# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com class DockerSystem < System attr_accessor :image def type "docker" end def initialize(image) @image = image validate_image_name(image) end def start @container = LoggedCheetah.run("docker", "run", "-id", @image, "bash", stdout: :capture).chomp rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e raise Machinery::Errors::MachineryError, "Container could not be started." \ " The error message was:\n" + e.stderr end def stop LoggedCheetah.run("docker", "rm", "-f", @container) if @container end def run_command(*args) Machinery.logger.info("Running '#{args}'") LoggedCheetah.run("docker", "exec", "--user=root", "-i", @container, *args) end def check_retrieve_files_dependencies # Files are retrieved using the `docker cp` command, so there are no additional dependencies end def check_create_archive_dependencies # Archives are created using the machinery-helper binary, so there are no additional # dependencies end # Reads a file from the System. Returns nil if it does not exist. def read_file(file) run_command("cat", file, stdout: :capture) rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e if e.status.exitstatus == 1 # File not found, return nil return else raise end end # Removes a file from the System def remove_file(file) run_command("rm", file) rescue => e raise Machinery::Errors::RemoveFileFailed.new( "Could not remove file '#{file}'.\nError: #{e}" ) end # Copies a file to the system def inject_file(source, destination) LoggedCheetah.run("docker", "cp", source, "#{@container}:#{destination}") end # Retrieves files specified in file_list from the container def retrieve_files(file_list, destination) file_list.each do |file| destination_path = File.join(destination, file) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(destination_path), mode: 0700) LoggedCheetah.run("docker", "cp", "#{@container}:#{file}", "#{destination_path}") LoggedCheetah.run("chmod", "go-rwx", destination_path) end end # Retrieves files specified in file_list from the container and creates an archive. def create_archive(file_list, archive, exclude = []) created = !File.exists?(archive) out = File.open(archive, "w") begin run_command( File.join( Machinery::HELPER_REMOTE_PATH, "machinery-helper" ), "tar", "--create", "--gzip", "--null", "--files-from=-", *exclude.flat_map { |f| ["--exclude", f] }, stdout: out, stdin: Array(file_list).join("\0"), stderr: STDERR ) rescue Cheetah::ExecutionFailed => e if e.status.exitstatus == 1 # The tarball has been created successfully but some files were changed # on disk while being archived, so we just log the warning and go on Machinery.logger.info e.stderr else raise end end out.close File.chmod(0600, archive) if created end def requires_root? false end private def validate_image_name(image) images = LoggedCheetah.run("docker", "images", stdout: :capture).split("\n") if !images.find { |i| i.start_with?("#{image} ") || i.index(" #{image} ") } raise Machinery::Errors::InspectionFailed.new( "Unknown docker image: '#{image}'" ) end end end