require 'spec_helper' module Alchemy describe "Page creation" do before { authorize_user(:as_admin) } describe "overlay GUI" do context "without having a Page in the clipboard" do it "does not contain tabs" do visit new_admin_page_path within('#main_content') { expect(page).to_not have_selector('#overlay_tabs') } end end context "when having a Page in the clipboard" do before do expect(Page).to receive(:all_from_clipboard_for_select).and_return [build_stubbed(:page)] end it "contains tabs for creating a new page and pasting from clipboard" do visit new_admin_page_path within('#overlay_tabs') { expect(page).to have_selector '#create_page_tab, #paste_page_tab' } end context "", js: true do before do visit admin_pages_path page.first(:link, 'Create a new subpage').click end it "the create page tab is visible by default" do within('#overlay_tabs') do expect(find '#create_page_tab').to be_visible expect(find '#paste_page_tab').to_not be_visible end end context "when clicking on an inactive tab" do it "shows that clicked tab" do within('#overlay_tabs') do click_link('Paste from clipboard') expect(find '#create_page_tab').to_not be_visible expect(find '#paste_page_tab').to be_visible end end end end end end end end