/*! * Aloha Editor * Author & Copyright (c) 2010 Gentics Software GmbH * aloha-sales@gentics.com * Licensed unter the terms of http://www.aloha-editor.com/license.html * * * Aloha List Enforcer * ------------------- * Enforces a one top-level list per editable policy ;-) * This plugin will register editables and enforce lists in them. List enforced * editables will be permitted to contain, exactly one top-level element which * must be a (OL or a UL) list element. */ define( [ 'aloha', 'aloha/jquery', 'aloha/plugin', 'aloha/floatingmenu', 'aloha/console' ], function( Aloha, jQuery, Plugin, FloatingMenu, console ) { /** * An internal array of all editables inwhich to enforce lists. * * @private */ var listEnforcedEditables = []; /** * Given an editable which has been configured to enforce lists, * ensures that there is exactly one top-level list in the editable. * If there are no lists, one will be added, using the * placeHolderListString. If there is more than one list, they will be * merged into the first list. * * @private * @param {jQuery} $editable * @param {String} placeHolderListString */ function enforce ( $editable, placeHolderListString ) { // Check if this editable is configured to enforce lists if ( jQuery.inArray( $editable[ 0 ], listEnforcedEditables ) === -1 ) { return; } // Remove all temporary
s in the editable, which we may have // inserted when we activated this editable and found it empty. These //
s are needed to make the otherwise emty
  • visible (in IE). $editable.find( '.GENTICS_temporary' ).remove(); // Check for the presence of at least one non-empty list. We consider // a list to be not empty if it has atleast one item whose contents are // more than a single (propping)
    tag. var hasList = false; $editable.find( 'li' ).each( function(){ // nb: jQuery text() method returns the text contents of the // element without
    s being rendered. if ( jQuery.trim( jQuery( this ).text() ) !== '' ) { hasList = true; // Stop looking for lists as soon as we find our first // non-empty list return false; } } ); // If we found no non-empty list, then we add our empty dummy list that // the user can work with. if ( !hasList ) { $editable.html( placeHolderListString ); } // Concatinate all top-level lists into the first, before, thereby // merging all top-level lists into one. var $lists = $editable.find( '>ul,>ol' ), j = $lists.length, i; if ( j > 1 ) { var $firstList = jQuery( $lists[0] ); for ( i = 1; i < j; ++i ) { $firstList.append( jQuery( $lists[ i ] ).find( '>li' ) ); jQuery( $lists[ i ] ).remove(); } } // Remove all top-level elements which are not lists $editable.find( '>*:not(ul,ol)' ).remove(); }; return Plugin.create( 'listenforcer', { languages: [ 'en', 'de' ], _constructor: function() { this._super( 'listenforcer' ); }, /** * Initializes the listenforcer plugin: * We read the aloha configuration settings to determine which * editables are to have list enforced in them. * We bind handlers to 3 events (aloha-editable-activated, * aloha-editable-deactivated, and aloha-smart-content-changed) on * which we will process the current active editable and enfore lists * in it. */ init: function() { var that = this, elemsToEnforce = this.settings.editables || [], elemToEnforce, i, j = elemsToEnforce.length; // Register all editables that are to enforce lists. // The following types of items can be used as jQuery selectors: // String, DOMElement, and jQuery for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) { elemToEnforce = elemsToEnforce[ i ]; if ( typeof elemToEnforce === 'string' || elemToEnforce.nodeName || elemToEnforce instanceof jQuery ) { this.addEditableToEnforcementList( jQuery( elemToEnforce )[0] ); } else { console.warn( 'Aloha List Enforcer Plugin', 'Object "' + elemToEnforce.toString() + '" can not ' + 'be used as a jQuery selector with which to register' + ' an editable to be list enforced.' ); } } Aloha.bind( 'aloha-editable-activated', function( $event, params ) { enforce( params.editable.obj, '' ); } ); Aloha.bind( 'aloha-editable-deactivated', function( $event, params ) { enforce( params.editable.obj, '' ); } ); Aloha.bind( 'aloha-smart-content-changed', function( $event, params ) { // window.console.log( 'Smart content changed event' ); enforce( params.editable.obj, '' ); } ); }, /** * Registers the given editable to be list-enforced. * * @param {DOMElement} editable */ addEditableToEnforcementList: function( editable ) { if ( editable ) { listEnforcedEditables.push( editable ); } } } ); } );