module Wukong module Streamer class Base # Options, initially set from the command-line args -- see # Script#process_argv! attr_reader :own_options # # Accepts option hash from script runner # def initialize options={} @own_options = options end def options Settings.deep_merge own_options end # # Pass each record to +#process+ # def stream"Streaming on:\t%s" % [Script.input_file]) unless Script.input_file.blank? before_stream each_record do |line| record = recordize(line.chomp) or next process(*record) do |output_record| emit output_record end track(record) end after_stream end def track record monitor.periodically(record.to_s[0..1000]) end def each_record &block $stdin.each(&block) end # Called exactly once, before streaming begins def before_stream end # Called exactly once, after streaming completes def after_stream end # # Default recordizer: returns array of fields by splitting at tabs # def recordize line line.split("\t") rescue nil end # # Serializes the record to output. # # Emits a single line of tab-separated fields created by calling #to_flat # on the record and joining with "\t". # # Does no escaping or processing of the record -- that's to_flat's job, or # yours if you override this method. # def emit record puts record.to_flat.join("\t") end # # Process each record in turn, yielding the records to emit # def process *args, &block yield(args) end # # To track processing errors inline, # pass the line back to bad_record! # def bad_record! key, *args warn "Bad record #{args.inspect[0..400]}" puts ["bad_record-"+key.to_s, *args].join("\t") end # A periodic logger to track progress def monitor @monitor ||= end # Defines a process method on the fly to execute the given mapper. # # This is still experimental. # Among other limitations, you can't use ++yield++ -- you have to call # emit() directly. def mapper &mapper_block @mapper_block = mapper_block.to_proc self.instance_eval do def process *args, &block instance_exec(*args, &@mapper_block) end end self end # Creates a new object of this class and injects the given block # as the process method def self.mapper *args, &block*args, &block) end # Delegates back to Wukong to run this instance as a mapper def run options={}, nil, options) end # Creates a new object of this class and runs it def options={}, nil, options) end end end end