require 'thor' require 't/printable' require 't/rcfile' module T class Stream < Thor include T::Printable include T::Utils TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING = [ "%-18s", # Add padding to maximum length of a Tweet ID "%-12s", # Add padding to length of a timestamp formatted with ls_formatted_time "%-20s", # Add padding to maximum length of a Twitter screen name "%s", # Last element does not need special formatting ] check_unknown_options! class_option "host", :aliases => "-H", :type => :string, :default => T::Requestable::DEFAULT_HOST, :desc => "Twitter API server" class_option "no-color", :aliases => "-N", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Disable colorization in output" class_option "no-ssl", :aliases => "-U", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Disable SSL" class_option "profile", :aliases => "-P", :type => :string, :default => File.join(File.expand_path("~"), T::RCFile::FILE_NAME), :desc => "Path to RC file", :banner => "FILE" def initialize(*) @rcfile = T::RCFile.instance super end desc "all", "Stream a random sample of all Tweets (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." method_option "long", :aliases => "-l", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in long format." def all require 'tweetstream' client.on_inited do if options['csv'] require 'csv' require 'fastercsv' unless say TWEET_HEADINGS.to_csv elsif options['long'] && STDOUT.tty? headings = do |index| TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING[index] % TWEET_HEADINGS[index] end print_table([headings]) end end client.on_timeline_status do |tweet| if options['csv'] print_csv_tweet(tweet) elsif options['long'] array = build_long_tweet(tweet) do |element, index| TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING[index] % element end print_table([array], :truncate => STDOUT.tty?) else print_message(tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.text) end end client.sample end desc "matrix", "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." def matrix require 'tweetstream' client.on_timeline_status do |tweet| say(tweet.full_text.gsub("\n", ''), [:bold, :green, :on_black]) end client.sample end desc "search KEYWORD [KEYWORD...]", "Stream Tweets that contain specified keywords, joined with logical ORs (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." method_option "long", :aliases => "-l", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in long format." def search(keyword, *keywords) keywords.unshift(keyword) require 'tweetstream' require 't/search' client.on_inited do search = search.options = search.options.merge(options) search.options = search.options.merge(:reverse => true) search.options = search.options.merge(:format => TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING) search.all(keywords.join(' OR ')) end client.on_timeline_status do |tweet| if options['csv'] print_csv_tweet(tweet) elsif options['long'] array = build_long_tweet(tweet) do |element, index| TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING[index] % element end print_table([array], :truncate => STDOUT.tty?) else print_message(tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.text) end end client.track(keywords) end desc "timeline", "Stream your timeline (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." method_option "long", :aliases => "-l", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in long format." def timeline require 'tweetstream' require 't/cli' client.on_inited do cli = cli.options = cli.options.merge(options) cli.options = cli.options.merge(:reverse => true) cli.options = cli.options.merge(:format => TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING) cli.timeline end client.on_timeline_status do |tweet| if options['csv'] print_csv_tweet(tweet) elsif options['long'] array = build_long_tweet(tweet) do |element, index| TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING[index] % element end print_table([array], :truncate => STDOUT.tty?) else print_message(tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.text) end end client.userstream end desc "users USER_ID [USER_ID...]", "Stream Tweets either from or in reply to specified users (Control-C to stop)" method_option "csv", :aliases => "-c", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in CSV format." method_option "long", :aliases => "-l", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Output in long format." def users(user_id, *user_ids) user_ids.unshift(user_id)!(&:to_i) require 'tweetstream' client.on_inited do if options['csv'] require 'csv' require 'fastercsv' unless say TWEET_HEADINGS.to_csv elsif options['long'] && STDOUT.tty? headings = do |index| TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING[index] % TWEET_HEADINGS[index] end print_table([headings]) end end client.on_timeline_status do |tweet| if options['csv'] print_csv_tweet(tweet) elsif options['long'] array = build_long_tweet(tweet) do |element, index| TWEET_HEADINGS_FORMATTING[index] % element end print_table([array], :truncate => STDOUT.tty?) else print_message(tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.text) end end client.follow(user_ids) end private def client return @client if @client @rcfile.path = options['profile'] if options['profile'] @client = :consumer_key => @rcfile.active_consumer_key, :consumer_secret => @rcfile.active_consumer_secret, :oauth_token => @rcfile.active_token, :oauth_token_secret => @rcfile.active_secret ) end end end