *integrity check* again: [source, sh] ---- $ j1init ck ---- You see something like this: [source, sh] ---- Status for quickstart: check environment [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking python executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking node executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking npm executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking ruby executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking bundler executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: checking gem executeable [ PASSED ] Status for quickstart: integrity checks [ PASSED ] ---- Welcome this stage. You can be sure that all went fine. Puuh, a lot stuff was done. Anyway, is is done! NOTE: All commands of the Quickstarter using a *prefix* of *j1* to not *interfere* with programs the *same* name. For example *j1nginx* is a *helper* to manage and control the Web Server _Nginx_. Because the name of the executeable of the Web Server is *nginx*, the correspondend helper *j1nginx* is prepended by *j1*. You are veeery close to your new, fresh Jekyll Web. Go for the final step <> below to create one! Go, go, go! [[first-jekyll-web]] == Create a first Jekyll Web J1 Template is a so-called *gem-based* Template for Jekyll. What a hell does that mean? The template J1 *is* a Ruby *gem*! And you've already installed that gem for your work. No additional installing steps needed. And better: all gem-based templates are updated *automatically* if your bundle (the set of Rubies you're using for a project) gets updated. As a last check, display the name and version of J1 Template installed. On _Windows_, type in the *J1Shell* (tab), on _MacOS_ or _Linux_ use the current shell you've started the initialization phase earlier: [source, sh] ---- $ gem list ^j1_tem --local *** LOCAL GEMS *** j1_template_mde_3 (0.1.5) ---- J1 Template comes with a *skin* styled by the _Bootstrap_ framework (V3 for now) in an very special flavour: *MDE*. That means **M**aterial **D**esign **E**lements. That's what billion of people know and use with _Android_ mobiles each and every day. And - yes it is: Google *Material Design* for Jekyll Webs. That sounds cool - no it is hot, hot stuff!. Now the trilling part. How long will (should) it take to create a well equipped starter Web, based on Bootstrap and Googles Material Design? Fire up your Web in a *minute*! _Windows_ users should go to console (on tab) <**3**>, the Jekyll Shell, users on _MacOS_ or _Linux_ should go for one of the other shell opened and move to the to *web root* directory *www*: [source, sh] ---- $ cd $J1_HOME/www ---- NOTE: Remember, users on _MacOS_ and _Linux_ needs to run *set_env* for all shells used to work with Jekyll and J1 first. .Jekyll Shell on tab <**3**> imageblock::pages/downloads/quickstarter/100_installation/140_j1_console_jekyll_shell.png[] Now, let's rock your fresh, new Web. J1 Template comes with a *CLI* to manage base tasks more ease. No surprise, the CLI for J1 Template is: *j1*. One of the tasks supported by the *j1* is to create a Web (scaffold) by the subcommand *generate* (for now: a starter web). Run in the *Jekyll Shell*, respectively in the console you are on the path *J1_HOME/www*. The steps to go for: . generate a starter (scaffold) . change to the web root folder . fire up jekyll (as a server) [source, sh] ---- $ j1 generate starter $ cd starter $ jekyll s -i Configuration file: / .. /www/starter/_config.yml Source: / .. /www/starter Destination: / .. /www/starter/_site Incremental build: enabled Generating... done in 3.456 seconds. Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/ .. /www/starter' Server address: http://localhost:33333/ Server running... press ctrl-c to stop. ---- Haha, your done. Your Web is ready to use. The line *Server address: http://localhost:33333/* gives the *URL* of the Web created and *served*. For quick access, Jekyll supports *serving* a Web using the build-in server *Webrick*. Users on _MacOS_ or _Linux_ may run from command line: [source, sh] ---- $ open http://localhost:33333/ ---- Users on _Windows_ go back to console <**1**> (the File Manager) and click on *j1open*. Your favorite browser should start showing your fresh *starter web* build by J1 Template and generated and served by Jekyll: .J1 Starter Web imageblock::pages/downloads/quickstarter/100_installation/150_j1_starter_web.png[] Voila, your first Web is alive! Some interesting parts and features of J1 Template are prepared to explore. Have a look, surfe the Web for pages, for already prepared examples for you. TIP: Jekyll, respectively the *CLI* jekyll can be stopped by typing <**CTRL**> + <**C**> in the console or shell Jekyll has been started. Have fun exploring your first Jekyll Web! == What's next It depends on you, friends! If you like what Jekyll and J1 doing, or *can* do for you, the Kickstarter *Your Web in a Day* should the choice for going further. Yeah, a day sound a lot! What is a Kickstarter? Simply spoken a *tutorial*. A very practical way to learn new things. A good mix of theory and practical work. At the end you'll have achived a lot. A really a good base for going further. You'll learn a bunch you should know in terms of Web technologies, Jekyll, J1 and how they can be used - without to be a *specialist*. And: all examples of *Your Web in a Day* are designed for *real world* usage, a good base for the Web you have on *your* minds. Or you experienced, the Jekyll way is *not* the best for your requirements. That will happen. That's *not* a desaster, a lot of of other ways for your success are open other ways. What decision you may have made: it's based on knowlegde. Not something guessed. That's important. For you and for the J1 team as well. You're welcome for a journey, a good day off exploring interesting places in the world of Jekyll and J1. The Kickstarter offers a lot more about what a Quickstarter can do, introduce you in using Jekyll, makes you confident using the J1 Template for your personal Web. In short: the Kickstarter supports you to create and manage Jekyll Webs efficently. The tutorial helps you to modify the configuration of a Jekyll Web, makes you familiar using the template system of J1, modify existing pages and explains how to create new pages and blogs (articles) for your personal needs. Interested? The doors are open at {web_in_a_day}[Your Web in a Day, window="_blank"]. Happy Jekylling!