ruby: require_locals ['f'], local_assigns item ||= f.object image_name ||= :image the_image = item.send(image_name) label ||= image_name.to_s.titleize alt_label ||= "#{label} alt text" caption_label ||= "#{label} caption" helper_text ||= "" alt_helper_text ||= 'Brief description of image contents, used in hover text and by visually impaired users.' caption_helper_text ||= "" show_alt = true if show_alt.nil? show_caption ||= false required ||= false attached_as ||= image_name.to_s languages = f.object.class.try(:fae_fields).try(:[], image_name).try(:[], :languages) language ||= nil - if languages.present? - languages.each do |lang| = render 'fae/images/image_uploader', f: f, item: item, image_name: "#{image_name}_#{lang}".to_sym, label: "#{label} (#{lang.to_s})", alt_label: "#{alt_label} (#{lang.to_s})", caption_label: "#{caption_label} (#{lang.to_s})", helper_text: helper_text, alt_helper_text: alt_helper_text, caption_helper_text: caption_helper_text, show_caption: show_caption, required: required, attached_as: attached_as, language: lang - else - wrapper_html = language.present? ? { data: { language: language } } : {} = f.simple_fields_for image_name, defaults: { wrapper_html: wrapper_html } do |i| .field.input*wrapper_html label class="#{'required' if required}" - if required abbr title="required" * = " #{label.html_safe}" - if helper_text.present? h6.helper_text = helper_text - if the_image.asset.present? .asset-actions img.js-image-modal src=the_image.asset.url .asset-title = the_image.asset.file.filename = link_to '', fae.delete_image_path(, class: 'asset-delete js-asset-delete', remote: true, method: :delete, data: { confirm: t('fae.delete_confirmation') } if .asset-inputs style="#{'display:none;' if the_image.asset.present?}" = i.input :asset, as: :file, label: false, input_html: { data: { limit: Fae.max_image_upload_size, exceeded: t('fae.exceeded_upload_limit') } } = i.input :asset_cache, as: :hidden - imageable_type = == 'Fae::StaticPage' ? 'Fae::StaticPage' : = i.input :imageable_type, as: :hidden, input_html: { value: imageable_type } = i.input :attached_as, as: :hidden, input_html: { value: attached_as } - if show_caption ruby: options = { label: caption_label.html_safe } options[:helper_text] = caption_helper_text if caption_helper_text.present? options[:wrapper_html] = wrapper_html = fae_input i, :caption, options - if show_alt ruby: options = { label: alt_label.html_safe } options[:helper_text] = alt_helper_text if alt_helper_text.present? options[:wrapper_html] = wrapper_html = fae_input i, :alt, options = i.hidden_field :required, value: required