/* * chess - a fast library to play chess in Ruby * * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Enrico Pilotto * This code is under LICENSE LGPLv3 */ #include "game.h" static Board STARTING_BOARD; void init_chess_library () { init_board (&STARTING_BOARD); precalculate_all_xray (); } Game* init_game () { Game *g = NEW_GAME; g->current = 0; g->result = IN_PROGRESS; return g; } // Free memory of a game void free_game (Game *g) { int i; for (i = 0; i < g->current; i++) { free (g->boards[i]); free (g->moves[i]); free (g->coord_moves[i]); } free (g); } Board* current_board (Game *g) { if (g->current > 0) return g->boards[g->current-1]; return &STARTING_BOARD; } Board* get_board (Game *g, int index) { if (index < 0) return &STARTING_BOARD; if (index < g->current) return g->boards[index]; return 0; } char* current_move (Game *g) { if (g->current > 0) return g->moves[g->current-1]; return 0; } char* current_full_move (Game *g) { if (g->current > 0) return g->coord_moves[g->current-1]; return 0; } bool apply_move (Game *g, int from, int to, char promote_in) { if (g->result != IN_PROGRESS) return FALSE; Board *board = current_board (g); Board *new_board = NEW_BOARD; char capture = 0; char *move_done = castling (board, castling_type (board, from, to), new_board); if (!move_done) // If move is not a castling { if (!try_move (board, from, to, promote_in, new_board, &move_done, &capture)) { free (new_board); return FALSE; } } // Ok move is legal, update the game update_castling (new_board, from); update_en_passant (new_board, from, to); if (new_board->active_color) new_board->fullmove_number++; new_board->active_color = !new_board->active_color; if (capture || toupper (board->placement[from]) == 'P') new_board->halfmove_clock = 0; else new_board->halfmove_clock++; g->boards[g->current] = new_board; g->moves[g->current] = move_done; g->coord_moves[g->current] = ft_to_coord_move (from, to, promote_in); g->current++; // Test check or checkmate of opponent king if (king_in_check (new_board, new_board->active_color)) { if (king_in_checkmate (new_board, new_board->active_color)) { strcat (move_done, "#"); g->result = !new_board->active_color; } else strcat (move_done, "+"); } // Test insufficient material else if (insufficient_material (new_board)) g->result = DRAW; // Test stalemate else if (stalemate (new_board, new_board->active_color)) g->result = DRAW; return TRUE; } void rollback (Game *g) { if (g->current > 0) { g->result = IN_PROGRESS; g->current--; free (g->boards[g->current]); free (g->moves[g->current]); free (g->coord_moves[g->current]); } } bool threefold_repetition (Game *g) { if (g->current < 6) // Minimum moves to get a threefold repetition return FALSE; char placement[65]; char turn; char *fen, *castling, *ep; char* s[g->current + 1]; s[0] = (char *) malloc (80); strcpy (s[0], "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"); int i, j; bool found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < g->current; i++) { fen = to_fen (g->boards[i]); for (j = 0; fen[j] != ' '; j++) placement[j] = fen[j]; placement[j] = '\0'; s[i+1] = (char *) malloc (80); turn = g->boards[i]->active_color ? 'b' : 'w'; castling = castling_to_s (g->boards[i]->castling); ep = en_passant_to_s (g->boards[i]->en_passant); sprintf (s[i+1], "%s %c %s %s", placement, turn, castling, ep); free (fen); free (castling); free (ep); } qsort (s, g->current + 1, sizeof (char *), compare); for (i = 0; i < g->current - 1; i++) { if (strcmp (s[i], s[i+1]) == 0 && strcmp (s[i], s[i+2]) == 0) { found = TRUE; break; } free (s[i]); } free (s[g->current]); free (s[g->current-1]); return found; } /* A FEN string is composed of 6 parts separated by " " (space). 1. Piece placement (from white's perspective). 2. Active color. "w" means white moves next, "b" means black. 3. Castling availability. If neither side can castle, this is "-". 4. En passant target square in algebraic notation. If there's no en passant target square, this is "-". 5. Halfmove clock: this is the number of halfmoves since the last pawn advance or capture. 