module Aws module Cfn module Compiler module Load # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_file_set(want, path, exts=[]) raise "Bad call to #{}.get_file_set: want == nil" unless want @logger.debug "Look for #{} in #{[path]} with #{exts} extensions" if exts.nil? exts = @config[:precedence] end file_regex=%r/^(\S+)\.(#{exts.join('|')})$/ if exts.empty? file_regex=%r/^(\S+)()$/ exts=[''] end regex = "^(#{want.join('|')})$" set = {} abs = File.expand_path(path) abs = path unless @config[:expandedpaths] raise "Oops! Does '#{path}' directory exist?" unless #abs = File.realpath(abs) begin Dir.glob("#{abs}/*").each{ |f| match = File.basename(f).match(file_regex) if match name = match[1] ext = match[2] set[ext] = {} unless set[ext] @logger.trace "#{name} =~ #{regex}" set[ext][name] = f if name.match(regex) end } rescue RegexpError => e raise "The regular expression attempting to match resources in '#{path}' is incorrect! #{e.message}" end @logger.debug "getPathSet set=#{}" res = {} # Iterate extension sets in increasing precedence order ... # Survivor will be the most desireable version of the item # i.e. the .rb environment, role, data bag, etc. will be preferred over the .json version exts.each{ |e| h = set[e] if h h.each{ |n,f| "Ignoring #{File.basename(res[n])}" if res[n] res[n] = f } else @logger.debug "'#{e}' set is empty! (No #{path}/*.#{e} files found using precedence #{exts})" end } res end def get_brick_path(dir,rsrc,start=nil,rel=false) File.join(get_brick_dirname(dir,rsrc,start,rel),rsrc) end def get_brick_dirname(dir,rsrc,start=nil,rel=false) path = nil base = nil @config[:brick_path_list].each do |p| if rel # base = File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.join(@config[:directory], base))) base = File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.join(p, base))) else base = start || p end [dir, dir.downcase].each do |d| path = File.join(base, dir) if break end end fileglob = File.join(path,rsrc) if File.exists?(fileglob) candidates = [fileglob] else fileglob += ".*" candidates = Dir.glob(fileglob).map{ |e| if e.match(%r'\.#{@format_regex}$') e else [] end }.flatten end if and candidates.size > 0 break end end unless path @logger.error " !! error: Cannot calculate brick dirname in #{dir} for #{rsrc} with brick path: \n\t#{@config[:brick_path_list].join("\n\t")} \n" abort! end patn = path unless @config[:expandedpaths] patn = short_path(path,3) end unless @logger.error " !! error: Cannot load bricks from #{patn} with brick path: \n\t#{@config[:brick_path_list].join("\n\t")} \n(started with #{File.join(base, dir)}')" abort! end path end def short_path(path,n=2) if path patn = path.split(File::SEPARATOR)[0-n..-1] patn = patn.join(File::SEPARATOR) else path end end end end end end