require 'rake' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' def gem_asset_path(package, path) File.join(Gem::Specification.find_by_name(package).gem_dir, path) end desc "Convert LESS to SCSS" task :convert, [:branch] => [:deps] do |_, args| require './tasks/converter' branch = args.has_key?(:branch) ? args[:branch] : 'master' => branch).convert end desc "Compile patternfly-sass into CSS" task :compile do require 'sass' require 'fileutils' require 'term/ansicolor' Sass.load_paths << File.join(gem_asset_path('bootstrap-sass', 'assets/stylesheets')) Sass.load_paths << File.join(gem_asset_path('font-awesome-sass', 'assets/stylesheets')) ::Sass::Script::Value::Number.precision = [8, ::Sass::Script::Value::Number.precision].max path = 'assets/stylesheets' FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp') puts Term::ANSIColor.bold "Compiling SCSS in #{path}" %w(patternfly.css patternfly.min.css).each do |out| style = (out == "patternfly.min.css") ? :compressed : :nested src_path = File.join(path, '_patternfly.scss') dst_path = File.join('tmp', out) engine = Sass::Engine.for_file(src_path, :syntax => :scss, :load_paths => [path], :style => style) css = engine.render css.gsub!(/(( )|(:))0((px)|(em)|(\%))/, '\10'), 'w') { |f| f.write css } puts Term::ANSIColor.cyan(" #{dst_path}") + '...' end end desc "Start a web server with both the less and the sass version" task :serve => :compile do require 'webrick' server = :Port => 9000 { '/' => 'spec/main.html', '/less/dist/css' => 'spec/html/dist/css', '/less/dist/fonts' => 'assets/fonts/patternfly', '/less/dist/img' => 'assets/images/patternfly', '/less/dist/js' => 'assets/javascripts', '/less/pages/patternfly' => 'spec/html', '/sass/dist/fonts' => 'assets/fonts', '/sass/dist/fonts/bootstrap' => gem_asset_path('bootstrap-sass', 'assets/fonts/bootstrap'), '/sass/dist/img' => 'assets/images/patternfly', '/sass/dist/images' => 'assets/images', '/sass/dist/js' => 'assets/javascripts', '/sass/dist/css' => 'tmp', '/sass/dist/fonts/font-awesome' => gem_asset_path('font-awesome-sass', 'assets/fonts/font-awesome'), '/sass/pages/patternfly' => 'spec/html', }.each { |http, local| server.mount http, WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler, local } trap('INT') { server.stop } server.start end desc "Install testing dependencies using bower" task :deps do system("bower update", out: $stdout, err: :out) end desc "Clean up the test results" task :cleanup do require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_rf '.sass-cache' FileUtils.rm_rf 'spec/results' end desc "Run the tests with a web server" task :test => :compile do pid = Process.fork do puts "Starting web server on port 9000" $stdout.reopen('/dev/null', 'w') $stderr.reopen('/dev/null', 'w') Rake::Task[:serve].invoke puts "Stopping web server on port 9000" end puts "Starting the tests against the web server" begin Rake::Task[:spec].invoke ensure Process.kill('INT', pid) end end desc "Run the tests without a web server" do |t| Rake::Task[:cleanup].invoke FileUtils.mkdir_p 'spec/results/sass' FileUtils.mkdir_p 'spec/results/less' t.pattern = Dir.glob('spec/**/*_spec.rb') end task :upload do require 'imgur' require 'term/ansicolor' # Travis only task, exit when the IMGUR_ID is not present exit(0) if ENV['IMGUR_ID'].nil? print Term::ANSIColor.bold "Uploading failure diffs to imgur " client = ENV['IMGUR_ID'] images = Dir["spec/results/*.png"].map do |img| print Term::ANSIColor.cyan '.' client.upload, :title => img.sub('.png', '.html').sub('spec/results/', '')) end if images.empty? puts Term::ANSIColor.cyan ' nothing to upload' else album = client.new_album(images, :title => "patternfly-sass CI results for build ##{ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER']}") puts Term::ANSIColor.bold " available at: #{Term::ANSIColor.cyan}" end end task :default => :convert