# Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. # # "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered # trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. require 'optparse' require 'thread' require 'socket' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'constants' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'ruby_core_enhancements' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'standalone/command' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'standalone/config_utils' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'utils' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'utils/tmpio' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info/ruby' # ## Coding notes # # ### Lazy library loading # # We lazy load as many libraries as possible not only to improve startup performance, # but also to ensure that we don't require libraries before we've passed the dependency # checking stage of the runtime installer. module PhusionPassenger module Standalone class StartCommand < Command def run parse_options load_local_config_file load_env_config remerge_all_options sanity_check_options_and_set_defaults lookup_runtime_and_ensure_installed set_stdout_stderr_binmode exit if @options[:runtime_check_only] find_apps find_pid_and_log_file(@app_finder, @options) create_working_dir initialize_vars start_engine begin show_intro_message maybe_daemonize touch_temp_dir_in_background ######################## ######################## watch_log_files_in_background if should_watch_one_or_more_log_files? wait_until_engine_has_exited if should_wait_until_engine_has_exited? rescue Interrupt trapsafe_shutdown_and_cleanup(true) exit 2 rescue SignalException => signal trapsafe_shutdown_and_cleanup(true) if signal.message == 'SIGINT' || signal.message == 'SIGTERM' exit 2 else raise end rescue Exception trapsafe_shutdown_and_cleanup(true) raise else trapsafe_shutdown_and_cleanup(false) ensure reset_traps_intterm end end private ################# Configuration loading, option parsing and initialization ################### def self.create_option_parser(options) logical_pwd = Dir.logical_pwd # If you add or change an option, make sure to update the following places too: # - src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/standalone/start_command/builtin_engine.rb, # function #build_daemon_controller_options # - resources/templates/standalone/config.erb OptionParser.new do |opts| defaults = CONFIG_DEFAULTS nl = "\n" + ' ' * 37 opts.banner = "Usage: passenger start [DIRECTORY] [OPTIONS]\n" opts.separator "Starts #{PROGRAM_NAME} Standalone and serve one or more web applications." opts.separator "" opts.separator "Server options:" ConfigUtils.add_option_parser_options_from_config_spec(opts, SERVER_CONFIG_SPEC, options) opts.separator "" opts.separator "Application loading options:" ConfigUtils.add_option_parser_options_from_config_spec(opts, APPLICATION_LOADING_CONFIG_SPECS, options) opts.separator "" opts.separator "Process management options:" ConfigUtils.add_option_parser_options_from_config_spec(opts, PROCESS_MANAGEMENT_CONFIG_SPECS, options) opts.separator "" opts.separator "Request handling options:" ConfigUtils.add_option_parser_options_from_config_spec(opts, REQUEST_HANDLING_CONFIG_SPECS, options) opts.separator "" opts.separator "Union Station options:" ConfigUtils.add_option_parser_options_from_config_spec(opts, UNION_STATION_CONFIG_SPECS, options) opts.separator "" opts.separator "Nginx engine options:" ConfigUtils.add_option_parser_options_from_config_spec(opts, NGINX_ENGINE_CONFIG_SPECS, options) opts.separator "" opts.separator "Advanced options:" ConfigUtils.add_option_parser_options_from_config_spec(opts, ADVANCED_CONFIG_SPECS, options) end end def load_local_config_file @local_options = ConfigUtils. load_local_config_file_from_app_dir_param!(@argv) end def load_env_config @env_options = ConfigUtils.load_env_config! end def remerge_all_options @options = ConfigUtils.remerge_all_config(@global_options, @local_options, @env_options, @parsed_options) @options_without_defaults = ConfigUtils. remerge_all_config_without_defaults(@global_options, @local_options, @env_options, @parsed_options) end def sanity_check_options_and_set_defaults if @argv.size > 1 PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'standalone/app_finder' if !AppFinder.supports_multi? abort "You can only specify a single application directory as argument." end end if (@options_without_defaults[:address] || @options_without_defaults[:port]) && @options_without_defaults[:socket_file] abort "You cannot specify both --address/--port and --socket. Please choose either one." end if @options[:ssl] && !@options[:ssl_certificate] abort "You specified --ssl. Please specify --ssl-certificate as well." end if @options[:ssl] && !@options[:ssl_certificate_key] abort "You specified --ssl. Please specify --ssl-certificate-key as well." end if @options[:nginx_tarball] && !