# Where should we go to lunch today? class Robut::Plugin::Lunch include Robut::Plugin # Returns a description of how to use this plugin def usage [ "lunch? / food? - #{nick} will suggest a place to go eat", "#{at_nick} lunch places - lists all the lunch places #{nick} knows about", "#{at_nick} new lunch place <place> - tells #{nick} about a new place to eat", "#{at_nick} remove lunch place <place> - tells #{nick} not to suggest <place> anymore" ] end # Replies with a random string selected from +places+. def handle(time, sender_nick, message) words = words(message) phrase = words.join(' ') # lunch? if phrase =~ /^(lunch|food)\?$/i if places.empty? reply "I don't know about any lunch places" else $stderr.puts "*************************** -> #{sender_nick}" reply choose_place(sender_nick) + "!" end # @robut lunch places elsif phrase == "lunch places" && sent_to_me?(message) if places.empty? reply "I don't know about any lunch places" else reply places.join(', ') end # @robut new lunch place Green Leaf elsif phrase =~ /new lunch place (.*)/i && sent_to_me?(message) place = $1 new_place(place) reply "Ok, I'll add \"#{place}\" to the the list of lunch places" # @robut remove luynch place Green Leaf elsif phrase =~ /remove lunch place (.*)/i && sent_to_me?(message) place = $1 remove_place(place) reply "I removed \"#{place}\" from the list of lunch places" end end def choose_place(sender_nick) excluded = sender_nick =~ /\bchu\b/i ? /\bchu\b/i : nil # excluded = sender_nick =~ /\bclemmer\b/i ? /^[^g]/i : nil valid_places = places valid_places = places.reject { |p| p =~ excluded } unless excluded.nil? return valid_places[rand(valid_places.length)] end # Stores +place+ as a new lunch place. def new_place(place) store["lunch_places"] ||= [] store["lunch_places"] = (store["lunch_places"] + Array(place)).uniq end # Removes +place+ from the list of lunch places. def remove_place(place) store["lunch_places"] ||= [] store["lunch_places"] = store["lunch_places"] - Array(place) end # Returns the list of lunch places we know about. def places store["lunch_places"] ||= [] end # Sets the list of lunch places to +v+ def places=(v) store["lunch_places"] = v end end