require 'metaheader/version' require 'stringio' # Parser for metadata header in plain-text files # @example # mh = MetaHeader.parse '@hello world' # puts mh[:hello] class MetaHeader # Allow a tag to be omitted when validating in strict mode. OPTIONAL = # Ensure a tag exists during validation. REQUIRED = # The tag cannot hold a value beside true or false during validation. BOOLEAN = # The tag must have a string value (non-boolean tag) during validation. VALUE = # Don't allow multiline values during validation. SINGLELINE = # Create a new instance from the contents of a file. # @param path [String] path to the file to be read # @return [MetaHeader] def self.from_file(path) {|file| self.parse file } end # Construct a MetaHeader object and parse every tags found in the input up to # the first newline. # @param input [String, IO, StringIO] # @return [MetaHeader] def self.parse(input) mh = mh.parse input mh end # Construct a blank MetaHeader object def initialize @data = {} end # Parse every tags found in the input up to the first newline. # @param input [String, IO, StringIO] # @return [Integer] Character position of the first content line in the input # data following the header. def parse(input) if input.is_a? String input = input.encode universal_newline: true end @last_tag = nil @empty_lines = 0 content_offset = 0 input.each_line do |line| full_line_size = line.size # parse_line can trim the line continue = parse_line line content_offset += full_line_size if continue || line.empty? break unless continue end content_offset end # Returns the value of a tag by its name, or nil if not found. # @param key [Symbol] tag name # @param default [Object] value to return if key doesn't exist # @return [Object, nil] def [](key, default = nil) if tag = @data[key] tag.value else default end end # Replaces the value of a tag. # @param value the new value # @return [Object] value def []=(key, value) raise ArgumentError, 'value cannot be nil' if value.nil? @data[key] ||= key @data[key].value = value end # Returns how many tags were found in the input. # @return [Integer] def size @data.size end # Whether any tags were found in the input. # @return [Boolean] def empty? @data.empty? end # Whether a tag was found in the input. # @param tag [Symbol] the tag to lookup # @return [Boolean] def has?(tag) @data.has_key? tag end # Removes a given tag from the list. # @param tag [Symbol] the tag to remove def delete(tag) @data.delete tag end # Make a hash from the parsed data # @return [Hash] def to_h Hash[ {|name, tag| [name, tag.value] }] end # Makes a human-readable representation of the current instance. # @return [String] def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{to_h}>" end # Validates parsed data according to a custom set of rules. # A rule can be one of the predefined constants, a regex, a proc or a # method (returing nil if the tag is valid or an error string otherwise). # @example # mh = "@hello world\n@chunky bacon" # mh.validate \ # hello: [MetaHeader::REQUIRED, MetaHeader::SINGLELINE, /\d/], # chunky: proc {|value| 'not bacon' unless value == 'bacon' } # @param rules [Hash] :tag_name => rule or [rule1, rule2, ...] # @param strict [Boolean] Whether to report unknown tags as errors # @return [Array] List of error messasges # @see OPTIONAL # @see REQUIRED # @see BOOLEAN # @see VALUE # @see SINGLELINE def validate(rules, strict = false) errors = [] if strict @data.each {|key, tag| errors << "unknown tag '%s'" % unless rules.has_key? key } end rules.each_pair {|key, rule| if key_error = validate_key(key, rule) errors << key_error end } errors end # Rename one or more tags. # @param old [Symbol, Array, Hash] # @param new [Symbol] Ignored if old is a Hash # @example # mh.alias :old, :new # mh.alias [:old1, :old2], :new # mh.alias old1: :new1, old2: :new2 def alias(old, new = nil) if old.is_a? Hash old.each {|k, v| self.alias k, v } else Array(old).each {|tag| @data[new] = delete tag if has? tag } end end private # @api private Tag = :name, :value REGEX = /\A(?.*?) (?:@(?\w+)|(?[\w][\w\s]*?)\s*(?:)) (?:\s*(?[^\n]+))? \Z/x.freeze def parse_line(line) line.chomp! line.encode! Encoding::UTF_8, invalid: :replace # multiline value must have the same line prefix as the key if @last_tag && line.start_with?(@last_prefix.rstrip) if append line return true else @last_tag = nil end end line.rstrip! return false if @empty_lines > 0 return !line.empty? unless match = REGEX.match(line) # single line @last_prefix = match[:prefix] @raw_value = match[:value] value = parse_value @raw_value @last_tag = match[:key].freeze, value @line_breaks = 0 @block_indent = nil # disable implicit values with the alternate syntax register @last_tag unless match[:alt] && match[:value].nil? # ok, give me another line! true end def register(tag) return if has? tag key =[^\w]/, '_').to_sym @data[key] = tag end # handle multiline tags def append(line) prefix = line.rstrip if prefix == @last_prefix.rstrip @line_breaks += 1 @empty_lines += 1 if prefix.empty? return true # add the line break later elsif line.start_with? @last_prefix mline = line[@last_prefix.size..-1] if @block_indent if mline.start_with? @block_indent stripped = mline[@block_indent.size..-1] else return end else stripped = mline.lstrip indent_level = mline.index stripped return if indent_level < 1 @block_indent = mline[0, indent_level] end else return end # add the tag if it uses the alternate syntax and has no value register @last_tag @last_tag.value = @raw_value.to_s unless @last_tag.value.is_a? String @line_breaks += 1 unless @last_tag.value.empty? @last_tag.value += "\n" * @line_breaks @line_breaks = @empty_lines = 0 @last_tag.value += stripped end def parse_value(value) case value when 'true' value = true when 'false' value = false when nil value = true when String value = nil if value.empty? end value end def validate_key(key, rules) rules = Array(rules) return if rules.empty? unless @data.has_key? key if rules.include? REQUIRED return "missing tag '%s'" % key else return nil end end tag = @data[key] str_value = tag.value str_value = if str_value == true rules.each {|rule| case rule when REQUIRED, OPTIONAL # nothing to do here: REQUIRED is handled in the code above when SINGLELINE if str_value.include? "\n" return "tag '%s' must be singleline" % end when VALUE if str_value.empty? return "missing value for tag '%s'" % end when BOOLEAN unless [TrueClass, FalseClass].include? tag.value.class return "tag '%s' cannot have a value" % end when Regexp unless rule.match str_value return "invalid value for tag '%s'" % end when Proc, Method if error = return "invalid value for tag '%s': %s" % [, error] end else raise ArgumentError, "unsupported validator #{rule}" end } nil end end