= simple_form_for(['admin', @item]) do |f| header.content-header.js-content-header - subnav_array = ['Attributes', 'Assets', 'Associations'] - subnav_array.concat ['Nested Table', 'Recent Changes'] if params[:action] == 'edit' = render 'fae/shared/form_header', header: @klass_name, f: f, item: @item, cloneable: true, subnav: subnav_array, languages: true = render 'fae/shared/errors' section.content#attributes = fae_input f, :name, input_class: 'slugger', helper_text: 'text input', hint: '

Normal Hint

Yes, HTML is allowed

'.html_safe = fae_input f, :vintage, input_class: 'slugger', helper_text: 'text input', dark_hint: '

Dark Hint

Yes, HTML is allowed

'.html_safe = fae_input f, :slug, helper_text: 'text input (populated from name and vintage)' = fae_input f, :intro, helper_text: 'texterea', markdown: true = fae_input f, :body, label: 'Body Content', wrapper_class: 'release_body-text_area--wrapper', input_class: 'release_body-text_area', helper_text: 'textarea', markdown_supported: true = fae_input f, :description, helper_text: 'texterea', markdown: true = fae_prefix f, :price, helper_text: 'prefix', prefix: '$', placeholder: '50.00' = fae_suffix f, :weight, helper_text: 'suffix', suffix: 'lbs' = fae_video_url f, :video_url, helper_text: "video url (default helper: Please enter your YouTube video ID. The video ID is between v= and & of the video's url. This is typically 11 characters long.)" = fae_input f, :featured, helper_text: 'checkbox' = fae_radio f, :on_stage, helper_text: 'radio vertical' = fae_radio f, :on_prod, type: 'inline', input_class: 'something', helper_text: 'radio Horizontal' = fae_datepicker f, :release_date, helper_text: 'datepicker' = fae_daterange f, [:show, :hide], label: 'Show/Hide', helper_text: 'daterange' = fae_input f, :created_at, as: :hidden section.content#assets h2 Assets = fae_image_form f, :bottle_shot, helper_text: 'image form (w/ alt)', required: true = fae_image_form f, :hero_image, helper_text: 'image form (w/ alt and caption)', show_caption: true = fae_file_form f, :label_pdf, helper_text: 'file form' section.content#associations h2 Associations = fae_association f, :varietal, helper_text: 'pulldown', input_class: 'slugger' = fae_pulldown f, :wine, size: 'short', helper_text: 'pulldown short', collection: Wine.order(:name_en), label_method: :name_en = fae_multiselect f, :acclaims, label_method: :publication, helper_text: 'mutliselect' = fae_multiselect f, :selling_points, two_pane: true, helper_text: 'two-pane mutliselect' = fae_checkbox f, :events, helper_text: 'checkboxes vertical', type: 'inline' - if params[:action] == 'edit' section.content#aromas = render 'fae/shared/nested_table', assoc: :aromas, parent_item: @item, cols: [{ attr: :name, title: 'Pew Pew' }, :live, :image, { attr: :cat_size, title: 'Kitten Count' }], ordered: true, header: 'Aromas (nested table)' section.content#release_notes = render 'fae/shared/nested_table', assoc: :release_notes, parent_item: @item, cols: [:title, :body], ordered: true, header: 'Release Notes' = render 'fae/shared/recent_changes'