# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_admin/config/lazy_model' require 'rails_admin/config/sections/list' require 'rails_admin/support/composite_keys_serializer' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors' module RailsAdmin module Config # RailsAdmin is setup to try and authenticate with warden # If warden is found, then it will try to authenticate # # This is valid for custom warden setups, and also devise # If you're using the admin setup for devise, you should set RailsAdmin to use the admin # # @see RailsAdmin::Config.authenticate_with # @see RailsAdmin::Config.authorize_with DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION = proc {} DEFAULT_AUTHORIZE = proc {} DEFAULT_AUDIT = proc {} DEFAULT_CURRENT_USER = proc {} class << self # Application title, can be an array of two elements attr_accessor :main_app_name # Configuration option to specify which models you want to exclude. attr_accessor :excluded_models # Configuration option to specify a allowlist of models you want to RailsAdmin to work with. # The excluded_models list applies against the allowlist as well and further reduces the models # RailsAdmin will use. # If included_models is left empty ([]), then RailsAdmin will automatically use all the models # in your application (less any excluded_models you may have specified). attr_accessor :included_models # Fields to be hidden in show, create and update views attr_reader :default_hidden_fields # Default items per page value used if a model level option has not # been configured attr_accessor :default_items_per_page # Default association limit attr_accessor :default_associated_collection_limit attr_reader :default_search_operator # Configuration option to specify which method names will be searched for # to be used as a label for object records. This defaults to [:name, :title] attr_accessor :label_methods # hide blank fields in show view if true attr_accessor :compact_show_view # Tell browsers whether to use the native HTML5 validations (novalidate form option). attr_accessor :browser_validations # set parent controller attr_reader :parent_controller # set settings for `protect_from_forgery` method # By default, it raises exception upon invalid CSRF tokens attr_accessor :forgery_protection_settings # Stores model configuration objects in a hash identified by model's class # name. # # @see RailsAdmin.config attr_reader :registry # Bootstrap CSS classes used for Navigation bar attr_accessor :navbar_css_classes # show Gravatar in Navigation bar attr_accessor :show_gravatar # accepts a hash of static links to be shown below the main navigation attr_accessor :navigation_static_links attr_accessor :navigation_static_label # Set where RailsAdmin fetches JS/CSS from, defaults to :sprockets attr_writer :asset_source # For customization of composite keys representation attr_accessor :composite_keys_serializer # Setup authentication to be run as a before filter # This is run inside the controller instance so you can setup any authentication you need to # # By default, the authentication will run via warden if available # and will run the default. # # If you use devise, this will authenticate the same as _authenticate_user!_ # # @example Devise admin # RailsAdmin.config do |config| # config.authenticate_with do # authenticate_admin! # end # end # # @example Custom Warden # RailsAdmin.config do |config| # config.authenticate_with do # warden.authenticate! scope: :paranoid # end # end # # @see RailsAdmin::Config::DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION def authenticate_with(&blk) @authenticate = blk if blk @authenticate || DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION end # Setup auditing/versioning provider that observe objects lifecycle def audit_with(*args, &block) extension = args.shift if extension klass = RailsAdmin::AUDITING_ADAPTERS[extension] klass.setup if klass.respond_to? :setup @audit = proc do @auditing_adapter = klass.new(*([self] + args).compact, &block) end elsif block @audit = block end @audit || DEFAULT_AUDIT end # Setup authorization to be run as a before filter # This is run inside the controller instance so you can setup any authorization you need to. # # By default, there is no authorization. # # @example Custom # RailsAdmin.config do |config| # config.authorize_with do # redirect_to root_path unless warden.user.is_admin? # end # end # # To use an authorization adapter, pass the name of the adapter. For example, # to use with CanCanCan[https://github.com/CanCanCommunity/cancancan/], pass it like this. # # @example CanCanCan # RailsAdmin.config do |config| # config.authorize_with :cancancan # end # # See the wiki[https://github.com/railsadminteam/rails_admin/wiki] for more on authorization. # # @see RailsAdmin::Config::DEFAULT_AUTHORIZE def authorize_with(*args, &block) extension = args.shift if extension klass = RailsAdmin::AUTHORIZATION_ADAPTERS[extension] klass.setup if klass.respond_to? :setup @authorize = proc do @authorization_adapter = klass.new(*([self] + args).compact, &block) end elsif block @authorize = block end @authorize || DEFAULT_AUTHORIZE end # Setup configuration using an extension-provided ConfigurationAdapter # # @example Custom configuration for role-based setup. # RailsAdmin.config do |config| # config.configure_with(:custom) do |config| # config.models = ['User', 'Comment'] # config.roles = { # 'Admin' => :all, # 'User' => ['User'] # } # end # end def configure_with(extension) configuration = RailsAdmin::CONFIGURATION_ADAPTERS[extension].new yield(configuration) if block_given? end # Setup a different method to determine the current user or admin logged in. # This is run inside the controller instance and made available as a helper. # # By default, _request.env["warden"].user_ or _current_user_ will be used. # # @example Custom # RailsAdmin.config do |config| # config.current_user_method do # current_admin # end # end # # @see