module SemanticLogger # Internal-use only utility functions for Semantic Logger. # Not intended for public use. module Utils def self.constantize_symbol(symbol, namespace = "SemanticLogger::Appender") klass = "#{namespace}::#{camelize(symbol.to_s)}" begin Object.const_get(klass) rescue NameError raise(ArgumentError, "Could not convert symbol: #{symbol.inspect} to a class in: #{namespace}. Looking for: #{klass}") end end # Borrow from Rails, when not running Rails def self.camelize(term) string = term.to_s string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/, &:capitalize) string.gsub!(%r{(?:_|(/))([a-z\d]*)}i) { "#{Regexp.last_match(1)}#{Regexp.last_match(2).capitalize}" } string.gsub!("/".freeze, "::".freeze) string end # Returns the visibility for an instance method def self.method_visibility(mod, method_name) method_name = method_name.to_sym if mod.instance_methods.include?(method_name) :public elsif mod.private_instance_methods.include?(method_name) :private elsif mod.protected_instance_methods.include?(method_name) :protected end end # Extract the backtrace stripping off the leading semantic logger entries. # Leaves all other system and gem path entries in place. def self.extract_backtrace(stack = caller) while (first = stack.first) && extract_path?(first) stack.shift end stack end def self.extract_paths @extract_paths ||= %w[lib/semantic_logger lib/rails_semantic_logger] end # Whether this path should be excluded from any cleansed backtrace def self.extract_path?(path) extract_paths.any? { |exclude| path.include?(exclude) } end # Try to strip everything off of the supplied backtrace, until the first application stack entry is at the top. # For example all leading gem paths and built-in ruby code paths are removed from the top. # Once the first application entry is found, the remaining stack is returned. def self.strip_backtrace(stack = caller) while (first = stack.first) && (strip_path?(first) || extract_path?(first)) stack.shift end stack end # Paths to exclude in the stripped backtrace # Includes Gems and built-in Ruby code paths def self.strip_paths @strip_paths ||= begin paths = Gem.path | [Gem.default_dir] paths << RbConfig::CONFIG["rubylibdir"] paths end end # Whether this path should be excluded from any cleansed backtrace def self.strip_path?(path) strip_paths.any? { |exclude| path.start_with?(exclude) } end end end