module Locomotive module Plugin module Liquid # @private def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # @private module ClassMethods def add_liquid_tag_methods(base) base.extend(LiquidTagMethods) end end module LiquidTagMethods # Returns a hash of tag names and tag classes to be registered in the # liquid environment. The tag names are prefixed by the given prefix, # and the tag classes are modified so that they check the liquid # context to determine whether they are enabled and should render # normally def prefixed_liquid_tags(prefix) self.liquid_tags.inject({}) do |hash, (tag_name, tag_class)| hash["#{prefix}_#{tag_name}"] = tag_subclass(tag_class) hash end end protected # Creates a nested subclass to handle rendering this tag def tag_subclass(tag_class) tag_class.class_eval <<-CODE class TagSubclass < #{tag_class.to_s} include ::Locomotive::Plugin::TagSubclassMethods end CODE tag_class::TagSubclass end end # Gets the module to include as a filter in liquid. It prefixes the # filter methods with the given string def prefixed_liquid_filter_module(prefix) # Build up a string to eval into the module so we only need to reopen # it once strings_to_eval = [] raw_filter_modules = [self.class.liquid_filters].flatten.compact raw_filter_modules.each do |mod| mod.public_instance_methods.each do |meth| strings_to_eval << <<-CODE def #{prefix}_#{meth}(input) self._passthrough_filter_call_for_#{prefix}('#{meth}', input) end CODE end end strings_to_eval << <<-CODE protected def _passthrough_object_for_#{prefix} @_passthrough_object_for_#{prefix} ||= \ self._build_passthrough_object([#{raw_filter_modules.join(',')}]) end def _passthrough_filter_call_for_#{prefix}(meth, input) self._passthrough_object_for_#{prefix}.public_send(meth, input) end CODE # Eval the dynamic methods in @prefixed_liquid_filter_module = do include ::Locomotive::Plugin::Liquid::PrefixedFilterModule end @prefixed_liquid_filter_module.class_eval strings_to_eval.join("\n") @prefixed_liquid_filter_module end end end end