module Middleman module HashiCorp require_relative "bintray" require_relative "redcarpet" require_relative "releases" require_relative "rouge" end end class Middleman::HashiCorpExtension < ::Middleman::Extension option :bintray_enabled, false, "Whether Bintray is enabeld" option :bintray_repo, nil, "The Bintray repo name (e.g. mitchellh/packer)" option :bintray_user, nil, "The Bintray http basic auth user (e.g. mitchellh)" option :bintray_key, nil, "The Bintray http basic auth key (e.g. abcd1234)" option :bintray_exclude_proc, nil, "A filter to apply for packages" option :bintray_prefixed, true, "Whether packages are prefixed with the project name" option :name, nil, "The name of the package (e.g. 'consul')" option :version, nil, "The version of the package (e.g. 0.1.0)" option :minify_javascript, true, "Whether to minimize JS or not" option :github_slug, nil, "The project's GitHub namespace/project_name duo (e.g. hashicorp/serf)" option :website_root, "website", "The project's middleman directory relative to the Git root" option :releases_enabled, true, "Whether to fetch releases" def initialize(app, options_hash = {}, &block) super # Grab a reference to self so we can access it deep inside blocks _self = self # Use syntax highlighting on fenced code blocks # This is super hacky, but middleman does not let you activate an # extension on "app" outside of the "configure" block. require "middleman-syntax" syntax = { activate :syntax } app.configure(:development, &syntax) app.configure(:build, &syntax) # Organize assets like Rails app.set :css_dir, "assets/stylesheets" app.set :js_dir, "assets/javascripts" app.set :images_dir, "assets/images" app.set :fonts_dir, "assets/fonts" # Make custom assets available assets = { sprockets.import_asset "ie-compat.js" } app.configure(:development, &assets) app.configure(:build, &assets) # Override the default Markdown settings to use our customer renderer # and the options we want! app.set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet app.set :markdown, Middleman::HashiCorp::RedcarpetHTML::REDCARPET_OPTIONS.merge( renderer: Middleman::HashiCorp::RedcarpetHTML ) # Set the latest version app.set :latest_version, options.version # Do the releases dance app.set :product_versions, _self.product_versions app.set :github_slug, options.github_slug app.set :website_root, options.website_root # Configure the development-specific environment app.configure :development do # Reload the browser automatically whenever files change require "middleman-livereload" activate :livereload, host: "" end # Configure the build-specific environment minify_javascript = options.minify_javascript app.configure :build do # Minify CSS on build activate :minify_css if minify_javascript # Minify Javascript on build activate :minify_javascript end # Enable cache buster activate :asset_hash end end helpers do # # Output an image that corresponds to the given operating system using the # vendored image icons. # # @return [String] (html) # def system_icon(name) image_tag("icons/icon_#{name.to_s.downcase}.png") end # # The formatted operating system name. # # @return [String] # def pretty_os(os) case os when /darwin/ "Mac OS X" when /freebsd/ "FreeBSD" when /openbsd/ "OpenBSD" when /netbsd/ "NetBSD" when /linux/ "Linux" when /windows/ "Windows" else os.capitalize end end # # The formatted architecture name. # # @return [String] # def pretty_arch(arch) case arch when /all/ "Universal (32 and 64-bit)" when /686/, /386/ "32-bit" when /86_64/, /amd64/ "64-bit" else parts = arch.split("_") if parts.empty? raise "Could not determine pretty arch `#{arch}'!" end parts.last.capitalize end end # # Calculate the architecture for the given filename (from Bintray). # # @return [String] # def arch_for_filename(path) file = File.basename(path, File.extname(path)) case file when /686/, /386/ "32-bit" when /86_64/, /amd64/ "64-bit" else parts = file.split("_") if parts.empty? raise "Could not determine arch for filename `#{file}'!" end parts.last.capitalize end end # # Return the GitHub URL associated with the project # @return [String] the project's URL on GitHub # @return [false] if github_slug hasn't been set # def github_url(specificity = :repo) return false if github_slug.nil? base_url = "{github_slug}" if specificity == :repo base_url elsif specificity == :current_page base_url + "/blob/master/" + path_in_repository(current_page) end end # # Return a resource's path relative to its source repo's root directory. # @param page [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] a sitemap resource object # @return [String] a resource's path relative to its source repo's root # directory # def path_in_repository(resource) relative_path = resource.path.match(/.*\//).to_s file = resource.source_file.split("/").last website_root + "/source/" + relative_path + file end end # # Query the Bintray API to get the real product download versions. # # @return [Hash] # def product_versions if !options.bintray_enabled && !options.releases_enabled return { "HashiOS" => { "amd64" => "/", "i386" => "/", } } end if options.bintray_repo repo: options.bintray_repo, user: options.bintray_user, key: options.bintray_key, filter: options.bintray_exclude_proc, prefixed: options.bintray_prefixed, ).downloads_for_version(options.version) else Middleman::HashiCorp::Releases.fetch(, options.version) end end end