@options_without_defaults[:nginx_version] abort "You specified --nginx-tarball. Please also specify which Nginx version the tarball contains using --nginx-version." end if @options[:engine] != "builtin" && @options[:engine] != "nginx" abort "You've specified an invalid value for --engine. The only values allowed are: builtin, nginx." end if @options[:engine] == "builtin" # We explicitly check that some options are set and warn the user about this, # in case they are using the builtin engine. We don't warn about options # that begin with --nginx- because that should be obvious. check_nginx_option_used_with_builtin_engine(:ssl, "--ssl") check_nginx_option_used_with_builtin_engine(:ssl_certificate, "--ssl-certificate") check_nginx_option_used_with_builtin_engine(:ssl_certificate_key, "--ssl-certificate-key") check_nginx_option_used_with_builtin_engine(:ssl_port, "--ssl-port") check_nginx_option_used_with_builtin_engine(:static_files_dir, "--static-files-dir") end ############# end def check_nginx_option_used_with_builtin_engine(option, argument) if @options.has_key?(option) STDERR.puts "*** Warning: the #{argument} option is only allowed if you use " + "the 'nginx' engine. You are currently using the 'builtin' engine, so " + "this option has been ignored. To switch to the Nginx engine, please " + "pass --engine=nginx." end end def lookup_runtime_and_ensure_installed @agent_exe = PhusionPassenger.find_support_binary(AGENT_EXE) if @options[:nginx_bin] @nginx_binary = @options[:nginx_bin] if !@nginx_binary abort "*** ERROR: Nginx binary #{@options[:nginx_bin]} does not exist" end if !@agent_exe install_runtime @agent_exe = PhusionPassenger.find_support_binary(AGENT_EXE) end else nginx_name = "nginx-#{@options[:nginx_version]}" @nginx_binary = PhusionPassenger.find_support_binary(nginx_name) if !@agent_exe || (@options[:engine] == "nginx" && !@nginx_binary) install_runtime @agent_exe = PhusionPassenger.find_support_binary(AGENT_EXE) @nginx_binary = PhusionPassenger.find_support_binary(nginx_name) if @options[:engine] == "nginx" end end end def install_runtime if @options[:dont_install_runtime] abort "*** ERROR: Refusing to install the #{PROGRAM_NAME} Standalone runtime " + "because --no-install-runtime is given." end args = [ "--brief", "--no-force-tip", # Use default Utils::Download timeouts, which are short. We want short # timeouts so that if the primary server is down and is not responding # (as opposed to responding quickly with an error), then the system # quickly switches to a mirror. "--connect-timeout", "0", "--engine", @options[:engine], "--idle-timeout", "0" ] if @options[:auto] args << "--auto" end if @options[:binaries_url_root] args << "--url-root" args << @options[:binaries_url_root] end if @options[:engine] == "nginx" if @options[:nginx_version] args << "--nginx-version" args << @options[:nginx_version] end if @options[:nginx_tarball] args << "--nginx-tarball" args << @options[:nginx_tarball] end end if @options[:dont_compile_runtime] args << "--no-compile" end PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'config/install_standalone_runtime_command' PhusionPassenger::Config::InstallStandaloneRuntimeCommand.new(args).run puts puts "--------------------------" puts end def set_stdout_stderr_binmode # We already set STDOUT and STDERR to binmode in bin/passenger, which # fixes https://github.com/phusion/passenger-ruby-heroku-demo/issues/11. # However RuntimeInstaller sets them to UTF-8, so here we set them back. STDOUT.binmode STDERR.binmode end ################## Core logic ################## def find_apps PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'standalone/app_finder' @app_finder = AppFinder.new(@argv, @options, @local_options) @apps = @app_finder.scan if @app_finder.multi_mode? && @options[:engine] != 'nginx' puts "Mass deployment enabled, so forcing engine to 'nginx'." @options[:engine] = 'nginx' end end def find_pid_and_log_file(app_finder, options) ConfigUtils.find_pid_and_log_file(app_finder.execution_root, options) end def create_working_dir # We don't remove the working dir in 'passenger start'. In daemon # mode 'passenger start' just quits and lets background processes # running. A specific background process, temp-dir-toucher, is # responsible for cleaning up the working dir. @working_dir = PhusionPassenger::Utils.mktmpdir("passenger-standalone.") File.chmod(0755, @working_dir) Dir.mkdir("#{@working_dir}/logs") @can_remove_working_dir = true end def initialize_vars @console_mutex = Mutex.new @termination_pipe = IO.pipe @threads = [] @interruptable_threads = [] end def start_engine metaclass = class << self; self; end if @options[:engine] == 'nginx' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'standalone/start_command/nginx_engine' metaclass.send(:include, PhusionPassenger::Standalone::StartCommand::NginxEngine) else PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'standalone/start_command/builtin_engine' metaclass.send(:include, PhusionPassenger::Standalone::StartCommand::BuiltinEngine) end