#************************************************************************************* # Control the access for each controller actions #************************************************************************************* class Portier::ApplicationPermission < Portier::BasePermission def self.action_tree(action) case action.to_s when 'index' then [:index, :consult, :default] when 'show' then [:show, :consult, :default] when 'new' then [:new, :add, :default] when 'create' then [:create, :add, :default] when 'edit' then [:edit, :modify, :default] when 'update' then [:update, :modify, :default] when 'destroy' then [:destroy, :default] else [action.to_sym, :default] end end def build_permitted_params ps = self.respond_to?(:permitted_params) ? permitted_params : [] begin params.require(record_name).permit ps rescue {} end end def can?(action, record, options={}) @current_record = record @options = options granted? action end def default false end def granted?(action) action_tree(action).each { |act| return self.send(act) if self.respond_to?(act) } end private def action_tree(action) Portier::ApplicationPermission.action_tree(action) end def current_record @current_record = find_record if not @current_record @current_record end def find_record if params[:id] field = model.respond_to?(:default_id) ? model.default_id : :id model.find_by Hash[field, params[:id]] else nil end end def model controller_name.singularize.camelize.constantize end def model_exists? defined? model end def record_name controller_name.singularize.to_sym end def method_missing(*args, &block) if args.first == record_name and model_exists? current_record elsif current_record.class.to_s.downcase == args.first.to_s current_record else raise NoMethodError.new("undefined local variable or method '#{args.first}' for #{self.class}") end end end