require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper.rb')) class TmdbTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup register_api_url_stubs @@old_default_language = Tmdb.default_language end def teardown Tmdb.default_language = @@old_default_language end test "should allow setting and getting of api_key" do old_api_key = Tmdb.api_key api_key = "test1234567890" Tmdb.api_key = api_key assert_equal Tmdb.api_key, api_key Tmdb.api_key = old_api_key end test "language should default to 'en'" do assert_equal "en", Tmdb.default_language end test "should allow setting and getting of language" do old_language = Tmdb.default_language new_language = "blah" Tmdb.default_language = new_language assert_equal new_language, Tmdb.default_language end test "should return base API url" do assert_equal "", Tmdb.base_api_url end test "get url returns a response object" do test_response = Tmdb.get_url("") assert_equal 200, test_response.code.to_i end test "getting nonexistent URL returns response object" do test_response = Tmdb.get_url('') assert_equal 404, test_response.code.to_i end test "API call with explicit language setting should override default language" do method = "movie" data = "hello" language = "blah" url = Tmdb.base_api_url + '/' + method + "?api_key=" + Tmdb.api_key + "&language=" + language + '&query=' + CGI::escape(data.to_s) mock_response = stub(:code => "200", :body => '{"page":1,"results":[],"total_pages":0,"total_results":0}') Tmdb.expects(:get_url).with(url).returns(mock_response) Tmdb.api_call(method, {:query => data}, language) end test "api_call should raise exception if api_key is not set" do old_api_key = Tmdb.api_key Tmdb.api_key = "" assert_raises ArgumentError do Tmdb.api_call('', 'Transformers') end Tmdb.api_key = old_api_key end test "should perform search/movie API call and return a Hash with an array of results" do movies = Tmdb.api_call("search/movie", {:query => "Transformers"}) assert_kind_of Hash, movies assert_kind_of Array, movies["results"] movies["results"].each do |movie| assert_kind_of Hash, movie %w(original_title id).each do |item| assert movie[item] end end end test "should perform movie API call and return a single result" do result = Tmdb.api_call("movie", {:id => "187"}) assert_kind_of Hash, result %w(original_title id).each do |item| assert_not_nil result[item] end end test "should perform movie API call with an action and return a single result" do result = Tmdb.api_call("movie/images", {:id => "187"}) assert_kind_of Hash, result %w(posters id).each do |item| assert_not_nil result[item] end end test "should perform Movie.imdbLookup API call and return a single result" do result = Tmdb.api_call("movie", {:id => "tt0401792"}) assert_kind_of Hash, result %w(original_title id).each do |item| assert result[item] end end test "should perform person API call and return a single result" do result = Tmdb.api_call("person", {:id => 287}) assert_kind_of Hash, result %w(homepage id name).each do |item| assert_not_nil result[item] end end test "should perform search/person API call and return a Hash with an array of results" do people = Tmdb.api_call("search/person", {:query => "vince"}) assert_kind_of Array, people["results"] people["results"].each do |person| assert_kind_of Hash, person %w(id name).each do |item| assert_not_nil person[item] end end end test "API call that returns 404 should raise exception" do assert_raise ArgumentError do movies = Tmdb.api_call('Movie.blarg', 'Transformers') end end test "API call that finds no results should return nil" do movies = Tmdb.api_call('search/movie', {:query => "item_not_found"}) assert_nil movies end test "API call cache should not be changed when data altered in the receiving method" do person = Tmdb.api_call("person", {:id => 287}) assert_not_nil person[person.keys[0]] person[person.keys[0]] = nil person = Tmdb.api_call("person", {:id => 287}) assert_not_nil person[person.keys[0]] end test "data_to_object should create object from nested data structures" do test_data = { :test1 => [ 1,2,3,4 ], :test2 => 1 } test_object = Tmdb.data_to_object(test_data) assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal [1,2,3,4], test_object.test1 assert_equal 1, test_object.test2 end end test "data_to_object should include raw_data method that returns original data" do test_data = { :test1 => [1,2,3] } test_object = Tmdb.data_to_object(test_data) assert_equal test_object.raw_data, test_data end test "data_to_object should convert arrays containing images to nicer format" do test_data = { "backdrops" => [ { :test => 1 } ] } test_object = Tmdb.data_to_object(test_data) assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal 1, test_object.backdrops[0].test end end end