require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' class MyRouterSpecRouter < Router def docs_prefix; 'mydocs/foo' end def list_prefix; 'mylist/foo' end def search_prefix; 'mysearch/foo' end def check_static_cache; nil end end describe YARD::Server::Router do before do @adapter = mock_adapter @projects = @adapter.libraries['project'] end describe '#parse_library_from_path' do def parse(*args) end it "should parse library and version name out of path" do parse('project', '1.0.0').should == [@projects[0], []] end it "should parse library and use latest version if version is not supplied" do parse('project').should == [@projects[1], []] end it "should parse library and use latest version if next component is not a version" do parse('project', 'notaversion').should == [@projects[1], ['notaversion']] end it "should return nil library if no library is found" do parse('notproject').should == [nil, ['notproject']] end it "should not parse library or version if single_library == true" do @adapter.stub!(:options).and_return(:single_library => true) parse('notproject').should == [@projects[0], ['notproject']] end end describe '#route' do def route_to(route, command, *args) req = mock_request(route) router = command.should_receive(:new).and_return do |*args| @command = command.allocate @command.send(:initialize, *args) class << @command; def call(req); self end end @command end end it "should route /docs/OBJECT to object if single_library = true" do @adapter.stub!(:options).and_return(:single_library => true) route_to('/mydocs/foo/FOO', DisplayObjectCommand) end it "should route /docs" do route_to('/mydocs/foo', LibraryIndexCommand) end it "should route /docs as index for library if single_library == true" do @adapter.stub!(:options).and_return(:single_library => true) route_to('/mydocs/foo/', DisplayObjectCommand) end it "should route /docs/name/version" do route_to('/mydocs/foo/project/1.0.0', DisplayObjectCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[0] end it "should route /docs/name/ to latest version of library" do route_to('/mydocs/foo/project', DisplayObjectCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[1] end it "should route /list/name/version/class" do route_to('/mylist/foo/project/1.0.0/class', ListClassesCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[0] end it "should route /list/name/version/methods" do route_to('/mylist/foo/project/1.0.0/methods', ListMethodsCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[0] end it "should route /list/name/version/files" do route_to('/mylist/foo/project/1.0.0/files', ListFilesCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[0] end it "should route /list/name to latest version of library" do route_to('/mylist/foo/project/class', ListClassesCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[1] end it "should route /search/name/version" do route_to('/mysearch/foo/project/1.0.0', SearchCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[0] end it "should route /search/name to latest version of library" do route_to('/mysearch/foo/project', SearchCommand) @command.library.should == @projects[1] end it "should search static files for non-existent library" do route_to('/mydocs/foo/notproject', StaticFileCommand) end end end