require 'RMagick' # An Extractor takes Boundries object and a layout pattern and returns a Sqed::Result # class Sqed::Extractor attr_accessor :boundaries, :layout, :image def initialize(boundaries: boundaries, layout: layout, image: image) raise if boundaries.nil? || !boundaries.class == Sqed::Boundaries raise if layout.nil? || !layout.class == Hash @layout = layout @boundaries = boundaries @image = image end def result r = # assign the images to the result boundaries.each do |section, coords| r.send("#{LAYOUT_SECTION_TYPES[section]}=", extract_image(coords)) end # assign the metadata to the result layout.keys.each do |section_index, section_type| # only extract data if a parser exists if parser = SECTION_PARSERS[section_type] r.send("#{section_type}=", r.send(section_type + "_image").text) ) end end r end # coords are x1, y1, x2, y2 def extract_image(coords) # crop takes x, y, width, height # @image.crop(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2] - coords[0], coords[3] - coords[1] ) bp = 0 @image.crop(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], true) end end