require 'rouge' # FIXME This whole file has a weird vibe. It has dead code and # also exposes methods that are not dot commands... def self.pyg_change(code, klass, style) color = style[0..6] modifier = style[8] mod_open = modifier ? "<#{modifier}>" : "" mod_close = modifier ? "" : "" rx = /(?[^<]+?)<\/span>/ loop do md = rx.match(code) break if md.nil? str = md[:cname] result = code.sub!(rx, "#{mod_open}#{str}#{mod_close}") break if result.nil? end end def self._codebar_color(lexer) color = case lexer when :elixir "#fc88fc" when :ruby "#fc8888" else raise "Unknown lexer" end end def self.pyg_finalize(code, lexer=:elixir) Styles.each_pair {|klass, style| pyg_change(code, klass, style) } code.sub!(/
/, "
  code.gsub!(//, "")
  code.gsub!(/<\/span>/, "")
    color = _codebar_color(lexer)
    code.sub!(// }
    n2 = lines.index {|x| x =~ /<\/pre>/ }
    # FIXME ?
    n1 ||= 0
    n2 ||= -1
    lines[n1].sub!(/ 1$/, "  1 ")
    (n1+1).upto(n2) {|n| lines[n].replace(" " + lines[n] + " ") }
    code = lines.join("\n")

  def _process_code(text)
    lines = text.split("\n")
    lines = {|x| x !~ /##~ omit/ }
    @refs = {}
    lines.each.with_index do |line, i|
      if line =~ /##~ ref/
        frag, name = line.split(/ *##~ ref/)
        @refs[name.strip] = i
    end! {|line| "  " + line }
    text2 = lines.join("\n")

  def _colorize(code, lexer=:elixir)
    text = ::Pygments.highlight(code, lexer: lexer, options: {linenos: "table"})
    _debug "--- in _colorize: text = #{text.inspect}"
    text2 = PygmentFix.pyg_finalize(text, lexer)
    result = "\n" + text2

  def _colorize!(code, lexer=:elixir)
    text = ::Pygments.highlight(code, lexer: lexer, options: {})
    _debug "--- in _colorize!: text = #{text.inspect}"
    text2 = PygmentFix.pyg_finalize(text, lexer)
    result = "\n" + text2

  def fragment(args = nil, body = nil)
    $code_lines ||= 0  # FIXME later
    lang = api.args.empty? ? :elixir : api.args.first.to_sym   # ruby or elixir
    api.args = []
    lines = api.body(true)  # .to_a  # raw
    $code_lines += lines.size
    result = send("format_#{lang}", lines)
    api.out result
    api.out "
\n" api.optional_blank_line rescue => err STDERR.puts "fragment Error: #{__method__} err = #{err}\n#{err.backtrace.join("\n")}" end def code # FIXME ? text = "" api.body {|line| api.out " " + line } end def mono api.out "
    api.body {|line| api.out "    " + line }
    api.out "
" end def create_code_styles dir = @_outdir || "." theme, back = "Github", "white" css = Rouge::Themes.const_get(theme).render(scope: '.rb_highlight') added = <<~CSS .rb_highlight { font-family: 'Monaco', 'Andale Mono', 'Lucida Grande', 'Courier', 'Lucida Console', 'Courier New', monospace; white-space: pre; background-color: #{back} } CSS css.gsub!(/{\n/, "{\n font-family: courier;") css = added + "\n" + css # STDERR.puts "Writing #{theme} theme to ruby.css" File.write("#{dir}/ruby.css", css) css = Rouge::Themes.const_get(theme).render(scope: '.ex_highlight') added = added.sub(/rb/, "ex") css.gsub!(/{\n/, "{\n font-family: courier;") css = added + "\n" + css # STDERR.puts "Writing #{theme} theme to elixir.css" File.write("#{dir}/elixir.css", css) end def ruby(args = nil, body = nil) file = api.args.first code = nil if file.nil? code = " # Ruby code\n\n" api.body {|line| code << " " + line + "\n" } else code = "# Ruby code\n\n" + end html = format_ruby(code) api.out html end def elixir(args = nil, body = nil) file = api.args.first code = nil if file.nil? code = "" api.body {|line| code << " " + line + "\n" } else code = end html = format_elixir(code) api.out html end def format_ruby(lines, theme = "Github", back = "black") # theme/back not used now source = lines source = source.join("\n") if source.is_a?(Array) formatter = lexer = body = formatter.format(lexer.lex(source)) text = "
" text end def format_elixir(lines, theme = "Github", back = "black") # theme/back not used now source = lines source = source.join("\n") if source.is_a?(Array) formatter = lexer = body = formatter.format(lexer.lex(source)) text = "
" text end def __ruby(lines) theme = :Github # default source = lines.join("\n") formatter = lexer = body = formatter.format(lexer.lex(source)) # css = Rouge::Themes.const_get(theme.to_s).render(scope: '.highlight') # added = ".highlight { font-family: courier; white-space: pre }" result = <<~HTML

HTML return result iheight = lines.size * 25 api.out <<~HTML

HTML rescue => err STDERR.puts "Error: #{__method__} err = #{err}\n#{err.backtrace.join("\n")}" end def __elixir(lines) theme = :Github # default source = lines.join("\n") formatter = lexer = body = formatter.format(lexer.lex(source)) # css = Rouge::Themes.const_get(theme.to_s).render(scope: '.highlight') # added = ".highlight { font-family: courier; white-space: pre }" result = <<~HTML

HTML return result iheight = lines.size * 25 api.out <<~HTML

HTML rescue => err STDERR.puts "Error: #{__method__} err = #{err}\n#{err.backtrace}" end