require 'spec_helper' describe Softcover::Builders::Epub do before(:all) do generate_book @file_to_be_removed = path('html/should_be_removed.html') File.write(@file_to_be_removed, '') silence { `softcover build:epub` } @builder =! end after(:all) { remove_book } subject(:builder) { @builder } it "should be valid" do output = `softcover epub:validate` expect(output).to match(/No errors or warnings/) end describe "mimetype file" do it "should exist in the right directory" do expect(path('epub/mimetype')).to exist end it "should have the right contents" do'epub/mimetype') do |f| expect( match(/application\/epub\+zip/) end end end describe "META-INF" do it "should have the right container file" do expect('epub/META-INF/container.xml').to exist end it "should have an iBooks XML file" do expect('epub/META-INF/').to exist end it "should have the right contents" do'epub/META-INF/container.xml') do |f| expect( match(/rootfile full-path="OEBPS\/content.opf"/) end end end describe "OEBPS" do describe "contents" do describe "opf file" do let(:content_opf) { 'epub/OEBPS/content.opf' } let(:doc) { Nokogiri.XML( } subject { content_opf } it { should exist } it "should have the chapter right items" do expect(doc.css('item#a_chapter')).not_to be_empty expect(doc.css('item#another_chapter')).not_to be_empty end it "should have the right TOC chapter refs" do toc_refs = doc.css('itemref').map { |node| node['idref'] } expect(toc_refs).to eq %w[cover frontmatter a_chapter another_chapter yet_another_chapter] end it "should have the right title" do expect(doc.to_xml).to match(/>#{builder.manifest.title}</) end it "should have the right author" do author = Regexp.escape( expect(doc.to_xml).to match(/>#{author}</) end it "should have the right copyright line" do copyright = Regexp.escape("Copyright (c) #{}") author = Regexp.escape( expect(doc.to_xml).to match(/>#{copyright} #{author}</) end it "should have a unique UUID" do uuid = Regexp.escape(builder.manifest.uuid) expect(doc.to_xml).to match(/#{uuid}</) end it "should have the right conver meta tag" do meta = '<meta name="cover" content="img-cover-jpg"/>' expect(doc.to_xml).to include meta end end context "stylesheets directory" do it "should have a Pygments CSS file" do expect('epub/OEBPS/styles/pygments.css').to exist end it "should have a page template file" do expect('epub/OEBPS/styles/page-template.xpgt').to exist end it "should have a PolyTeXnic CSS file" do expect('epub/OEBPS/styles/softcover.css').to exist end it "should have an EPUB CSS file" do expect('epub/OEBPS/styles/epub.css').to exist end end end describe "spine toc" do subject(:toc) { 'epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx' } let(:doc) { Nokogiri::XML( } it { should exist } it "should contain the right filenames in the right order" do filenames = %w[frontmatter_fragment.html a_chapter_fragment.html another_chapter_fragment.html yet_another_chapter_fragment.html] source_files = doc.css('content').map { |node| node['src'] } expect(source_files).to eql(filenames) end it "should have the right title" do expect(doc.to_xml).to match(/>#{builder.manifest.title}</) end end context "HTML generation" do context "math? method" do it "should return true when there's math" do expect(builder.math?('\(')).to be_true expect(builder.math?('\[')).to be_true expect(builder.math?('\begin{equation}')).to be_true end it "should return false when there's no math" do expect(builder.math?('foo')).to be_false end end it "should remove the HTML files" do expect(@file_to_be_removed).not_to exist end it "should create the HTML files" do has_math = false expect(path('epub/OEBPS/cover.html')).to exist builder.manifest.chapters.each_with_index do |chapter, i| content ="html/#{chapter.slug}_fragment.html")) has_math ||= builder.math?(content) fragment = path("epub/OEBPS/#{chapter.slug}_fragment.html") expect(fragment).to exist end # Make sure at least one template file has math. expect(has_math).to be_true end describe "cover file" do subject(:cover_file) {'epub/OEBPS/cover.html')) } it "should have the right cover image" do expect(cover_file).to include 'cover.jpg' end end it "should create math PNGs" do expect(path("epub/OEBPS/images/texmath")).to exist expect(Dir[path("epub/OEBPS/images/texmath/*.png")]).not_to be_empty end end it "should create the style files" do expect(path('epub/OEBPS/styles/page-template.xpgt')).to exist expect(path('epub/OEBPS/styles/pygments.css')).to exist expect(path('epub/OEBPS/styles/softcover.css')).to exist end it "should scrub the CSS file of the book id" do css ='epub/OEBPS/styles/softcover.css')) expect(css).not_to match /\#book/ end end it "should generate the EPUB" do expect(path('ebooks/book.epub')).to exist expect(path('epub/book.epub')).not_to exist expect(path('epub/')).not_to exist end end describe Softcover::Builders::Epub do context "for a Markdown book" do let(:unused_image) { File.basename(path('html/images/testimonial_1.png')) } before(:all) do generate_book(markdown: true) @builder =! chdir_to_book end after(:all) { remove_book } subject(:builder) { @builder } it "should be valid" do expect(`softcover epub:validate`).to match(/No errors or warnings/) end it "should not raise an error" do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end it "should remove the generated LaTeX files" do expect(Dir.glob(path('chapters/*.tex'))).to be_empty end it "should not include an image not used in the document" do expect(path("epub/OEBPS/images/#{unused_image}")).not_to exist end end end describe Softcover::EpubUtils do let(:dummy_class) { { include Softcover::EpubUtils } } let(:title) { 'Foo Bar & Grill' } let(:uuid) { '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' } context "content.opf template" do let(:copyright) { '2015' } let(:author) { "Laurel & Hardy" } let(:cover_id) { '17' } let(:toc_chapters) { [] } let(:manifest_chapters) { [] } let(:images) { [] } let(:template) do, copyright, author, uuid, cover_id, toc_chapters, manifest_chapters, images) end it "should have the right (escaped) content" do expect(template).to include('Foo Bar & Grill') expect(template).to include('Laurel & Hardy') expect(template).to include(copyright) expect(template).to include(uuid) expect(template).to include(cover_id) end end context "toc.ncx template" do let(:chapter_nav) { [] } let(:template) do, uuid, chapter_nav) end it "should have the right (escaped) content" do expect(template).to include('Foo Bar & Grill') expect(template).to include(uuid) end end context "nav.html template" do let(:nav_list) { [] } let(:template) do, nav_list) end it "should have the right (escaped) content" do expect(template).to include('Foo Bar & Grill') end end end