# frozen_string_literal: true a = box({ width: 333, height: 333, id: :the_boxy }) a.drag(move: false) do |event| puts "the pointer is at : #{event}" end a.color(:red) b = circle({ width: 33, height: 33, id: :the_box, drag: true }) b.parents([a.id]) b.color(:black) # b.parents([:the_boxy ]) b.drag({ move: true }) do |e| puts e end # b.drag({ move: false}) do |e| # puts e # end b.drag({ start: true}) do |e| b.color(:yellow) end b.drag({ end: true}) do |e| b.color(:orange) end # b.drag({ inertia: true }) # b.drag({ lock: :start }) b.drag({ lock: :x }) # b.drag({ remove: true }) # b.drag({ remove: false }) # b.drag({ constraint: { top: 330, left: 30, bottom: 30, right: 1 } }) b.drag({ constraint: :parent }) b.drag({ snap: { x: 100, y: 190 } }) # b.drag({ constraint: :the_boxy }) cc=circle(drag: true) cc.drag(true) do |ee| puts "the circle is : >#{cc.left} : #{ee}" end cc.drag(:end) do |ee| puts "the circle is ending drag : >#{cc.left} : #{ee}" end cc.drag(:start) do |ee| puts "==> the circle is starting drag : >#{cc.left} : #{ee}" end cc.touch(true) do # alert cc.left puts "===>cc is : >#{cc}" end bb=box({drag: true, color: :yellow}) bb.attach(cc.id) # alert"#{b.parents.class} : #{b.parents}" a.touch(true) do puts cc.left end # Sticky box sticky_box=box({left: 633}) sticky_box.text("my position will be reverted") start_x_pos=sticky_box.left start_y_pos=sticky_box.top sticky_box.drag(move: true) do puts sticky_box.left end sticky_box.drag(:start) do puts "start => #{sticky_box.left} : #{sticky_box.top}" end sticky_box.drag(:end) do puts "end => #{sticky_box.left} : #{sticky_box.top}" sticky_box.left(start_x_pos) sticky_box.top(start_y_pos) end