module Shop module Tags class Helpers class << self include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper def current_categories(tag) result = [] # Returns categories based on the slug of their categories parent page if tag.attr['parent'] result = ShopCategory.all( :joins => 'JOIN pages AS page ON = shop_categories.page_id JOIN pages AS parent ON page.parent_id =', :conditions => [ 'parent.slug = ?', tag.attr['parent'] ] ) # Returns the current categories if they exist elsif tag.locals.shop_categories.present? result = tag.locals.shop_categories # Page params are protected, send is used to overcome this # elsif 'query' # result =['query']) # Returns all Categories else result = ShopCategory.all end result end def current_category(tag) result = nil # Returns a category based on its name (page title) if tag.attr['name'] result = ShopCategory.first( :joins => :page, :conditions => [ "pages.title = ?", tag.attr['name'] ] ) # Returns a category based on its handle (page slug) elsif tag.attr['handle'] result = ShopCategory.first( :joins => :page, :conditions => [ "pages.slug = ?", tag.attr['handle'] ] ) # Returns the current shop_category elsif tag.locals.shop_category.present? result = tag.locals.shop_category # Returns the category of the current shop_product elsif tag.locals.shop_product.present? result = tag.locals.shop_product.category elsif result = elsif result = end result end def current_products(tag) result = nil if tag.attr['category'] result = ShopCategory.first( :joins => :page, :conditions => [ 'pages.slug = ?', tag.attr['category'] ] ).products elsif tag.locals.shop_products.present? result = tag.locals.shop_products elsif tag.locals.shop_category.present? result = tag.locals.shop_category.products elsif result = else result = ShopProduct.all end result end def current_product(tag) result = nil # Returns a product based on its name (page title) if tag.attr['name'] result = ShopProduct.first( :joins => :page, :conditions => [ "pages.title = ?", tag.attr['name'] ] ) # Returns a product based on its sku (page slug) elsif tag.attr['sku'] result = ShopProduct.first( :joins => :page, :conditions => [ "pages.slug = ?", tag.attr['sku'] ] ) elsif tag.locals.shop_product.present? result = tag.locals.shop_product elsif tag.attr['position'] children = result = children.first(:conditions => { :class_name => 'ShopProductPage', :position => tag.attr['position'].to_i }) || children.first(:conditions => {:class_name => 'ShopProductPage'}) result = result.shop_product elsif tag.locals.shop_line_item.present? and tag.locals.shop_line_item.item_type === 'ShopProduct' result = tag.locals.shop_line_item.item elsif result = end result end def current_image(tag) result = nil if tag.attr['position'] result = tag.locals.images.find_by_position(tag.attr['position'].to_i) elsif tag.locals.image.present? result = tag.locals.image.image rescue tag.locals.image end result end def current_order(tag) result = nil begin if tag.attr['key'] and tag.attr['value'] result = ShopOrder.first(:conditions => { tag.attr['key'].downcase.to_sym => tag.attr['value'] }) elsif tag.locals.shop_order.present? result = tag.locals.shop_order elsif[:shop_order].present? session =[:shop_order] result = ShopOrder.find(session) elsif tag.locals.response.present? and tag.locals.response.result[:checkout].present? result = ShopOrder.find(tag.locals.response.result[:checkout][:order]) end rescue result = nil end result end def current_line_items(tag) result = nil if tag.locals.shop_line_items.present? result = tag.locals.shop_line_items else result = tag.locals.shop_order.line_items end result end def current_line_item(tag) result = nil if tag.locals.shop_line_item.present? result = tag.locals.shop_line_item elsif tag.locals.shop_order.present? and tag.locals.shop_product.present? result = tag.locals.shop_order.line_items.find_by_item_id( end result end # Return the current address for the current order # of_type = the address type (billing|shipping) def current_address(tag,of_type = 'billing') if tag.locals.send(of_type).present? return tag.locals.send(of_type) end if tag.locals.shop_order.present? begin # Get the address type (order.billing) address = tag.locals.shop_order.send(of_type) return address unless address.nil? rescue nil end end if user = Users::Tags::Helpers.current_user(tag) begin address = user.send(of_type) return address unless address.nil? rescue nil end end nil end def currency(number,attr = {}) precision = attr[:precision].present? ? attr[:precision] : Radiant::Config['shop.price_precision'] unit = attr[:unit].present? ? attr[:unit] : Radiant::Config['shop.price_unit'] separator = attr[:separator].present? ? attr[:separator] : Radiant::Config['shop.price_separator'] delimiter = attr[:delimiter].present? ? attr[:delimiter] : Radiant::Config['shop.price_delimiter'] number_to_currency(number.to_f, { :precision => precision.to_i, :unit => unit, :separator => separator, :delimiter => delimiter }) end end end end end