// ==========================================================================
// Project: SproutCore Test Runner
// Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.
// Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js)
// ==========================================================================
/*globals TestRunner */
// This page describes the main user interface for your application.
TestRunner.mainPage = SC.Page.design({
This is the main pane that is displayed when the application loads. The
main views are configured here including the sidebar, toolbar at the
bottom and the iframe.
mainPane: SC.MainPane.design({
defaultResponder: "TestRunner",
// when defining a generic view, just name the properties holding your
// child views here. the w() helper is like calling split(' ')
childViews: 'splitView toolbarView'.w(),
// This is the main split view on the top of the screen. Note that
// since SC.SplitView defines a few special types of views you don't need
// to define a childViews array.
splitView: SC.SplitView.design({
layout: { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 32 },
defaultThickness: 200,
topLeftThicknessBinding: "TestRunner.sourceController.sidebarThickness",
topLeftView: SC.ScrollView.design({
hasHorizontalScroller: NO, // disable horizontal scrolling
contentView: SC.SourceListView.design({
contentBinding: "TestRunner.sourceController.arrangedObjects",
selectionBinding: "TestRunner.sourceController.selection",
contentValueKey: "displayName",
hasContentIcon: YES,
contentIconKey: "targetIcon",
action: 'selectTarget'
bottomRightView: SC.SceneView.design({
scenes: "testsMaster testsDetail".w(),
nowShowingBinding: "TestRunner.currentScene"
// This is the toolbar view that appears at the bottom. We include two
// child views that alight right and left so that we can add buttons to
// them and let them layout themselves.
toolbarView: SC.ToolbarView.design({
anchorLocation: SC.ANCHOR_BOTTOM,
childViews: 'logo continuousIntegrationCheckbox runTestsButton'.w(),
logo: SC.View.design({
layout: { left: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, width: 200 },
classNames: 'app-title',
tagName: 'h1',
render: function(context, firstTime) {
var img_url = sc_static('images/sproutcore-logo');
context.push('', "_Test Runner".loc(), "");
continuousIntegrationCheckbox: TestRunner.OffsetCheckboxView.design({
title: "Continuous Integration",
offsetBinding: "TestRunner.sourceController.sidebarThickness",
valueBinding: "TestRunner.testsController.useContinuousIntegration",
isEnabledBinding: "TestRunner.testsController.isShowingTests",
layout: { height: 18, centerY: 1, width: 170, left: 206 }
runTestsButton: SC.ButtonView.design({
title: "Run Tests",
isEnabledBinding: "TestRunner.testsController.isShowingTests",
layout: { height: 24, centerY: 0, width: 90, right: 12 }
targetsLoading: SC.View.design({
childViews: "labelView".w(),
labelView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0, height: 24, width: 200 },
classNames: "center-label",
fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT,
value: "_Loading Targets".loc()
noTargets: SC.View.design({
childViews: "labelView".w(),
labelView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0, height: 24, width: 200 },
classNames: "center-label",
fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT,
value: "_No Targets".loc()
noTests: SC.View.design({
childViews: "labelView".w(),
labelView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0, height: 24, width: 200 },
classNames: "center-label",
fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT,
value: "_No Tests".loc()
testsLoading: SC.View.design({
childViews: "labelView".w(),
labelView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0, height: 24, width: 200 },
classNames: "center-label",
fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT,
value: "_Loading Tests".loc()
testsNone: SC.View.design({
childViews: "labelView".w(),
labelView: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0, height: 24, width: 200 },
classNames: "center-label",
fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT,
value: "_No Target Selected".loc()
/* list view: displayed when you are in the READY_LIST state, this view
shows all of the unit tests for the selected target.
testsMaster: SC.ScrollView.design({
// configure scroll view do hide horizontal scroller
hasHorizontalScroller: NO,
// this is the list view that actually shows the content
contentView: SC.ListView.design({
// bind to the testsController, which is an ArrayController managing the
// tests for the currently selected target.
contentBinding: "TestRunner.testsController.arrangedObjects",
selectionBinding: "TestRunner.testsController.selection",
// configure the display options for the item itself. The row height is
// larger to make this look more like a menu. Also by default show
// the title.
classNames: ['test-list'], // used by CSS
rowHeight: 32,
hasContentIcon: YES,
contentIconKey: "icon",
hasContentBranch: YES,
contentIsBranchKey: 'isRunnable',
contentValueKey: "displayName",
// the following two options will make the collection view act like a
// menu. It will send the action down the responder chain whenever you
// click on an item. When in the READY state, this action will show the
// detail view.
actOnSelect: YES,
action: "selectTest"
testsDetail: SC.View.design({
childViews: "navigationView webView".w(),
navigationView: SC.ToolbarView.design({
classNames: 'navigation-bar',
layout: { top: -4, left: 0, right: 0, height: 28 },
childViews: "backButton locationLabel".w(),
backButton: SC.ButtonView.design({
layout: { top: 5, left: 8, width: 80, height: 20 },
title: "« Tests",
action: "back"
locationLabel: SC.LabelView.design({
layout: { right: 8, top: 8, height: 18, left: 100 },
textAlign: SC.ALIGN_RIGHT,
valueBinding: "TestRunner.detailController.displayName"
webView: SC.WebView.design({
layout: { top: 28, left: 2, right: 0, bottom: 0 },
valueBinding: "TestRunner.detailController.uncachedUrl"