Resque FIFO Managed Queues version: <%= Resque::Plugins::Fifo::Queue::VERSION %>

<% if @refresh_requested %>

Updating worker list... Refresh to view updates.

<% end %>

This page displays statistics about available FIFO Managed Queues and its partitioning information.

" >

Perfomance Statistics

Contains statistics related to the performance of the FIFO queues

" >
Name Value Description
Max Job Delay <%= @manager.get_stats_max_delay %> The worst case in ms that a job had waited before it gets processed.
Avg Job Delay <%= @manager.get_stats_avg_delay %> Average wait time in ms, before a job gets processed
Total DHT rehash <%= @manager.dht_times_rehashed %> Total number of times the hash table was rehashed
Avg DHT recalculate time <%= @manager.get_stats_avg_dht_recalc %> Average time it takes the system to rehash the DHT

Pending Queue Information

This queue contains jobs that are to be resharded

Queue Name Stored Jobs
"><%= @manager.pending_queue_name %> <%= @manager.pending_total %>

<%= @queue_with_slices.size %> worker instances

" >
<% @queue_with_slices.each do |slice_info| %> <% end %>
Slice (0 -- <%= 2**32 %>) Queue Name Worker Host Status Started Heartbeat Assigned Queued
#<%= slice_info[0] %> "><%= slice_info[1] %> "><%= slice_info[2] %>:<%= slice_info[3] %> <%= slice_info[4] %> <%= slice_info[5] %> <%= slice_info[6] %> <%= slice_info[7] %> <%= slice_info[8] %>
<% if @orphaned_queues.size > 0 %>

Orphaned Queues

<% @orphaned_queues.each do |queue| %> <% end %>
Queue Name
"><%= queue %>
<% end %> <%= poll %>