start_engine_real end # Returns the URL that the server will be listening on # for the given app. def listen_url(app) if app[:socket_file] "unix:#{app[:socket_file]}" else if @options[:engine] == 'nginx' && app[:ssl] && !app[:ssl_port] scheme = "https" else scheme = "http" end result = "#{scheme}://" if app[:port] == 80 result << app[:address] else result << compose_ip_and_port(app[:address], app[:port]) end result << "/" result end end def compose_ip_and_port(ip, port) if ip =~ /:/ # IPv6 "[#{ip}]:#{port}" else "#{ip}:#{port}" end end def show_intro_message puts "=============== Phusion Passenger Standalone web server started ===============" puts "PID file: #{@options[:pid_file]}" puts "Log file: #{@options[:log_file]}" puts "Environment: #{@options[:environment]}" puts "Accessible via: #{listen_url(@apps[0])}" puts if @options[:daemonize] puts "Serving in the background as a daemon." else puts "You can stop #{PROGRAM_NAME} Standalone by pressing Ctrl-C." end puts "Problems? Check https://www.phusionpassenger.com/library/admin/standalone/troubleshooting/" puts "===============================================================================" end def maybe_daemonize if @options[:daemonize] PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info/ruby' if PlatformInfo.ruby_supports_fork? daemonize else abort "Unable to daemonize using the current Ruby interpreter " + "(#{PlatformInfo.ruby_command}) because it does not support forking." end end end def daemonize pid = fork if pid # Parent exit!(0) else # Child trap "HUP", "IGNORE" STDIN.reopen("/dev/null", "r") STDOUT.reopen(@options[:log_file], "a") STDERR.reopen(@options[:log_file], "a") STDOUT.sync = true STDERR.sync = true Process.setsid @threads.clear end end def touch_temp_dir_in_background command = [@agent_exe, "temp-dir-toucher", @working_dir, "--cleanup", "--daemonize", "--pid-file", "#{@working_dir}/temp_dir_toucher.pid", "--log-file", @options[:log_file]] command << "--user" << @options[:user] unless @options[:user].nil? result = system(*command) if !result abort "Cannot start #{@agent_exe} temp-dir-toucher" end @can_remove_working_dir = false end def watch_log_file(log_file) if File.exist?(log_file) backward = 0 else # tail bails out if the file doesn't exist, so wait until it exists. while !File.exist?(log_file) sleep 1 end backward = 10 end if PlatformInfo.os_name_simple != 'solaris' backward_arg = "-n #{backward}" end IO.popen("tail -f #{backward_arg} \"#{log_file}\"", "rb") do |f| begin while true begin line = f.readline @console_mutex.synchronize do STDOUT.write(line) STDOUT.flush end rescue EOFError break end end ensure Process.kill('TERM', f.pid) rescue nil end end end def watch_log_files_in_background @apps.each do |app| thread = Utils.create_thread_and_abort_on_exception do watch_log_file("#{app[:root]}/log/#{@options[:environment]}.log") end @threads << thread @interruptable_threads << thread end if should_watch_main_log_file? thread = Utils.create_thread_and_abort_on_exception do watch_log_file(@options[:log_file]) end @threads << thread @interruptable_threads << thread end end def should_watch_one_or_more_log_files? !@options[:daemonize] end def should_watch_main_log_file? if @options[:daemonize] false else begin stat = File.stat(@options[:log_file]) rescue Errno::ENOENT stat = nil end if stat stat.file? else true end end end def should_wait_until_engine_has_exited? return !@options[:daemonize] || @app_finder.multi_mode? end ################## Shut down and cleanup ################## def capture_traps_intterm return if @traps_captured @traps_captured = 1 trap("INT", &method(:trapped_intterm)) trap("TERM", &method(:trapped_intterm)) end def reset_traps_intterm @traps_captured = nil trap("INT", "DEFAULT") trap("TERM", "DEFAULT") end def trapped_intterm(signal) if @traps_captured == 1 @traps_captured += 1 puts "Ignoring signal #{signal} during shutdown. Send it again to force exit." else exit!(1) end end def trapsafe_shutdown_and_cleanup(error_occurred) # Ignore INT and TERM once, to allow clean shutdown in e.g. Foreman capture_traps_intterm # Stop engine if @engine && (error_occurred || should_wait_until_engine_has_exited?) @console_mutex.synchronize do STDOUT.write("Stopping web server...") STDOUT.flush @engine.stop STDOUT.puts " done" STDOUT.flush if @options[:engine] == "nginx" && @options[:socket_file] begin File.delete(@options[:socket_file]) rescue Errno::ENOENT end end end @engine = nil end # Stop threads if @threads if !@termination_pipe[1].closed? @termination_pipe[1].write("x") @termination_pipe[1].close end @interruptable_threads.each do |thread| thread.terminate end @interruptable_threads = [] @threads.each do |thread| thread.join end @threads = nil end if @can_remove_working_dir FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(@working_dir) @can_remove_working_dir = false end end ################# end end # module Standalone end # module PhusionPassenger