require 'test_helper' class AuthenticationSanityTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest def setup Devise.sign_out_all_scopes = false end def teardown Devise.sign_out_all_scopes = false end test 'home should be accessible without sign in' do visit '/' assert_response :success assert_template 'home/index' end test 'sign in as user should not authenticate admin scope' do sign_in_as_user assert warden.authenticated?(:user) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'sign in as admin should not authenticate user scope' do sign_in_as_admin assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'sign in as both user and admin at same time' do sign_in_as_user sign_in_as_admin assert warden.authenticated?(:user) assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'sign out as user should not touch admin authentication if sign_out_all_scopes is false' do sign_in_as_user sign_in_as_admin get destroy_user_session_path assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'sign out as admin should not touch user authentication if sign_out_all_scopes is false' do sign_in_as_user sign_in_as_admin get destroy_admin_session_path assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) assert warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'sign out as user should also sign out admin if sign_out_all_scopes is true' do Devise.sign_out_all_scopes = true sign_in_as_user sign_in_as_admin get destroy_user_session_path assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'sign out as admin should also sign out user if sign_out_all_scopes is true' do Devise.sign_out_all_scopes = true sign_in_as_user sign_in_as_admin get destroy_admin_session_path assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'not signed in as admin should not be able to access admins actions' do get admins_path assert_redirected_to new_admin_session_path assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'not signed in as admin should not be able to access private route restricted to admins' do get private_path assert_redirected_to new_admin_session_path assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'signed in as user should not be able to access private route restricted to admins' do sign_in_as_user assert warden.authenticated?(:user) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) get private_path assert_redirected_to new_admin_session_path end test 'signed in as admin should be able to access private route restricted to admins' do sign_in_as_admin assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) get private_path assert_response :success assert_template 'home/private' assert_contain 'Private!' end test 'signed in as user should not be able to access admins actions' do sign_in_as_user assert warden.authenticated?(:user) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) get admins_path assert_redirected_to new_admin_session_path end test 'signed in as admin should be able to access admin actions' do sign_in_as_admin assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) get admins_path assert_response :success assert_template 'admins/index' assert_contain 'Welcome Admin' end test 'authenticated admin should not be able to sign as admin again' do sign_in_as_admin get new_admin_session_path assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to admin_root_path assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'authenticated admin should be able to sign out' do sign_in_as_admin assert warden.authenticated?(:admin) get destroy_admin_session_path assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to root_path get root_path assert_contain 'Signed out successfully' assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'unauthenticated admin does not set message on sign out' do get destroy_admin_session_path assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to root_path get root_path assert_not_contain 'Signed out successfully' end end class AuthenticationRedirectTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest test 'redirect from warden shows sign in or sign up message' do get admins_path warden_path = new_admin_session_path assert_redirected_to warden_path get warden_path assert_contain 'You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.' end test 'redirect to default url if no other was configured' do sign_in_as_user assert_template 'home/index' assert_nil session[:"user_return_to"] end test 'redirect to requested url after sign in' do get users_path assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path assert_equal users_path, session[:"user_return_to"] follow_redirect! sign_in_as_user :visit => false assert_current_url '/users' assert_nil session[:"user_return_to"] end test 'redirect to last requested url overwriting the stored return_to option' do get expire_user_path(create_user) assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path assert_equal expire_user_path(create_user), session[:"user_return_to"] get users_path assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path assert_equal users_path, session[:"user_return_to"] follow_redirect! sign_in_as_user :visit => false assert_current_url '/users' assert_nil session[:"user_return_to"] end test 'xml http requests does not store urls for redirect' do get users_path, {}, 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' => 'XMLHttpRequest' assert_equal 401, response.status assert_nil session[:"user_return_to"] end test 'redirect to configured home path for a given scope after sign in' do sign_in_as_admin assert_equal "/admin_area/home", @request.path end end class AuthenticationSessionTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest test 'destroyed account is signed out' do sign_in_as_user get '/users' User.destroy_all get '/users' assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path end test 'allows session to be set for a given scope' do sign_in_as_user get '/users' assert_equal "Cart", @controller.user_session[:cart] end test 'session id is changed on sign in' do get '/users' session_id = request.session["session_id"] get '/users' assert_equal session_id, request.session["session_id"] sign_in_as_user assert_not_equal session_id, request.session["session_id"] end end class AuthenticationWithScopesTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest test 'renders the scoped view if turned on and view is available' do swap Devise, :scoped_views => true do assert_raise Webrat::NotFoundError do sign_in_as_user end assert_match /Special user view/, response.body end end test 'renders the scoped view if turned on in an specific controller' do begin Devise::SessionsController.scoped_views = true assert_raise Webrat::NotFoundError do sign_in_as_user end assert_match /Special user view/, response.body assert !Devise::PasswordsController.scoped_views? ensure Devise::SessionsController.send :remove_instance_variable, :@scoped_views end end test 'does not render the scoped view if turned off' do swap Devise, :scoped_views => false do assert_nothing_raised do sign_in_as_user end end end test 'does not render the scoped view if not available' do swap Devise, :scoped_views => true do assert_nothing_raised do sign_in_as_admin end end end test 'uses the mapping from router' do sign_in_as_user :visit => "/as/sign_in" assert warden.authenticated?(:user) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) end test 'uses the mapping from nested devise_for call' do sign_in_as_user :visit => "/devise_for/sign_in" assert warden.authenticated?(:user) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:admin) end end class AuthenticationOthersTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest test 'uses the custom controller with the custom controller view' do get '/admin_area/sign_in' assert_contain 'Sign in' assert_contain 'Welcome to "sessions" controller!' assert_contain 'Welcome to "sessions/new" view!' end test 'render 404 on roles without routes' do get '/admin_area/password/new' assert_equal 404, response.status end test 'render 404 on roles without mapping' do assert_raise AbstractController::ActionNotFound do get '/sign_in' end end test 'sign in with script name' do assert_nothing_raised do get new_user_session_path, {}, "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/omg" fill_in "email", :with => "" end end test 'registration in xml format' do assert_nothing_raised do post user_registration_path(:format => 'xml', :user => {:email => "", :password => "invalid"} ) end end test 'does not explode when invalid user class is stored in session' do klass = User paths = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.dup begin sign_in_as_user assert warden.authenticated?(:user) Object.send :remove_const, :User ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.clear visit "/users" assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) ensure Object.const_set(:User, klass) ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.replace(paths) end end end