6. Fullmove number: the number of the full move. It starts at 1, and is incremented after black's move. */ void set_fen (Game *g, const char *fen) { Board *board = NEW_BOARD; int i = 0, j, k, square; char *pch; char *s = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char) * (strlen (fen) + 1)); strcpy (s, fen); // Init board memset (board->placement, '\0', 64); board->pawns[WHITE] = 0x0; board->pawns[BLACK] = 0x0; board->rooks[WHITE] = 0x0; board->rooks[BLACK] = 0x0; board->knights[WHITE] = 0x0; board->knights[BLACK] = 0x0; board->bishops[WHITE] = 0x0; board->bishops[BLACK] = 0x0; board->queens[WHITE] = 0x0; board->queens[BLACK] = 0x0; board->king[WHITE] = 0x0; board->king[BLACK] = 0x0; pch = strtok (s, " /"); while (pch != NULL) { if (i < 8) { for (j = 0, k = 0; j < (int) strlen (pch); j++) { if (pch[j] - 48 > 8) { square = (abs (i - 7) * 8) + k; switch (pch[j]) { case 'P': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->pawns[WHITE] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'p': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->pawns[BLACK] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'R': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->rooks[WHITE] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'r': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->rooks[BLACK] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'N': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->knights[WHITE] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'n': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->knights[BLACK] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'B': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->bishops[WHITE] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'b': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->bishops[BLACK] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'Q': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->queens[WHITE] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'q': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->queens[BLACK] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'K': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->king[WHITE] ^= 1ULL << square; break; case 'k': board->placement[square] = pch[j]; board->king[BLACK] ^= 1ULL << square; break; } k++; } else k += pch[j] - 48; } } else if (i == 8) { board->active_color = pch[0] == 'b'; } else if (i == 9) { board->castling = 0x0000; for (j = 0; j < (int) strlen (pch); j++) { switch (pch[j]) { case 'K': board->castling |= 0x1000; break; case 'Q': board->castling |= 0x0100; break; case 'k': board->castling |= 0x0010; break; case 'q': board->castling |= 0x0001; break; } } } else if (i == 10) { board->en_passant = coord_to_square (pch); } else if (i == 11) { board->halfmove_clock = atoi (pch); } else if (i == 12) { board->fullmove_number = atoi (pch); } i++; pch = strtok (NULL, " /"); } set_occupied (board); g->boards[g->current] = board; g->moves[g->current] = (char *) malloc (11); g->coord_moves[g->current] = (char *) malloc (11); strcpy (g->moves[g->current], "SET BY FEN"); strcpy (g->coord_moves[g->current], "SET BY FEN"); g->current++; // check result if (king_in_checkmate (board, board->active_color)) g->result = !board->active_color; else if (stalemate (board, board->active_color) || insufficient_material (board)) g->result = DRAW; free (s); } /////////////////////////////////// // MAIN (only for internal test) // /////////////////////////////////// int main () { // Valgrind run init_chess_library (); int i, from, to; for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Game *g = init_game (); Board *board; char *fen; // 1. e4 a6 2. Bc4 a5 3. Qh5 a4 4. Qxf7# board = current_board (g); get_coord (board, 'P', "e", "e4", 0, &from, &to); pseudo_legal_move (board, from, to); apply_move (g, from, to, 0); fen = to_fen (board); free (fen); board = current_board (g); get_coord (board, 'P', "a", "a6", 0, &from, &to); pseudo_legal_move (board, from, to); apply_move (g, from, to, 0); fen = to_fen (current_board (g)); free (fen); board = current_board (g); get_coord (board, 'B', "", "c4", 0, &from, &to); pseudo_legal_move (board, from, to); apply_move (g, from, to, 0); fen = to_fen (current_board (g)); free (fen); board = current_board (g); get_coord (board, 'P', "a", "a5", 0, &from, &to); pseudo_legal_move (board, from, to); apply_move (g, from, to, 0); fen = to_fen (current_board (g)); free (fen); board = current_board (g); get_coord (board, 'Q', "", "h5", 0, &from, &to); pseudo_legal_move (board, from, to); apply_move (g, from, to, 0); fen = to_fen (current_board (g)); free (fen); board = current_board (g); get_coord (board, 'P', "a", "a4", 0, &from, &to); pseudo_legal_move (board, from, to); apply_move (g, from, to, 0); fen = to_fen (current_board (g)); free (fen); board = current_board (g); get_coord (board, 'Q', "", "f7", 0, &from, &to); pseudo_legal_move (board, from, to); apply_move (g, from, to, 0); fen = to_fen (current_board (g)); free (fen); free_game (g); } return 0; }