# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength require "rails/generators" require_relative "generator_messages" require_relative "generator_helper" module ReactOnRails module Generators class BaseGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include GeneratorHelper Rails::Generators.hide_namespace(namespace) source_root(File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__)) # --redux class_option :redux, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Install Redux gems and Redux version of Hello World Example", aliases: "-R" def add_hello_world_route route "get 'hello_world', to: 'hello_world#index'" end def update_git_ignore data = <<-DATA.strip_heredoc # React on Rails npm-debug.log* node_modules # Generated js bundles /public/webpack/* DATA if dest_file_exists?(".gitignore") append_to_file(".gitignore", data) else GeneratorMessages.add_error(setup_file_error(".gitignore", data)) end end def create_react_directories dirs = %w(components containers startup) dirs.each { |name| empty_directory("client/app/bundles/HelloWorld/#{name}") } end def copy_base_files base_path = "base/base/" base_files = %w(app/controllers/hello_world_controller.rb config/webpacker_lite.yml client/.babelrc client/webpack.config.js client/REACT_ON_RAILS_CLIENT_README.md) base_files.each { |file| copy_file("#{base_path}#{file}", file) } end def template_base_files base_path = "base/base/" %w(app/views/layouts/hello_world.html.erb config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb Procfile.dev client/package.json).each { |file| template("#{base_path}#{file}.tt", file) } end def template_package_json if dest_file_exists?("package.json") add_yarn_postinstall_script_in_package_json else template("base/base/package.json", "package.json") end end def add_base_gems_to_gemfile append_to_file("Gemfile", "\ngem 'mini_racer', platforms: :ruby\ngem 'webpacker_lite'\n") end ASSETS_RB_APPEND = <<-DATA.strip_heredoc # Add client/assets/ folders to asset pipeline's search path. # If you do not want to move existing images and fonts from your Rails app # you could also consider creating symlinks there that point to the original # rails directories. In that case, you would not add these paths here. # If you have a different server bundle file than your client bundle, you'll # need to add it here, like this: # Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( server-bundle.js ) # Add folder with webpack generated assets to assets.paths Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("public", "webpack", Rails.env) DATA def append_to_assets_initializer assets_initializer = File.join(destination_root, "config/initializers/assets.rb") if File.exist?(assets_initializer) append_to_file(assets_initializer, ASSETS_RB_APPEND) else create_file(assets_initializer, ASSETS_RB_APPEND) end end def append_to_spec_rails_helper rails_helper = File.join(destination_root, "spec/rails_helper.rb") if File.exist?(rails_helper) add_configure_rspec_to_compile_assets(rails_helper) else spec_helper = File.join(destination_root, "spec/spec_helper.rb") if File.exist?(spec_helper) add_configure_rspec_to_compile_assets(spec_helper) else GeneratorMessages.add_info( <<-MSG.strip_heredoc Did not find spec/rails_helper.rb or spec/spec_helper.rb to add # Ensure that if we are running js tests, we are using latest webpack assets # This will use the defaults of :js and :server_rendering meta tags ReactOnRails::TestHelper.configure_rspec_to_compile_assets(config) MSG ) end end end CONFIGURE_RSPEC_TO_COMPILE_ASSETS = <<-STR.strip_heredoc RSpec.configure do |config| # Ensure that if we are running js tests, we are using latest webpack assets # This will use the defaults of :js and :server_rendering meta tags ReactOnRails::TestHelper.configure_rspec_to_compile_assets(config) STR def print_helpful_message message = <<-MSG.strip_heredoc What to do next: - Include your webpack assets to your application layout. <%= javascript_pack_tag 'main' %> - Ensure your bundle and yarn installs of dependencies are up to date. bundle && yarn - Run the foreman command to start the rails server and run webpack in watch mode. foreman start -f Procfile.dev - Visit http://localhost:3000/hello_world and see your React On Rails app running! MSG GeneratorMessages.add_info(message) end private def add_yarn_postinstall_script_in_package_json client_package_json = File.join(destination_root, "package.json") contents = File.read(client_package_json) postinstall = %("postinstall": "cd client && yarn install") if contents =~ /"scripts" *:/ replacement = <<-STRING "scripts": { #{postinstall}, STRING regexp = / {2}"scripts": {/ else regexp = /^{/ replacement = <<-STRING { "scripts": { #{postinstall} }, STRING end contents.gsub!(regexp, replacement) File.open(client_package_json, "w+") { |f| f.puts contents } end # From https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4c940b2dbfb457f67c6250b720f63501d74a45fd/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator.rb def app_name @app_name ||= (defined_app_const_base? ? defined_app_name : File.basename(destination_root)) .tr('\\', "").tr(". ", "_") end def defined_app_name defined_app_const_base.underscore end def defined_app_const_base Rails.respond_to?(:application) && defined?(Rails::Application) && Rails.application.is_a?(Rails::Application) && Rails.application.class.name.sub(/::Application$/, "") end alias defined_app_const_base? defined_app_const_base def app_const_base @app_const_base ||= defined_app_const_base || app_name.gsub(/\W/, "_").squeeze("_").camelize end def app_const @app_const ||= "#{app_const_base}::Application" end def add_configure_rspec_to_compile_assets(helper_file) search_str = "RSpec.configure do |config|" gsub_file(helper_file, search_str, CONFIGURE_RSPEC_TO_COMPILE_ASSETS) end end end end