RailsAdmin::Config::DEFAULT_CURRENT_USER def current_user_method(&block) @current_user = block if block @current_user || DEFAULT_CURRENT_USER end def default_search_operator=(operator) if %w[default like not_like starts_with ends_with is =].include? operator @default_search_operator = operator else raise ArgumentError.new("Search operator '#{operator}' not supported") end end # pool of all found model names from the whole application def models_pool (viable_models - excluded_models.collect(&:to_s)).uniq.sort end # Loads a model configuration instance from the registry or registers # a new one if one is yet to be added. # # First argument can be an instance of requested model, its class object, # its class name as a string or symbol or a RailsAdmin::AbstractModel # instance. # # If a block is given it is evaluated in the context of configuration instance. # # Returns given model's configuration # # @see RailsAdmin::Config.registry def model(entity, &block) key = case entity when RailsAdmin::AbstractModel entity.model.try(:name).try :to_sym when Class, ConstLoadSuppressor::ConstProxy entity.name.to_sym when String, Symbol entity.to_sym else entity.class.name.to_sym end @registry[key] ||= RailsAdmin::Config::LazyModel.new(key.to_s) @registry[key].add_deferred_block(&block) if block @registry[key] end def asset_source @asset_source ||= begin detected = defined?(Sprockets) ? :sprockets : :invalid unless ARGV.join(' ').include? 'rails_admin:install' warn <<~MSG [Warning] After upgrading RailsAdmin to 3.x you haven't set asset_source yet, using :#{detected} as the default. To suppress this message, run 'rails rails_admin:install' to setup the asset delivery method suitable to you. MSG end detected end end def default_hidden_fields=(fields) if fields.is_a?(Array) @default_hidden_fields = {} @default_hidden_fields[:edit] = fields @default_hidden_fields[:show] = fields else @default_hidden_fields = fields end end def parent_controller=(name) @parent_controller = name if defined?(RailsAdmin::ApplicationController) || defined?(RailsAdmin::MainController) RailsAdmin::Config::ConstLoadSuppressor.allowing do RailsAdmin.send(:remove_const, :ApplicationController) RailsAdmin.send(:remove_const, :MainController) load RailsAdmin::Engine.root.join('app/controllers/rails_admin/application_controller.rb') load RailsAdmin::Engine.root.join('app/controllers/rails_admin/main_controller.rb') end end end def total_columns_width=(_) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('The total_columns_width configuration option is deprecated and has no effect.') end def sidescroll=(_) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('The sidescroll configuration option was removed, it is always enabled now.') end # Setup actions to be used. def actions(&block) return unless block RailsAdmin::Config::Actions.reset RailsAdmin::Config::Actions.instance_eval(&block) end # Returns all model configurations # # @see RailsAdmin::Config.registry def models RailsAdmin::AbstractModel.all.collect { |m| model(m) } end # Reset all configurations to defaults. # # @see RailsAdmin::Config.registry def reset @compact_show_view = true @browser_validations = true @authenticate = nil @authorize = nil @audit = nil @current_user = nil @default_hidden_fields = {} @default_hidden_fields[:base] = [:_type] @default_hidden_fields[:edit] = %i[id _id created_at created_on deleted_at updated_at updated_on deleted_on] @default_hidden_fields[:show] = %i[id _id created_at created_on deleted_at updated_at updated_on deleted_on] @default_items_per_page = 20 @default_associated_collection_limit = 100 @default_search_operator = 'default' @excluded_models = [] @included_models = [] @label_methods = %i[name title] @main_app_name = proc { [Rails.application.engine_name.titleize.chomp(' Application'), 'Admin'] } @registry = {} @navbar_css_classes = %w[navbar-dark bg-primary border-bottom] @show_gravatar = true @navigation_static_links = {} @navigation_static_label = nil @asset_source = nil @composite_keys_serializer = RailsAdmin::Support::CompositeKeysSerializer @parent_controller = '::ActionController::Base' @forgery_protection_settings = {with: :exception} RailsAdmin::Config::Actions.reset RailsAdmin::AbstractModel.reset end # Reset a provided model's configuration. # # @see RailsAdmin::Config.registry def reset_model(model) key = model.is_a?(Class) ? model.name.to_sym : model.to_sym @registry.delete(key) end # Perform reset, then load RailsAdmin initializer again def reload! reset load RailsAdmin::Engine.config.initializer_path end # Get all models that are configured as visible sorted by their weight and label. # # @see RailsAdmin::Config::Hideable def visible_models(bindings) visible_models_with_bindings(bindings).sort do |a, b| if (weight_order = a.weight <=> b.weight) == 0 a.label.casecmp(b.label) else weight_order end end end private def viable_models included_models.collect(&:to_s).presence || begin @@system_models ||= # memoization for tests ([Rails.application] + Rails::Engine.subclasses.collect(&:instance)).flat_map do |app| (app.paths['app/models'].to_a + app.config.eager_load_paths).collect do |load_path| Dir.glob(app.root.join(load_path)).collect do |load_dir| path_prefix = "#{app.root.join(load_dir)}/" Dir.glob("#{load_dir}/**/*.rb").collect do |filename| # app/models/module/class.rb => module/class.rb => module/class => Module::Class filename.delete_prefix(path_prefix).chomp('.rb').camelize end end end end.flatten.reject { |m| m.starts_with?('Concerns::') } # rubocop:disable Style/MultilineBlockChain @@system_models + @registry.keys.collect(&:to_s) end end def visible_models_with_bindings(bindings) models.collect { |m| m.with(bindings) }.select do |m| m.visible? && RailsAdmin::Config::Actions.find(:index, bindings.merge(abstract_model: m.abstract_model)).try(:authorized?) && (!m.abstract_model.embedded? || m.abstract_model.cyclic?) end end end # Set default values for configuration options on load reset end end