# Ceedling Plugin: Raw Test Output Logs Capture extra console output — typically `printf()`-style statements — from test cases to log files. # Plugin Overview This plugin gathers and filters console output from test executables into log files. Though not required, it is usually used in addition to the `report_tests_*_stdout` plugins that gather and format test results for display at the console. Debugging in unit tested code is often accomplished with simple `printf()`- style calls to dump information to the console. This plugin's log files can be helpful in supporting debugging efforts or quality validation. ## Test executable output Ceedling and Unity cooperate to extract console statements from test executable runs. Unity-based test executables print test case pass/fail status messages and test case accounting to the console ($stdout). Ceedling and various reporting plugins gather all this, including unrecognized output, to format it and present summaries at the console. This plugin captures the unrecognized output to log files. ## Log files Log files are only created if test executables produce console output apart from expected Unity test results as described above. Log files are named for the respective test executables. Builds are differentiated by build context — `test`, `release`, or plugin-modified build (e.g. `gcov`). Log files are written to `/artifacts//.raw.log`. # Setup Enable the plugin in your Ceedling project: ``` YAML :plugins: :enabled: - report_tests_raw_output_log ``` # Configuration No additional configuration is needed once the plugin is enabled.