# Ruh-Roo [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/roo-rb/roo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/roo-rb/roo) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/be8d7bf34e2aeaf67c62/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/roo-rb/roo/maintainability) [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/roo-rb/roo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://coveralls.io/r/roo-rb/roo) [![Gem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/roo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://rubygems.org/gems/roo) Ruh-roh, it's been a while (2 years at the time of writing) since roo has released a new version of their gem. This fixes that by packaging up the latest master branch and publishing it for release. Roo implements read access for all common spreadsheet types. It can handle: * Excel 2007 - 2013 formats (xlsx, xlsm) * LibreOffice / OpenOffice.org formats (ods) * CSV * Excel 97, Excel 2002 XML, and Excel 2003 XML formats when using the [roo-xls](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo-xls) gem (xls, xml) * Google spreadsheets with read/write access when using [roo-google](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo-google) ## Installation Install as a gem $ gem install roo Or add it to your Gemfile ```ruby gem "ruh-roo", "~> 3.0.0" ``` ## Usage Opening a spreadsheet ```ruby require 'roo' xlsx = Roo::Spreadsheet.open('./new_prices.xlsx') xlsx = Roo::Excelx.new("./new_prices.xlsx") # Use the extension option if the extension is ambiguous. xlsx = Roo::Spreadsheet.open('./rails_temp_upload', extension: :xlsx) xlsx.info # => Returns basic info about the spreadsheet file ``` ``Roo::Spreadsheet.open`` can accept both paths and ``File`` instances. ### Working with sheets ```ruby ods.sheets # => ['Info', 'Sheet 2', 'Sheet 3'] # an Array of sheet names in the workbook ods.sheet('Info').row(1) ods.sheet(0).row(1) # Set the last sheet as the default sheet. ods.default_sheet = ods.sheets.last ods.default_sheet = ods.sheets[2] ods.default_sheet = 'Sheet 3' # Iterate through each sheet ods.each_with_pagename do |name, sheet| p sheet.row(1) end ``` ### Accessing rows and columns Roo uses Excel's numbering for rows, columns and cells, so `1` is the first index, not `0` as it is in an ``Array`` ```ruby sheet.row(1) # returns the first row of the spreadsheet. sheet.column(1) # returns the first column of the spreadsheet. ``` Almost all methods have an optional argument `sheet`. If this parameter is omitted, the default_sheet will be used. ```ruby sheet.first_row(sheet.sheets[0]) # => 1 # the number of the first row sheet.last_row # => 42 # the number of the last row sheet.first_column # => 1 # the number of the first column sheet.last_column # => 10 # the number of the last column ``` #### Accessing cells You can access the top-left cell in the following ways ```ruby sheet.cell(1,1) sheet.cell('A',1) sheet.cell(1,'A') sheet.a1 # Access the second sheet's top-left cell. sheet.cell(1,'A',sheet.sheets[1]) ``` #### Querying a spreadsheet Use ``each`` to iterate over each row. If each is given a hash with the names of some columns, then each will generate a hash with the columns supplied for each row. ```ruby sheet.each(id: 'ID', name: 'FULL_NAME') do |hash| puts hash.inspect # => { id: 1, name: 'John Smith' } end ``` Use ``sheet.parse`` to return an array of rows. Column names can be a ``String`` or a ``Regexp``. ```ruby sheet.parse(id: /UPC|SKU/, qty: /ATS*\sATP\s*QTY\z/) # => [{:id => 727880013358, :qty => 12}, ...] ``` Use the ``:headers`` option to include the header row in the parsed content. ```ruby sheet.parse(headers: true) ``` Use the ``:header_search`` option to locate the header row and assign the header names. ```ruby sheet.parse(header_search: [/UPC*SKU/,/ATS*\sATP\s*QTY\z/]) ``` Use the ``:clean`` option to strip out control characters and surrounding white space. ```ruby sheet.parse(clean: true) ``` #### Options When opening the file you can add a hash of options. ##### expand_merged_ranges If you open a document with merged cells and do not want to end up with nil values for the rows after the first one. ```ruby xlsx = Roo::Excelx.new('./roo_error.xlsx', {:expand_merged_ranges => true}) ``` ### Exporting spreadsheets Roo has the ability to export sheets using the following formats. It will only export the ``default_sheet``. ```ruby sheet.to_csv sheet.to_matrix sheet.to_xml sheet.to_yaml ``` ### Excel (xlsx and xlsm) Support Stream rows from an