/* * redcloth_scan.c.rl * * Copyright (C) 2008 Jason Garber */ #define redcloth_scan_c #include #include "redcloth.h" VALUE mRedCloth, super_ParseError, super_RedCloth, super_HTML, super_LATEX; int SYM_escape_preformatted, SYM_escape_attributes; %%{ machine redcloth_scan; include redcloth_common "redcloth_common.c.rl"; action extend { extend = rb_hash_aref(regs, ID2SYM(rb_intern("type"))); } include redcloth_scan "redcloth_scan.rl"; }%% %% write data nofinal; VALUE redcloth_transform(self, p, pe, refs) VALUE self; char *p, *pe; VALUE refs; { char *orig_p = p, *orig_pe = pe; int cs, act, nest; char *ts = NULL, *te = NULL, *reg = NULL, *bck = NULL, *eof = NULL; VALUE html = STR_NEW2(""); VALUE table = STR_NEW2(""); VALUE block = STR_NEW2(""); VALUE regs; CLEAR_REGS() VALUE list_layout = Qnil; char *list_type = NULL; VALUE list_index = rb_ary_new(); int list_continue = 0; VALUE plain_block; SET_PLAIN_BLOCK("p"); VALUE extend = Qnil; char listm[10] = ""; VALUE refs_found = rb_hash_new(); VALUE failed_start = STR_NEW2(""); char *failed_start_point_p = NULL, *failed_start_point_ts = NULL, *failed_start_point_te = NULL; int nested_quote = 0, nested_spoiler = 0, store_cite = 1, store_title = 1; %% write init; %% write exec; if (RSTRING_LEN(block) > 0) { ADD_BLOCK(); } if ( NIL_P(refs) && rb_funcall(refs_found, rb_intern("empty?"), 0) == Qfalse ) { return redcloth_transform(self, orig_p, orig_pe, refs_found); } else { rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("after_transform"), 1, html); return html; } } VALUE redcloth_transform2(self, str) VALUE self, str; { StringValue(str); rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("before_transform"), 1, str); return redcloth_transform(self, RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_PTR(str) + RSTRING_LEN(str) + 1, Qnil); } /* * Converts special characters into HTML entities. */ static VALUE redcloth_html_esc(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) //(self, str, level) { VALUE str, level; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &str, &level); VALUE new_str = STR_NEW2(""); if (str == Qnil) return new_str; StringValue(str); if (RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0) return new_str; char *ts = RSTRING_PTR(str), *te = RSTRING_PTR(str) + RSTRING_LEN(str); char *t = ts, *t2 = ts, *ch = NULL; if (te <= ts) return; while (t2 < te) { ch = NULL; // normal + pre switch (*t2) { case '&': ch = "amp"; break; case '>': ch = "gt"; break; case '<': ch = "lt"; break; } // normal (non-pre) if (level != SYM_escape_preformatted) { switch (*t2) { case '\n': ch = "br"; break; case '"' : ch = "quot"; break; case '\'': ch = (level == SYM_escape_attributes) ? "apos" : "squot"; break; } } if (ch != NULL) { if (t2 > t) rb_str_cat(new_str, t, t2-t); rb_str_concat(new_str, rb_funcall(self, rb_intern(ch), 1, rb_hash_new())); t = t2 + 1; } t2++; } if (t2 > t) rb_str_cat(new_str, t, t2-t); return new_str; } /* * Converts special characters into LaTeX entities. */ static VALUE redcloth_latex_esc(VALUE self, VALUE str) { VALUE new_str = STR_NEW2(""); if (str == Qnil) return new_str; StringValue(str); if (RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0) return new_str; char *ts = RSTRING_PTR(str), *te = RSTRING_PTR(str) + RSTRING_LEN(str); char *t = ts, *t2 = ts, *ch = NULL; if (te <= ts) return; while (t2 < te) { ch = NULL; switch (*t2) { case '{': ch = "#123"; break; case '}': ch = "#125"; break; case '\\': ch = "#92"; break; case '#': ch = "#35"; break; case '$': ch = "#36"; break; case '%': ch = "#37"; break; case '&': ch = "amp"; break; case '_': ch = "#95"; break; case '^': ch = "circ"; break; case '~': ch = "tilde"; break; case '<': ch = "lt"; break; case '>': ch = "gt"; break; case '\n': ch = "#10"; break; } if (ch != NULL) { if (t2 > t) rb_str_cat(new_str, t, t2-t); VALUE opts = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(opts, ID2SYM(rb_intern("text")), STR_NEW2(ch)); rb_str_concat(new_str, rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("entity"), 1, opts)); t = t2 + 1; } t2++; } if (t2 > t) rb_str_cat(new_str, t, t2-t); return new_str; } /* * Transforms a Textile document with +formatter+ */ static VALUE redcloth_to(self, formatter) VALUE self, formatter; { char *pe, *p; int len = 0; rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("delete!"), 1, STR_NEW2("\r")); VALUE working_copy = rb_obj_clone(self); rb_extend_object(working_copy, formatter); if (rb_funcall(working_copy, rb_intern("bbcode_only"), 0) == Qtrue) { return redcloth_bbcode2(working_copy, self, rb_hash_new()); } if (rb_funcall(working_copy, rb_intern("lite_mode"), 0) == Qtrue) { return redcloth_inline2(working_copy, self, rb_hash_new()); } else { return redcloth_transform2(working_copy, self); } } void Init_redcloth_scan() { mRedCloth = rb_define_module("RedCloth"); /* A Textile document that can be converted to other formats. See the README for Textile syntax. */ super_RedCloth = rb_define_class_under(mRedCloth, "TextileDoc", rb_cString); rb_define_method(super_RedCloth, "to", redcloth_to, 1); super_ParseError = rb_define_class_under(super_RedCloth, "ParseError", rb_eException); /* Escaping */ rb_define_method(super_RedCloth, "html_esc", redcloth_html_esc, -1); rb_define_method(super_RedCloth, "latex_esc", redcloth_latex_esc, 1); SYM_escape_preformatted = ID2SYM(rb_intern("html_escape_preformatted")); SYM_escape_attributes = ID2SYM(rb_intern("html_escape_attributes")); }