class HashWithIndifferentAccess
def initialize data=nil
@data = {}
merge! data if data
def merge! data
data.each { |key, value| @data[convert_key(key)] = convert_value(value) }
alias_method :update, :merge!
def merge data
copy = @data
copy.merge! data
def [] key
def []= key, value
@data[convert_key(key)] = convert_value(value)
alias_method :store, :[]=
def key? name
@data.key? convert_key(name)
alias_method :include?, :key?
alias_method :has_key?, :key?
alias_method :member?, :key?
def to_json opts=nil
@data.to_json opts
def delete_if &block
def delete key
@data.delete convert_key(key)
def dig *args
list ={ |_| _.class == Symbol ? _.to_s : _ }
@data.dig *list
def clear
@data.keys.each { |key| @data.delete(key) }
def each; @data.each { |k,v| yield(k,v) }; end
def keys; @data.keys; end
def values; @data.keys; end
def to_hash; @data; end
def convert_key key
key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key
def convert_value value
value.is_a?(Hash) ? : value
# exrtacted from Rails
# class HashWithIndifferentAccess < Hash
# # Returns +true+ so that Array#extract_options! finds members of
# # this class.
# def extractable_options?
# true
# end
# def with_indifferent_access
# dup
# end
# def initialize(constructor = {})
# if constructor.respond_to?(:to_hash)
# super()
# update(constructor)
# hash = constructor.to_hash
# self.default = hash.default if hash.default
# self.default_proc = hash.default_proc if hash.default_proc
# else
# super(constructor)
# end
# end
# def default(*args)
# arg_key = args.first
# if include?(key = convert_key(arg_key))
# self[key]
# else
# super
# end
# end
# def self.[](*args)
# new.merge!(Hash[*args])
# end
# alias_method :regular_writer, :[]= unless method_defined?(:regular_writer)
# alias_method :regular_update, :update unless method_defined?(:regular_update)
# # Assigns a new value to the hash:
# #
# # hash =
# # hash[:key] = 'value'
# #
# # This value can be later fetched using either +:key+ or 'key'.
# def []=(key, value)
# regular_writer(convert_key(key), convert_value(value, for: :assignment))
# end
# alias_method :store, :[]=
# # Updates the receiver in-place, merging in the hash passed as argument:
# #
# # hash_1 =
# # hash_1[:key] = 'value'
# #
# # hash_2 =
# # hash_2[:key] = 'New Value!'
# #
# # hash_1.update(hash_2) # => {"key"=>"New Value!"}
# #
# # The argument can be either an
# # ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess or a regular +Hash+.
# # In either case the merge respects the semantics of indifferent access.
# #
# # If the argument is a regular hash with keys +:key+ and +"key"+ only one
# # of the values end up in the receiver, but which one is unspecified.
# #
# # When given a block, the value for duplicated keys will be determined
# # by the result of invoking the block with the duplicated key, the value
# # in the receiver, and the value in +other_hash+. The rules for duplicated
# # keys follow the semantics of indifferent access:
# #
# # hash_1[:key] = 10
# # hash_2['key'] = 12
# # hash_1.update(hash_2) { |key, old, new| old + new } # => {"key"=>22}
# def update(other_hash)
# if other_hash.is_a? HashWithIndifferentAccess
# super(other_hash)
# else
# other_hash.to_hash.each_pair do |key, value|
# if block_given? && key?(key)
# value = yield(convert_key(key), self[key], value)
# end
# regular_writer(convert_key(key), convert_value(value))
# end
# self
# end
# end
# alias_method :merge!, :update
# # Checks the hash for a key matching the argument passed in:
# #
# # hash =
# # hash['key'] = 'value'
# # hash.key?(:key) # => true
# # hash.key?('key') # => true
# def key?(key)
# super(convert_key(key))
# end
# alias_method :include?, :key?
# alias_method :has_key?, :key?
# alias_method :member?, :key?
