# From: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/master/rails/locale/en-GB.yml --- en-GB: :true: "Yes" :false: "No" updated_at: "Updated on" created_at: "Created on" unspecified: Not specified date: abbr_day_names: - Sun - Mon - Tue - Wed - Thu - Fri - Sat abbr_month_names: - - Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec day_names: - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday formats: default: "%d-%b-%Y" long: "%a %d %b %Y" short: "%d %b" compact: "%d-%b-%y" month_names: - - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December order: - :day - :month - :year datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour other: about %{count} hours about_x_months: one: about 1 month other: about %{count} months about_x_years: one: about 1 year other: about %{count} years almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year other: almost %{count} years half_a_minute: half a minute less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute other: less than %{count} minutes less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second other: less than %{count} seconds over_x_years: one: over 1 year other: over %{count} years x_days: one: 1 day other: "%{count} days" x_minutes: one: 1 minute other: "%{count} minutes" x_months: one: 1 month other: "%{count} months" x_seconds: one: 1 second other: "%{count} seconds" prompts: day: Day hour: Hour minute: Minute month: Month second: Seconds year: Year number: currency: format: delimiter: "," format: "%u%n" precision: 2 separator: "." significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false unit: "£" format: delimiter: "," precision: 3 separator: "." significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false human: decimal_units: format: "%n %u" units: billion: Billion million: Million quadrillion: Quadrillion thousand: Thousand trillion: Trillion unit: '' format: delimiter: '' precision: 3 significant: true strip_insignificant_zeros: true storage_units: format: "%n %u" units: byte: one: Byte other: Bytes gb: GB kb: KB mb: MB tb: TB percentage: format: delimiter: '' precision: format: delimiter: '' support: array: last_word_connector: ", and " two_words_connector: " and " words_connector: ", " time: am: am formats: default: "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M" long: "%d %B, %Y %H:%M" short: "%d %b %H:%M" time: "%H:%M" pm: pm