#Networking (neutron)
This document explains how to get started using Networking with Fog. It assumes you have read the [Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud](getting_started.md) document.
## Starting irb console
Start by executing the following command:
Once `irb` has launched you need to require the Fog library.
If using Ruby 1.8.x execute:
require 'rubygems'
require 'fog'
If using Ruby 1.9.x execute:
require 'fog'
## Create Service
Next, create a connection to Rackspace's Networking API:
Using a US-based account:
service = Fog::Rackspace::Networking.new({
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key
:rackspace_region => :ord, # Defaults to :dfw
Using a UK-based account:
service = Fog::Compute.new({
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key
:rackspace_auth_url => Fog::Rackspace::UK_AUTH_ENDPOINT,
:rackspace_region => :lon,
To learn more about obtaining cloud credentials refer to the [Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud](getting_started.md) document.
By default `Fog::Rackspace::Networking` will authenticate against the US authentication endpoint and connect to the DFW region. You can specify alternative authentication endpoints using the key `:rackspace_auth_url`. Please refer to [Alternate Authentication Endpoints](http://docs.rackspace.com/auth/api/v2.0/auth-client-devguide/content/Endpoints-d1e180.html) for a list of alternative Rackspace authentication endpoints.
Alternative regions are specified using the key `:rackspace_region `. A list of regions available for Cloud Servers can be found by executing the following:
identity_service = Fog::Identity({
:provider => 'Rackspace', # Rackspace Fog provider
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key
:rackspace_auth_url => Fog::Rackspace::UK_AUTH_ENDPOINT # Not specified for US Cloud
identity_service.service_catalog.display_service_regions :cloudServersOpenStack
### Optional Connection Parameters
Fog supports passing additional connection parameters to its underlying HTTP library (Excon) using the `:connection_options` parameter.
Key |
Description |
:connect_timeout |
Connection timeout (default: 60 seconds) |
:read_timeout |
Read timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds) |
:write_timeout |
Write timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds) |
:proxy |
Proxy for HTTP and HTTPS connections |
:ssl_ca_path |
Path to SSL certificate authorities |
:ssl_ca_file |
SSL certificate authority file |
:ssl_verify_peer |
SSL verify peer (default: true) |
## Fog Abstractions
Fog provides both a **model** and **request** abstraction. The request abstraction provides the most efficient interface and the model abstraction wraps the request abstraction to provide a convenient `ActiveModel` like interface.
### Request Layer
The request abstraction maps directly to the [Networking API](http://docs.rackspace.com/networks/api/v2/cn-gettingstarted/content/ch_overview.html). It provides the most efficient interface to the Rackspace Networking
To see a list of requests supported by the service:
This returns:
[:list_networks, :get_network, :create_network, :delete_network, :list_virtual_interfaces, :create_virtual_interface, :delete_virtual_interface]
#### Example Request
To request a list of flavors:
response = service.list_networks
This returns in the following `Excon::Response`:
{"networks"=>[{"cidr"=>"", "id"=>"08df79ae-b714-425c-ba25-91b0a8a78b9e", "label"=>"something"}, {"cidr"=>"", "id"=>"eb3ed4b8-21d4-478e-9ae4-a35c0cc0437c", "label"=>"something"}, {"id"=>"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "label"=>"public"}, {"id"=>"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "label"=>"private"}]}, :headers=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Via"=>"1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)", "Content-Length"=>"341", "Date"=>"Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:53:41 GMT", "x-compute-request-id"=>"req-d34ab53c-45ed-433f-8a9d-b3341896b7e5", "Server"=>"Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)"}, :status=>200, :remote_ip=>"", :local_port=>60153, :local_address=>""}, @body="{\"networks\": [{\"cidr\": \"\", \"id\": \"08df79ae-b714-425c-ba25-91b0a8a78b9e\", \"label\": \"something\"}, {\"cidr\": \"\", \"id\": \"eb3ed4b8-21d4-478e-9ae4-a35c0cc0437c\", \"label\": \"something\"}, {\"id\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\", \"label\": \"public\"}, {\"id\": \"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111\", \"label\": \"private\"}]}", @headers={"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Via"=>"1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)", "Content-Length"=>"341", "Date"=>"Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:53:41 GMT", "x-compute-request-id"=>"req-d34ab53c-45ed-433f-8a9d-b3341896b7e5", "Server"=>"Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)"}, @status=200, @remote_ip="", @local_port=60153, @local_address="">
To view the status of the response:
**Note**: Fog is aware of valid HTTP response statuses for each request type. If an unexpected HTTP response status occurs, Fog will raise an exception.