# # Same as Hash#[] where the key passed as argument can be
# # either a string or a symbol:
# #
# # counters =
# # counters[:foo] = 1
# #
# # counters['foo'] # => 1
# # counters[:foo] # => 1
# # counters[:zoo] # => nil
# def [](key)
# super(convert_key(key))
# end
# # Same as Hash#fetch where the key passed as argument can be
# # either a string or a symbol:
# #
# # counters =
# # counters[:foo] = 1
# #
# # counters.fetch('foo') # => 1
# # counters.fetch(:bar, 0) # => 0
# # counters.fetch(:bar) { |key| 0 } # => 0
# # counters.fetch(:zoo) # => KeyError: key not found: "zoo"
# def fetch(key, *extras)
# super(convert_key(key), *extras)
# end
# # Returns an array of the values at the specified indices:
# #
# # hash =
# # hash[:a] = 'x'
# # hash[:b] = 'y'
# # hash.values_at('a', 'b') # => ["x", "y"]
# def values_at(*indices)
# indices.collect { |key| self[convert_key(key)] }
# end
# # Returns an array of the values at the specified indices, but also
# # raises an exception when one of the keys can't be found.
# #
# # hash =
# # hash[:a] = 'x'
# # hash[:b] = 'y'
# # hash.fetch_values('a', 'b') # => ["x", "y"]
# # hash.fetch_values('a', 'c') { |key| 'z' } # => ["x", "z"]
# # hash.fetch_values('a', 'c') # => KeyError: key not found: "c"
# def fetch_values(*indices, &block)
# indices.collect { |key| fetch(key, &block) }
# end if Hash.method_defined?(:fetch_values)
# # Returns a shallow copy of the hash.
# #
# # hash ={ a: { b: 'b' } })
# # dup = hash.dup
# # dup[:a][:c] = 'c'
# #
# # hash[:a][:c] # => nil
# # dup[:a][:c] # => "c"
# def dup
# do |new_hash|
# set_defaults(new_hash)
# end
# end
# # This method has the same semantics of +update+, except it does not
# # modify the receiver but rather returns a new hash with indifferent
# # access with the result of the merge.
# def merge(hash, &block)
# dup.update(hash, &block)
# end
# # Like +merge+ but the other way around: Merges the receiver into the
# # argument and returns a new hash with indifferent access as result:
# #
# # hash =
# # hash['a'] = nil
# # hash.reverse_merge(a: 0, b: 1) # => {"a"=>nil, "b"=>1}
# def reverse_merge(other_hash)
# super(
# end
# alias_method :with_defaults, :reverse_merge
# # Same semantics as +reverse_merge+ but modifies the receiver in-place.
# def reverse_merge!(other_hash)
# replace(reverse_merge(other_hash))
# end
# alias_method :with_defaults!, :reverse_merge!
# # Replaces the contents of this hash with other_hash.
# #
# # h = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
# # h.replace({ "c" => 300, "d" => 400 }) # => {"c"=>300, "d"=>400}
# def replace(other_hash)
# super(
# end
# # Removes the specified key from the hash.
# def delete(key)
# super(convert_key(key))
# end
# def stringify_keys!; self end
# def deep_stringify_keys!; self end
# def stringify_keys; dup end
# def deep_stringify_keys; dup end
# # undef :symbolize_keys!
# # undef :deep_symbolize_keys!
# def symbolize_keys; to_hash.symbolize_keys! end
# def deep_symbolize_keys; to_hash.deep_symbolize_keys! end
# def to_options!; self end
# def select(*args, &block)
# return to_enum(:select) unless block_given?
# dup.tap { |hash|!(*args, &block) }
# end
# def reject(*args, &block)
# return to_enum(:reject) unless block_given?
# dup.tap { |hash| hash.reject!(*args, &block) }
# end
# def transform_values(*args, &block)
# return to_enum(:transform_values) unless block_given?
# dup.tap { |hash| hash.transform_values!(*args, &block) }
# end
# def compact
# dup.tap(&:compact!)
# end
# # Convert to a regular hash with string keys.
# def to_hash
# _new_hash =
# set_defaults(_new_hash)
# each do |key, value|
# _new_hash[key] = convert_value(value, for: :to_hash)
# end
# _new_hash
# end
# private
# def convert_key(key) # :doc:
# key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key
# end
# def convert_value(value, options = {}) # :doc:
# if value.is_a? Hash
# if options[:for] == :to_hash
# value.to_hash
# else
# value.class == Hash ? : value
# end
# elsif value.is_a?(Array)
# if options[:for] != :assignment || value.frozen?
# value = value.dup
# end
#! { |e| convert_value(e, options) }
# else
# value
# end
# end
# def set_defaults(target) # :doc:
# if default_proc
# target.default_proc = default_proc.dup
# else
# target.default = default
# end
# end
# end