module Wordmove class Doctor class Mysql attr_reader :config, :logger def initialize(movefile_name = nil, movefile_dir = '.') @logger =$stdout).tap { |l| l.level = Logger::INFO } begin @config = Wordmove::Movefile .new({ config: movefile_name }, movefile_dir, false) .options[:local][:database] rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e logger.error e.message end end def check! logger.task 'Checking local database commands and connection' return logger.error "Can't connect to mysql using your movefile.yml" if config.nil? mysql_client_doctor mysqldump_doctor mysql_server_doctor mysql_database_doctor end private def mysql_client_doctor if system('which mysql', out: File::NULL) logger.success '`mysql` command is in $PATH' else logger.error '`mysql` command is not in $PATH' end end def mysqldump_doctor if system('which mysqldump', out: File::NULL) logger.success '`mysqldump` command is in $PATH"' else logger.error '`mysqldump` command is not in $PATH' end end def mysql_server_doctor command = mysql_command if system(command, out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) logger.success 'Successfully connected to the MySQL server' else logger.error <<-LONG We can't connect to the MySQL server using credentials specified in the Movefile. Double check them or try to debug your system configuration. The command used to test was: #{command} LONG end end def mysql_database_doctor command = mysql_command(database: config[:name]) if system(command, out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) logger.success 'Successfully connected to the database' else logger.error <<-LONG We can't connect to the database using credentials specified in the Movefile, or the database does not exists. Double check them or try to debug your system configuration. The command used to test was: #{command} LONG end end def mysql_command(database: nil) command = ['mysql'] command << "--host=#{Shellwords.escape(config[:host])}" if config[:host].present? command << "--port=#{Shellwords.escape(config[:port])}" if config[:port].present? command << "--user=#{Shellwords.escape(config[:user])}" if config[:user].present? if config[:password].present? command << "--password=#{Shellwords.escape(config[:password])}" end command << Shellwords.split(config[:mysql_options]) if config[:mysql_options].present? command << database if database.present? command << "-e'QUIT'" command.join(' ') end end end end