h3. 1.8.0 Removed unused mods_article_terminology.xml Replacing :data_type with :type; deprecating :data_type Making test related to HYDRA-647 pending Adding .type method for ruby 1.8.7 compatibility XML serialization should use the data_type node name and not type Update homepage in gemspec Remove .rvmrc Remove debugger from gemfile h3. 1.7.0 Add casting to dates and integers when you specify the :type attribute on a terminology node h3. 1.6.1 Integration spec to illustrate selective querying. Add #use_terminology and #extend_terminology methods to extend existing OM terminologies h3. 1.6.0 Delegate all methods on the dynamic node to the found values Allow arrays to be set on dynamic nodes h3. 1.5.3 HYDRA-657 OM Terms that share a name with methods on Nokogiri Builders have incorrect builder templates HYDRA-674 XML Builder templates incorrect for :none attributes h3. 1.5.2 HYDRA-742 Can't modify frozen string (parameters in rails 3.2, when using ruby 1.9.3) h3. 1.5.1 HYDRA-737 OM tests fail under ree 1.8.7-2011.12 (Fix also applies to ruby 1.8.7-p357) h3. 1.5.0 HYDRA-358 Added support for namespaceless terminologies h3. 1.4.4 HYDRA-415 https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/HYDRA-415 Fixed insert of attribute nodes update to rspec2 compatibility fixes for ruby 1.9 RedCloth updated to 4.2.9 Replace local 'delimited_list' logic with Array#join h3. 1.4.3 HYDRA-681 https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/HYDRA-681 Om was calling .dirty when updating nodes, it should only do that when it's operating on a Nokogiri:Datastream HYDRA-682 https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/HYDRA-682 Om first level terms support update h3. 1.4.2 "HYDRA-667":https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/HYDRA-667 Fixed bug where updating nodes wasn't marking the document as dirty h3. 1.4.0 Added dynamic node access DSL. Added a warning when calling an index on a proxy term. h3. 1.3.0 Document automatically includes Validation module, meaning that you can now call .validate on any document h3. 1.2.4 TerminologyBuilder.root now passes on its options to the root term builder that it creates. h3. 1.2.3 NamedTermProxies can now point to terms at the root of a Terminology h3. 1.2.0 added OM::XML::TemplateRegistry for built-in templating and creation of new XML nodes h3. 1.1.1 "HYDRA-395":https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/HYDRA-395: Fixed bug that prevented you from appending term values with apostrophes in them h2. 1.1.0 HYDRA-371: Provide a way to specify a term that points to nodes where an attribute is not set Add support for this syntax in Terminologies, where an attribute value can be :none. When an attribute's value is set to :none, a not() predicate is used in the resulting xpath t.computing_id(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>:none}) will result in an xpath that looks like: //namePart[not(@type)] namePart[not(@type)] h3. 1.0.1 HYDRA-329: Allow for NamedTermProxies at root of Terminology h2. 1.0.0 Stable release h3. 0.1.10 Improving generation of constrained xpath queries h3. 0.1.9 Improving support for deeply nested nodes (still needs work though) h3. 0.1.5 * root_property now inserts an entry into the properties hash * added .generate method for building new instances of declared properties * refinements to accessor_xpath h3. 0.1.4 * made attribute_xpath idempotent h3. 0.1.3 * added accessor_generic_name and accessor_hierarchical_name methods h3. 0.1.2 * changed syntax for looking up accessors with (optional) index values -- no using [{:person=>1}, :first_name] instead of [:person, 1, :first_name] h3. 0.1.1 RENAMED to om (formerly opinionated-xml) * broke up functionality into Modules * added OM::XML::Accessor functionality h3. 0.1 Note: OX v.1 Does not handle treating attribute values as the changing "value" of a node