Excelx spreadsheet. ```ruby xlsx = Roo::Excelx.new("./test_data/test_small.xlsx") xlsx.each_row_streaming do |row| puts row.inspect # Array of Excelx::Cell objects end ``` By default blank cells will be excluded from the array. To keep them, use the option pad_cells = true. (They will be set to nil in the array) ```ruby xlsx.each_row_streaming(pad_cells: true) do |row| puts row.inspect # Array of Excelx::Cell objects end ``` To stream only some of the rows, you can use the ```max_rows``` and ```offset```options. ```ruby xlsx.each_row_streaming(offset: 1) do |row| # Will exclude first (inevitably header) row puts row.inspect # Array of Excelx::Cell objects end ``` ```ruby xlsx.each_row_streaming(max_rows: 3) do |row| # Will yield 4 rows (it's automatically incremented by 1) after the supplied offset. puts row.inspect # Array of Excelx::Cell objects end ``` Iterate over each row ```ruby xlsx.each_row do |row| ... end ``` ``Roo::Excelx`` also provides these helpful methods. ```ruby xlsx.excelx_type(3, 'C') # => :numeric_or_formula xlsx.cell(3, 'C') # => 600000383.0 xlsx.excelx_value(row,col) # => '600000383' xlsx.formatted_value(row,col) # => '0600000383' ``` ``Roo::Excelx`` can access celltype, comments, font information, formulas, hyperlinks and labels. ```ruby xlsx.comment(1,1, ods.sheets[-1]) xlsx.font(1,1).bold? xlsx.formula('A', 2) ``` ### OpenOffice / LibreOffice Support Roo::OpenOffice has support for encrypted OpenOffice spreadsheets. ```ruby # Load an encrypted OpenOffice Spreadsheet ods = Roo::OpenOffice.new("myspreadsheet.ods", password: "password") ``` ``Roo::OpenOffice`` can access celltype, comments, font information, formulas and labels. ```ruby ods.celltype # => :percentage ods.comment(1,1, ods.sheets[-1]) ods.font(1,1).italic? # => false ods.formula('A', 2) ``` ### CSV Support ```ruby # Load a CSV file csv = Roo::CSV.new("mycsv.csv") ``` Because Roo uses the standard CSV library, you can use options available to that library to parse csv files. You can pass options using the ``csv_options`` key. For instance, you can load tab-delimited files (``.tsv``), and you can use a particular encoding when opening the file. ```ruby # Load a tab-delimited csv csv = Roo::CSV.new("mytsv.tsv", csv_options: {col_sep: "\t"}) # Load a csv with an explicit encoding csv = Roo::CSV.new("mycsv.csv", csv_options: {encoding: Encoding::ISO_8859_1}) ``` You can also open csv files through the Roo::Spreadsheet class (useful if you accept both CSV and Excel types from a user file upload, for example). ```ruby # Load a spreadsheet from a file path # Roo figures out the right parser based on file extension spreadsheet = Roo::Spreadsheet.open(csv_or_xlsx_file) # Load a csv and auto-strip the BOM (byte order mark) # csv files saved from MS Excel typically have the BOM marker at the beginning of the file spreadsheet = Roo::Spreadsheet.open("mycsv.csv", { csv_options: { encoding: 'bom|utf-8' } }) ``` ## Upgrading from Roo 1.13.x If you use ``.xls`` or Google spreadsheets, you will need to install ``roo-xls`` or ``roo-google`` to continue using that functionality. Roo's public methods have stayed relatively consistent between 1.13.x and 2.0.0, but please check the [Changelog](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) to better understand the changes made since 1.13.x. ## Contributing ### Features 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/fork ) 2. Install it (`bundle install --with local_development`) 3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'My new feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create a new Pull Request ### Testing Roo uses Minitest and RSpec. The best of both worlds! Run `bundle exec rake` to run the tests/examples. You can run the tests/examples with Rspec like reporters by running `USE_REPORTERS=true bundle exec rake` Roo also has a few tests that take a long time (5+ seconds). To run these, use `LONG_RUN=true bundle exec rake` ### Issues If you find an issue, please create a gist and refer to it in an issue ([sample gist](https://gist.github.com/stevendaniels/98a05849036e99bb8b3c)). Here are some instructions for creating such a gist. 1. [Create a gist](https://gist.github.com) with code that creates the error. 2. Clone the gist repo locally, add a stripped down version of the offending spreadsheet to the gist repo, and push the gist's changes master. 3. Paste the gist url here. ## License [Roo uses an MIT License](https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/blob/master/LICENSE)