To view response body:
This will return:
{"networks"=>[{"cidr"=>"", "id"=>"08df79ae-b714-425c-ba25-91b0a8a78b9e", "label"=>"something"}, {"cidr"=>"", "id"=>"eb3ed4b8-21d4-478e-9ae4-a35c0cc0437c", "label"=>"something"}, {"id"=>"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "label"=>"public"}, {"id"=>"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "label"=>"private"}]}
To learn more about Networking request methods refer to [rdoc](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/fog/Fog/Rackspace/Networking/Real). To learn more about Excon refer to [Excon GitHub repo](https://github.com/geemus/excon).
### Model Layer
Fog models behave in a manner similar to `ActiveModel`. Models will generally respond to `create`, `save`, `persisted?`, `destroy`, `reload` and `attributes` methods. Additionally, fog will automatically create attribute accessors.
Here is a summary of common model methods:
Method |
Description |
create |
Accepts hash of attributes and creates object.
Note: creation is a non-blocking call and you will be required to wait for a valid state before using resulting object.
save |
Saves object.
Note: not all objects support updating object. |
persisted? |
Returns true if the object has been persisted. |
destroy |
Destroys object.
Note: this is a non-blocking call and object deletion might not be instantaneous.
reload |
Updates object with latest state from service. |
ready? |
Returns true if object is in a ready state and able to perform actions. This method will raise an exception if object is in an error state. |
attributes |
Returns a hash containing the list of model attributes and values. |
identity |
Returns the identity of the object.
Note: This might not always be equal to object.id.
wait_for |
This method periodically reloads model and then yields to specified block until block returns true or a timeout occurs. |
The remainder of this document details the model abstraction.
## List Networks
To retrieve a list of available networks:
This returns a collection of `Fog::Rackspace::Networking::Network` models:
## Create Network
Create a network:
service.networks.create(label: "new_network", cidr: "")
## Get Network
To retrieve individual network:
service.networks.get "8a3a9f96-b997-46fd-b7a8-a9e740796ffd"
This returns an `Fog::Rackspace::Networking::Network` instance:
## Delete Network
To delete a network:
**Note**: The network is not immediately destroyed, but it does occur shortly there after.
## List Virtual Interfaces
To retrieve a list of available virtual interfaces:
service.virtual_interfaces.all(server: )
This returns a collection of `Fog::Rackspace::Networking::VirtualInterface` models:
"11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "network_label"=>"private", "address"=>""}]
"08df79ae-b714-425c-ba25-91b0a8a78b9e", "network_label"=>"new_network", "address"=>""}]
## Create Virtual Interface
Create a virtual interface:
service.virtual_interfaces.create(network: , server: )
## Delete Virtual Interface
To delete a virtual interface:
vis = service.virtual_interfaces.all(server: )
**Note**: The virtual interface is not immediately destroyed, but it does occur shortly there after.
## Examples
Example code using Networking can be found [here](https://github.com/fog/fog/tree/master/lib/fog/rackspace/examples).
## Additional Resources
* [fog.io](http://fog.io/)
* [Fog rdoc](http://rubydoc.info/gems/fog/)
* [Fog Github repo](https://github.com/fog/fog)
* [Fog Github Issues](https://github.com/fog/fog/issues)
* [Excon Github repo](https://github.com/geemus/excon)
* [Rackspace Networking API](http://docs.rackspace.com/networking/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/ch_preface.html)
## Support and Feedback
Your feedback is appreciated! If you have specific issues with the **fog** SDK, you should file an [issue via Github](https://github.com/fog/fog/issues).
For general feedback and support requests, send an email to: .