module Plutonium module Resource class QueryObject attr_reader :search_filter, :search_query # Initializes a QueryObject with the given resource_class and parameters. # # @param resource_class [Object] The resource class. # @param params [Hash] The parameters for initialization. def initialize(resource_class, params, request_path, &) @resource_class = resource_class @params = params @request_path = request_path define_standard_queries yield self if block_given? extract_filter_params extract_sort_params end # Defines a filter with the given name and body. # # @param name [Symbol] The name of the filter. # @param body [Proc, nil] The body of the filter. def define_filter(name, body, &) filter_definitions[name] = build_query(body, &) end # Defines a scope with the given name and body. # # @param name [Symbol] The name of the scope. # @param body [Proc, nil] The body of the scope. def define_scope(name, body = nil) body ||= name scope_definitions[name] = build_query(body) end # Defines a sort with the given name and body. # # @param name [Symbol] The name of the sort. # @param body [Proc, nil] The body of the sort. def define_sorter(name, body = nil, using: nil) if body.nil? sort_field = using || determine_sort_field(name) body = ->(scope, direction:) { scope.order(sort_field => direction) } end sort_definitions[name] = build_query(body) do |query| query.input :direction end end # Defines a search filter with the given body. # # @param body [Proc, Symbol] The body of the search filter. def define_search(body) @search_filter = build_query(body) do |query| query.input :search end end # Builds a URL with the given options for search and sorting. # # @param options [Hash] The options for building the URL. # @return [String] The constructed URL with query parameters. def build_url(**options) q = {} q[:search] = options.key?(:search) ? options[:search].presence : search_query q[:scope] = options.key?(:scope) ? options[:scope].presence : selected_scope_filter q[:sort_directions] = selected_sort_directions.dup q[:sort_fields] = selected_sort_fields.dup handle_sort_options!(q, options) q.merge! params.slice(*filter_definitions.keys) query_params = deep_compact({q: q}).to_param "#{@request_path}?#{query_params}" end # Applies the defined filters and sorts to the given scope. # # @param scope [Object] The initial scope to which filters and sorts are applied. # @return [Object] The modified scope. def apply(scope, params) params = deep_compact(params.with_indifferent_access) scope = search_filter.apply(scope, search: params[:search]) if search_filter && params[:search] scope = scope_definitions[params[:scope]].apply(scope, **{}) if scope_definitions[params[:scope]] scope = apply_sorts(scope, params) apply_filters(scope, params) end def scope_definitions = @scope_definitions ||= {}.with_indifferent_access def filter_definitions = @filter_definitions ||= {}.with_indifferent_access def sort_definitions = @sort_definitions ||= {}.with_indifferent_access # Provides sorting parameters for the given field name. # # @param name [Symbol, String] The name of the field to sort. # @return [Hash, nil] The sorting parameters including URL and direction. def sort_params_for(name) return unless sort_definitions[name] { url: build_url(sort: name), reset_url: build_url(sort: name, reset: true), position: selected_sort_fields.index(name.to_s), direction: selected_sort_directions[name] } end private attr_reader :resource_class, :params, :selected_sort_fields, :selected_sort_directions, :selected_scope_filter # Defines standard queries for search and scope. def define_standard_queries define_search(:search) if resource_class.respond_to?(:search) end # Extracts filter parameters from the given params. # # @param params [Hash] The parameters to extract. def extract_filter_params @search_query = params[:search] @selected_scope_filter = params[:scope] end # Extracts sort parameters from the given params. # # @param params [Hash] The parameters to extract. def extract_sort_params @selected_sort_fields = Array(params[:sort_fields]) @selected_sort_fields &= sort_definitions.keys @selected_sort_directions = extract_sort_directions(params) end # Builds a query object based on the given body and optional block. # # @param body [Proc, Symbol] The body of the query. # @yieldparam query [Plutonium::Query::Base] The query object. # @return [Plutonium::Query::Base] The constructed query object. def build_query(body) query = case body when Symbol raise "Cannot find scope :#{body} on #{resource_class}" unless resource_class.respond_to?(body) when Proc when Plutonium::Query::Filter body else raise NotImplementedError, "Unsupported query body: #{body.class} -> #{body}" end yield query if block_given? query end # Determines the sort field for the given name. # # @param name [Symbol, String] The name of the field. # @return [Symbol] The sort field. # @raise [RuntimeError] If unable to determine sort logic. def determine_sort_field(name) if resource_class.primary_key == name.to_s || resource_class.content_column_field_names.include?(name) name elsif resource_class.belongs_to_association_field_names.include?(name) resource_class.reflect_on_association(name).foreign_key.to_sym else raise "Unable to determine sort logic for '#{name}'" end end # Extracts sort directions from the given params. # # @param params [Hash] The parameters to extract. # @return [Hash] The extracted sort directions. def extract_sort_directions(params) params[:sort_directions]&.slice(* || {} end # Handles the sort options for building the URL. # # @param query_params [Hash] The query parameters. # @param options [Hash] The options for sorting. def handle_sort_options!(query_params, options) if (sort = options[:sort]) handle_sort_reset!(query_params, sort, options[:reset]) end end # Handles the reset option for sorting. # # @param query_params [Hash] The query parameters. # @param sort [Symbol, String] The sort field. # @param reset [Boolean] Whether to reset the sort. def handle_sort_reset!(query_params, sort, reset) if reset query_params[:sort_fields].delete_if { |e| e == sort.to_s } query_params[:sort_directions].delete(sort) else query_params[:sort_fields] << sort.to_s unless query_params[:sort_fields].include?(sort.to_s) sort_direction = selected_sort_directions[sort] query_params[:sort_directions][sort] = (sort_direction == "ASC") ? "DESC" : "ASC" # else # query_params[:sort_fields].delete_if { |e| e == sort.to_s } # query_params[:sort_directions].delete(sort) # end end end # Applies the defined sorters to the given scope. # # @param scope [Object] The initial scope. # @return [Object] The modified scope. def apply_sorts(scope, params) selected_sort_directions = extract_sort_directions(params) selected_sort_fields.each do |name| next unless (sorter = sort_definitions[name]) direction = selected_sort_directions[name] || "ASC" scope = sorter.apply(scope, direction:) end scope end def apply_filters(scope, params) filter_definitions.each do |name, filter| name = name.to_sym filter_params = params[name] next if filter_params.blank? scope = filter.apply(scope, **filter_params.symbolize_keys) end scope end def deep_compact(hash) hash.transform_values do |value| if value.respond_to?(:transform_values) deep_compact(value).presence else value.presence end end.compact end end end end